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Chapter 242 Conquered Dark Rigel Kingdom (10)

Chapter 242 Conquered Dark Rigel Kingdom (10)

In the heart of an enchanting forest, nestled deep within its verdant embrace, the cold-looking handsome man, Kori, and the charming 4th prince found themselves strolling in a hushed symphony of silence. The towering sentinels of nature, adorned in misty veils, gracefully cast elongated shadows that waltzed around their figures, weaving an ethereal tapestry of unease and intrigue.

With an air of commanding purpose, Kori  assumed the lead, his steps resonating with unwavering determination. His piercing eyes, keen as the falcon's gaze, vigilantly surveyed their surroundings, penetrating the secrets concealed within the velvety depths of the shadows. A palpable aura of preternatural vigilance emanated from him as if he possessed an intimate understanding of the hidden perils that lay veiled in the forest's depths.

Following closely, the handsome prince exuded an enigmatic charisma, his allure crafted with meticulous calculation. A smile, tantalizing yet tinged with mysterious darkness, adorned his countenance. His eyes, alive with a mischievous glimmer, danced like flames, flickering from tree to tree, searching for untapped opportunities to exploit. An unsettling self-assurance coursed through his every step, revealing a mind intimately acquainted with the delicate arts of manipulation and deception.

As the duo ventured deeper into the wooded expanse, an almost tangible silence enshrouded them, broken only by the occasional rustle of leaves or the gentle susurration of the wind. As soft as whispers, their footfalls graced the moss-covered ground, a veil of secrecy veiling their presence from any unsuspecting prey that might have ventured near.

Kori's chiseled and unyielding features remained an embodiment of stoic resolve. His gaze locked steadfastly ahead, seemed to penetrate the very fabric of their path. Meanwhile, the handsome prince's eyes flickered with anticipation, revealing glimpses of an inner fire that burned with desires yet to be fulfilled. A sly smile appeared at the thought of Dark Yer Herb.

Ye Kai observed the enigmatic duo from a distance, his countenance awash with a twisted smile, anticipation coursing through his veins like electric currents. He thought of his three years of arduous training for Kori, eager to learn the value of his three years of training.

Ye Kai fought against the Martial Arts Emperor High Grade and killed them like a person killing an ant.

It became boring, so he stopped his training, and now he wanted to fight a spiritual artist, to know how strong a spiritual artist was and how strong he got.

Ye Kai's smile widened, and he sprang into action without warning. In the blink of an eye, he materialized before the 4th prince, his killing intent palpable in the air. His sword, an extension of his burning determination, arced toward the prince's exposed neck in a swift and deadly motion. Yet, to his surprise, he felt no resistance, only the emptiness of the void, as if his blade had traversed an ethereal mirage.

In the next instant, the 4th prince, rescued by Kori's timely intervention, reappeared unharmed; his eyes widened in a mix of fear and relief. The once-confident face shattered, replaced by beads of sweat dotting his brow. He inhaled deeply, seeking solace in the reassurance of each breath, gradually reclaiming the fragments of composure he had lost.

Ye Kai's disappointment flickered momentarily, but he quickly shook it off, realizing his lack of interest in the prince from the very beginning. His gaze shifted, fixating on Kori, who stood there, an embodiment of icy composure amidst the tumultuous currents of chaos.I think you should take a look at

Kori's frigid, unwavering gaze met Ye Kai's, and in a voice as cold as winter's frost, he demanded, "Who are you?"

The 4th prince, catching the icy edge in Kori's voice, diverted his attention toward the enigmatic figure before him. A flicker of life coursed through his veins once more, dispelling the lingering tendrils of fear, restoring calm face amidst the fierce encounter.

A smile curved Ye Kai's lips, his eyes glittering. "Ah, have you not heard the name Ye Kai?" he uttered, his voice imbued with a note of amusement as if inviting Kori into the enigmatic dance that awaited them.

Ye Kai knew Kori must have heard his name. After all, he was once he rescued all those chosen ones Morimo captured.

In an instant, Kori closed the distance, bridging the gap between them with an explosive burst of movement. His fist, propelled by an explosive force, aimed unrelenting at Ye Kai's visage as if seeking to shatter the very mask that concealed the depths of his being.

Ye Kai, instinctively backstepping, positioned his sword defensively, his body swaying in a fluid motion. The clash of their opposing energies echoed through the forest, a cacophonous symphony that roused the primal instincts of the creatures dwelling within. The majesty of nature quivered as if fearful of the maelstrom brewing within the confines of this ancient grove, and the world held its breath in awe.

Trees buckled and shattered, their towering forms rending asunder, while the very earth beneath their feet groaned under the weight of their power. The air crackled with the clash of their opposing forces, a clash that seemed to transcend the boundaries of mortal comprehension.

As the clash between Kori and Ye Kai intensified, the forest bore witness to a dazzling spectacle of skill and determination. Kori, his fist a formidable weapon, unleashed a torrent of raw power with each strike. His precise and fluid movements blurred in a seamless display of martial prowess. Every punch carried with it a surge of energy, each strike akin to a force of nature unleashed.

Ye Kai, wielding his sword with grace and finesse, danced in perfect harmony with the chaos that surrounded him. His blade moved with a speed that belied his calm demeanor, slicing through the air with a whisper-like swiftness. Each swing was a masterstroke, calculated and measured, as he sought to exploit the smallest of openings in Kori's defenses.

Their clash became a symphony of clashing steel and explosive force. The forest itself seemed to tremble under the weight of their blows, leaves swirling in the turbulent gusts generated by their duel. Ancient trees groaned as their trunks were grazed by the sheer intensity of their attacks, bearing the scars of this epic encounter.josei

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