Unlimited Items Shop System

Chapter 262 Conquered Heaven Falling Island

Chapter 262 Conquered Heaven Falling Island

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the tranquil evening seemed unremarkable to the residents of Heaven Falling Island. Little did they know that an extraordinary event was about to unfold - a dazzling fireworks display that would light up the night sky in a breathtaking spectacle of colors and patterns.

Without any prior announcement, the sudden eruption of fireworks caught everyone off guard. The first sign of the impending wonder was a loud rumble that echoed through the island, drawing people out of their homes and into the streets. As they gazed upwards, they were greeted by a mesmerizing burst of golden sparks that seemed to touch the very heavens. Gasps of amazement and excitement filled the air, and whispers of astonishment spread through the crowd.

The night sky transformed into an artist's canvas, where vibrant hues of crimson, emerald, and sapphire intertwined to form intricate patterns that painted the darkness with ethereal beauty. The fireworks danced like fireflies, and each burst was accompanied by a harmonic symphony of crackles and pops. The spectacle seemed orchestrated as if the heavens had decided to surprise the town with a secret gift.

As the display continued, the surprise grew into wonderment and awe. People from other islands could see this artistic display, and they, too, were left in awe. Families gathered on rooftops and in parks, their faces illuminated by the kaleidoscope of colors above them. Strangers exchanged smiles and laughter, united by the shared joy of witnessing this spontaneous marvel.

The grand finale approached, and the intensity of the display heightened. The sky seemed to erupt in a grand crescendo of radiance and brilliance. Glittering trails of light arched and cascaded, leaving ephemeral trails that gradually faded, only to be replaced by new bursts of luminance.

As eight brilliant colors of fireworks burst forth into the sky, accompanied by thunderous explosions, everyone was puzzled and intrigued. The vibrant hues danced like blooming flowers before transforming into luminous words that adorned the darkness.

In a crimson red, the words "Ye Kai conquered the Dark Rigel Kingdom."

The blue fireworks followed, revealing "Ye Kai conquered the Dark Sirius Kingdom."

Next, the green fireworks spelled out, "Ye Kai conquered the Dark Vega Kingdom."

Violet fireworks gleamed with the message, "Ye Kai conquered the Wolf Kingdom."

The white fireworks shimmered, displaying "Ye Kai conquered the Golden Guru Temple."

In a blaze of orange, the words "Ye Kai conquered All in One God Temple."

Yellow fireworks illuminated the night, declaring, "Ye Kai conquered Infinite Gods Temple."

Finally, the brown fireworks proclaimed, "Ye Kai conquered Buddha Temple."

However, this wasn't the end. A voice accompanied these fireworks, and this voice was so soft and beautiful that all the people of Heaven Falling Island were left in a trance. Even Spiritual Artists from other islands heard the voice and were left speechless.

"Ye Kai, the winner of the game will be given the treasure of Heaven Falling Island."

The voice spoke and disappeared. All the people of the island were still in a trance; they could still hear that voice as if it were still present. Slowly, they came back to reality and started talking about Ye Kai.

Everyone wanted to know who Ye Kai was.

Ye Kai, the protagonist of this event, looked at the grand spectacle and smiled.

"Isn't it great, host? Though you won't be able to fulfill your wish, you will get a treasure that all of those fake gods yearned for. Haha... I want to see their faces, see how they react." The System laughed and spoke.

"It's not like I had any wish to begin with, and with the System, I don't think I need to ask anyone else to fulfill my wish." Ye Kai shrugged and spoke.

Then he received something in his mind, the location of a place deep in the Shura Forest. Ye Kai had never been to the Shura Forest, but after thinking for a while, he decided to go there first. He transported himself there in an instant.

Back in Heaven Falling Island, many chosen ones made an uproar. Their guardians left them; although some stayed behind with the chosen ones, most of the guardians left. As the guardians left, the chosen ones started destroying anything they came across.

