Unlimited Items Shop System

Chapter 238 Conquer Dark Rigel Kingdom (6)

Chapter 238 Conquer Dark Rigel Kingdom (6)

"It's a ghost, host. You should learn some holy magic and kill this ghost, and also many other ghosts are on their way."

Ye Kai's brows furrowed at the sight before him. The ghost hovered in the air, emitting a bone-chilling aura. A shiver ran down his spine, urging him to take action. Resolute, he made up his mind and bought holy magic.

The ghost figure hurtled toward Ye Kai, its piercing shriek slicing through the air like a dagger. The deafening sound threatened to rupture the eardrums of any ordinary person. Yet, Ye Kai remained composed, his face a mask of determination. Extending his palm, he summoned a surge of luminous energy that erupted from his hand, colliding with the ghost just moments before it reached him.

The ghost let out a harrowing wail, its form dissipating into nothingness. Yet, as Ye Kai's gaze swept the surroundings, another ghost materialized, and then another. With unwavering resolve, he called upon the holy magic once more, banishing each ghost as it emerged. The relentless ghosts made it increasingly challenging for Ye Kai to escape from this cave.

Ye Kai heard a from his mother. She spoke of the dread that these ghost instilled in people's hearts, how their curses could doom the afflicted to a fate worse than death. A curse was said to spread like a contagion, transferred through contact with the skins. The horror of ghost had haunted countless generation and people.

However Ye Kai had always regarded such tales as mere folklore, since there wasn't any evidence to support ghost exists.

After countless generation, this new generation don't believe in ghost leaving some minority people.

Ye Kai also didn't expect to find a ghost in this cave, however because of Unlimited Items Shop System, Ye Kai wasn't suprised that ghost exist but he was surprised to find them in this cave.

Trapped within the confines of the cave, he pondered his options. Teleportation seemed the ideal means of escape, but the spiritual energy that permeated the area thwarted his attempts.

Left with no alternative, Ye Kai knew he must pass through the sea of ghost that blocked his path. However, the relentless tide of ghosts seemed endless. Physical attacks proved futile against these ghosts; only holy magic held the power to kill them.

Ye Kai upgraded his holy magic, acquiring a more potent form of holy magic. Each cast of his new upgrade magic kill twenty or so ghosts, but for every kill, a fresh wave of ghost emerged to take their place.

Exasperated, Ye Kai vented his frustration to the system, asking for a someway to pass through this.

As he struggled against the overwhelming odds, the system offered a solution.

"Host head leftward, where a mythical gourd known as the Ghost Gourd is. The broken seal of the Ghost Gourd was the source of the relentless onslaught of ghost."

"Why can't you tell this information before," Ye Kai muttered, his irritation mounting. Determined to break free from his predicament, he demolished the obstructing walls, forging a path toward the Ghost Gourd. With each step, he dispatched the ghosts that dared block his progress. the holy magic acting as a shield against their attacks.I think you should take a look at

Arriving at the site of the Ghost Gourd, Ye Kai's eyes widened at the sight. The pristine white gourd covered in a talismans, intricately arranged to contain its otherworldly inhabitants. From its crown, a dark stream flowed, materializing into ghost.

Summoning the holy magic once more, Ye Kai enveloped himself in a protective shield, its radiant glow sizzling with purifying energy. As the ghosts made contact with his shielded form, they disintegrated into nothingness.

A realization dawned upon Ye Kai, a hint of regret surfacing within him. "If only I had use this holy shield from the start and made my escape," he mused, shaking his head. Yet he decided to stay here and seal the Ghost Gourd Since he came here he might as well seal this.

With the system's capabilities, Ye Kai initiated the process of sealing the Ghost Gourd, disrupting the flow of ghostly forms that had plagued the area. With the stream of spirits stemmed, he reached out, clasping the Ghost Gourd within his hands.

A mischievous smile played upon Ye Kai's lips as his thoughts turned to Haremaru Federation. What if he released all of this ghost when they arrive in island.josei

"It won't work, although ghost are dangerous but it won't work on the people who have a spiritual energy, and majority of Haremaru Federation are Spiritual Artist," System pour cold bucket on Ye Kai plan.

"Fuck it, anyway, what's with Ghost Gourd?" Ye Kai shook his head and asked.

"Oh, it's a Gourd used to store ghost, in starting phase of this island when there wasn't any kingdom or temples, Ghost were too many in numbers, at that time there was some Daoist who's work was seal the ghost, and at that time a person created this Gourd to seal every ghost in this island, it took hundred years to store every ghost in this island." System spoke.

"Oh, so there was even more history before kingdom and temples," Ye Kai muttered and then he shook his head and walked out the cave.

When Ye Kai step out the cave, he saw a under the moonlight, a middle-aged woman stood with her hands clasped in front of her and a without any expression on her face.

She looked to be around forty-five years old but she was more striking than beautiful. Her skin was translucently pale, her nose thin, and her delicate features gave her an ethereal appearance.

She had long black hair, which was pulled back in a tight bun by one hand. The woman was already stunning before Ye Kai got close enough to see the details. In the dim light of night, every curve of her body—her arms, her waist, even her full bosom—seemed to glow with an inner light that illuminated everything around it.

A plain green long dress draped down from her shoulders and hung loosely over the rest of her body. It ended just above her ankles and looked like something a noblewoman might wear if she had been forced into traveling incognito. The neckline dipped slightly at the center of her chest; the next thing Ye Kai noticed when he got closer was that it wasn't fabric but some kind of ornate metalwork fashioned into an intricate collar.

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