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Chapter 202 Origin Wolf Queen's Awakening (5)

Chapter 202 Origin Wolf Queen's Awakening (5)

As time ticked on, May's perception of the world sharpened. The clash of steel upon steel, the rustling of leaves in the wind, and even the rhythm of her own breath became acutely pronounced. Every nuance of her surroundings was absorbed, feeding the growing reservoir of energy within her.

In the midst of the swirling chaos, May's focus intensified. She harnessed the newfound energy, silently accumulating it within her core, waiting for the opportune moment to unleash its full force. Her breath became measured, her heartbeat steady, as she honed her instincts, preparing for the imminent counterattack.

Draco, oblivious to the transformation occurring within his opponent, continued his onslaught with unyielding determination. Yet, unbeknownst to him, May's body crackled with raw power, like a coiled spring ready to be released. Her muscles tensed, her senses acutely attuned to Draco's every movement, as she patiently bided her time.

The air grew electric, an invisible current of anticipation building around May. The energy pulsated within her, an uncontainable force yearning to be unleashed. With each passing moment, her focus intensified, the world around her fading into insignificance as she prepared to seize control of the battlefield.

And then, in an instant, the moment arrived. Draco launched another furious assault, his strikes slicing through the air with deadly precision. But May was ready. In a blur of motion, she evaded his attack, her lithe form a testament to her newfound agility. And as Draco's momentum left him momentarily vulnerable, May struck.

With a surge of power that seemed to emanate from her very soul, May unleashed her surprise attack. It was a display of raw strength, fueled by the energy she had meticulously amassed. Her strike was swift and true, catching Draco off guard, as her claws tore through the air, seeking to rend his defenses.

Time seemed to slow as May's attack connected. The force behind her blow reverberated through Draco's body, his eyes widening in disbelief as pain seared through him. In that fleeting moment, the tables had turned, and the once-dominant predator found himself momentarily subdued by the ferocity of his prey.

As the dust settled, May stood before Draco, her chest heaving with exertion. Her eyes, once filled with doubt, now burned with an unwavering resolve. She had tapped into a wellspring of power that lay dormant within her, and its unleashed might would shape the outcome of their encounter.

The battleground crackled with the energy that radiated from May, the air vibrating with the intensity of her newfound strength.

"Is she awaken her true form?"

[No, it's just moon power her body absorbs and unleashes, she still has a long way to awaken her true form, it's a good thing that cat is Spiritual Artist, only Spiritual Energy can kill him]

"Wait a minute, only Spiritual Energy can kill Spiritual Artist?"

[Yes, only Spiritual Energy can kill Spiritual Artist, so host you should hurry up and become Spiritual Artist]

Ye Kai sighed and looked at Draco, who was taking deep breaths lying down on the ground his eyes were looking up to the full moon.

"Your wolfkin get power from full moon, if you get awaken and at night of full moon you will be most powerful beastkin, it's shame that we can't get you on our side, since we can't get you on our side we can't let you live and hinder our way, so you must die today," Draco calmly said and he got from the ground, all injury of his recovered an instant as he looked at May.josei

May saw Draco getting up in disbelief, she got ready and attacked Draco again without any warning, but her hand was caught by Draco and Draco crushed her hand in an instant and threw her away.

Ye Kai watched as May was thrown across the clearing, her hand crushed and mangled by Draco's powerful grip. He could see the pain and determination etched on her face as she struggled to stand, refusing to let her injuries defeat her.

The moonlight bathed the scene in a surreal glow, casting long shadows that danced around the forest. As Ye Kai's eyes darted between May and Draco, he couldn't help but wonder how much power full moon give her?

Although her body absorbed the moon's energy, Ye Kai knew that May had not yet fully awakened her true form. He held onto a flicker of hope that this battle would somehow trigger the dormant power within her, awaken her true form. If she awaken the true form then Ye Kai could complete one of his lust mission.

Ye Kai turned his gaze to Draco, who now stood confidently, his injuries miraculously healed. The chilling calmness in Draco's voice sent shivers down May's spine as he taunted May with a sense of impending doom.

With every ounce of her remaining strength, May gathered herself and launched herself at Draco once more, her determination radiating from her every movement. But this time, Ye Kai noticed a subtle change in her demeanor. There was a glimmer of something more, a flicker of raw power waiting to be unleashed.

The clash between May and Draco intensified, their movements blurring in a fierce exchange of blows. Despite the odds stacked against her, May fought with an unyielding spirit, refusing to back down. Ye Kai could sense the growing power within her, like a dormant volcano slowly awakening from its slumber.

As May unleashed a flurry of strikes, her every movement was infused with a newfound energy. A radiant aura enveloped her, pulsating with a celestial light that matched the brilliance of the moon above. It was as if the moon's power had ignited a flame within her, fueling her transformation into something extraordinary.

Ye Kai's heart swelled with hope as he witnessed the true awakening of May's hidden potential. She had tapped into the depths of her being, harnessing the moon's energy and transcending her limitations. 

Draco, caught off guard by May's sudden urge in power, faltered for the first time but he regained sense and go head on with May.

With a resounding cry, May delivered devastating blow that sent Draco hurtling through the air, crashing into a nearby tree with an earth-shattering impact. The forest trembled as the ground absorbed the force of their clash, leaving a deep crater in its wake.

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