All over the kingdom, such incidents happened, but before the incidents could spread any further, many beautiful women with strong strength stopped them.I think you should take a look at josei

However, this was just the beginning. The island would have to confront Morimo with his ten most capable Spiritual Artists in the future. It would be one of the most brutal battles that would happen.

Ye Kai knew this, and he knew that after he won the game, many chosen ones would start breaking things around them. Morimo would also attack the kingdom to find Ye Kai and get his hands on the treasure. However, Ye Kai didn't leave things unfinished.

He took half a month before he chose to conquer Heaven Falling Island. In these fifteen days, he made all the kingdom's knights, arms, and temple elders, and disciples eat a pill. This pill was cheaper than Martial Arts Emperor Slaves. So he gave this pill to three thousand people and made them Martial Arts Emperors.

However, they would lose their strength and become ordinary people after a month. Not that this thing mattered to Ye Kai.

Ye Kai left three hundred people at each place; at least that would be enough for those kingdoms to deal with the Spiritual Artists, and he also left some of his slaves so he wouldn't have to worry about them for the time being.

Ye Kai looked at the Shura Forest.

The Shura Forest was a hauntingly mysterious expanse of dark woods, where towering trees loomed overhead, their gnarled branches reaching out like skeletal fingers toward the sky. The canopy of dark leaves above cast an ominous shade, creating an eerie ambiance that sent shivers down the spine of anyone who dared to venture within.

As Ye Kai stepped deeper into the forest, the silence became almost palpable, broken only by the occasional hoot of an owl or the rustling of unseen creatures in the underbrush. The air carried a sense of foreboding and the faint scent of damp earth mixed with an ancient aroma of decay and moss.

The ground beneath his feet was obscured by a thick layer of decaying leaves, giving every step an unsettling softness and muffling any sound they made. As he moved further in, the twisted roots of the trees created an uneven path, inviting both caution and curiosity.

Dim rays of sunlight occasionally managed to pierce through the thick canopy, casting haunting patterns of light and shadow on the forest floor.

Ye Kai felt that the forest was strange, but not too much so. As he went deeper, he found a woman.


The humanoid monster stood straight, towering above with an imposing height that made it all the more intimidating. Its body was a grotesque blend of humanoid features, resembling a distorted and nightmarish version of a human. Its skin was a sickly, pallid shade, marred by rough, scaly patches that reflected an eerie sheen under the dim light.

The creature's limbs were elongated, with sinewy muscles visibly pulsating beneath its skin. Its fingers were long and gnarled, ending in sharp, claw-like nails that glistened ominously. The legs were slightly bent, giving it an unsettlingly steady stance as if ready to pounce at any moment.

A pair of glowing, malevolent eyes peered out from deep-set sockets, the irises a fiery hue that seemed to burn with malice.

Above it's eyes, a prominent brow ridge cast ominous shadows, adding to the creature's fearsome appearance. Its nose was barely discernible, reduced to a mere ridge above a gaping maw filled with rows of razor-sharp teeth.

The monster's head was crowned with a tangled mass of greasy, matted hair that cascaded down its back, giving it an untamed and feral appearance. Upon closer inspection, one could notice strange, arcane symbols etched into its skin, hinting at a dark and mysterious origin.

"Master Morimo, we can't make you any more human than this, but if you want to have more human life, then it will take more time." A beautiful woman spoke.

"It's okay," the monster spoke, "I have to get that treasure; I can't wait any longer. Summon those ten and order them to destroy every faction of this island."

"I'm on my way to do that," the beautiful woman spoke, twisting her waist as she turned and swaying her hips as she left the room, leaving Morimo alone.

Morimo looked at his own body and looked dissatisfied; with his body, he couldn't do anything about that.

He moved his body and left the room; he walked through the corridor of the underground base. After a long walk, he reached a room.

He walked into the room and saw eleven people - three women and seven men, along with one beautiful woman who was with Morimo sometime ago.

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