Unlimited Items Shop System

Chapter 264 Find A Treasure (2)

Chapter 264 Find A Treasure (2)

As the first rays of the morning sun peek over the horizon, a golden glow blankets the tranquil forest. The soft chirping of birds fills the air, creating a symphony of nature's melodies. Amidst the lush greenery, a girl lies peacefully, her eyelids gently fluttering open, revealing eyes still drowsy with sleep.

Ling Ling noticed that the fire was still burning, protecting her from the cold. She saw that the sky was turning blue and realized she had slept through the entire night.

After realizing she had slept on the ground, she found herself lying on a bed of leaves that provided softness. Although the leaves were wet from the dew, it wasn't too uncomfortable; instead, it was quite comfortable.

However, although she had softness beneath her body, she was naked, and the way she had slept exposed her bottom. Immediately, she sat up, bringing her knees to her chest to hide her exposed self and leaned against a tree.

Looking around, she couldn't find Ye Kai, the one who had saved her. "Did he leave?" Ling Ling thought, feeling a sense of emptiness and trembling in her body. She looked around the dark trees and realized she was alone.

As she realized this, she couldn't help but want to cry, and she might have cried if it weren't for a voice she heard from behind her.

When she heard the voice, she stood up and looked behind her. She saw a handsome man in an elegant, white, thin robe that was stained with blood. He was walking with a white cloth in one hand and a wild animal in the other.

"Oh," the man was Ye Kai, and he seemed frozen as he looked at her.

At this time, Ling Ling didn't realize that she had removed her hands from her breast and crotch. She didn't realize that Ye Kai saw her pink nipples and the area between her legs. Currently, she was just happy that Ye Kai didn't leave her; she didn't want to be alone.

However, it wasn't too long before she realized her mistake, and blushing, she knelt down, hiding her breast and crotch.

"I forgot," she muttered, feeling her heart beating with embarrassment. "Well, just consider this as a thank you to Ye Kai," she muttered to herself.

"Cough, Ms. Ling, here I'm sorry I dropped this somewhere yesterday, I just found it this morning."

Ling Ling heard Ye Kai's voice and felt something being wrapped around her. She saw that it was a white, thin robe, similar to the one Ye Kai was wearing. She blinked and immediately wore the robe, realizing it was thin and short, reaching only to her thighs, but enough to hide her breast and crotch without needing to use her hands.

"Thank you very much, I'm truly grateful," she bowed and spoke to Ye Kai.

"No, no, I dropped this somewhere yesterday, and if I hadn't dropped it, you wouldn't have had to be uncomfortable all the time," Ye Kai waved his hand and spoke.

"No," Ling Ling shook her head, "I'm grateful to you. You saved my life, gave me food, and I was able to sleep comfortably. And now this clothes, I'm truly grateful for your help, and... Thank you very much."josei

Ling Ling said and bowed. She wanted to say that she would repay this favor in the future, but she knew she couldn't. She didn't even know if she would be alive tomorrow or not. She didn't even know what she should do now. The only thing she knew was that she didn't want to be alone.


Ye Kai was roasting the meat while thinking about his next plan. He was contemplating getting the treasure he acquired from conquering Heaven Falling Island today. He didn't know what kind of treasure it was, so he asked the system-lady to tell him, but she wouldn't disclose that information. Of course, if Ye Kai truly wanted to know, he could order the system-lady to tell him, and she wouldn't go against him.

Anyway, he decided to find the treasure today, but he didn't know where the hell it was. He only knew that the treasure was somewhere around there, about 100 meters radius, in underground. Ye Kai had to find a way to go underground, although he preferred to break the ground and get in that way, he couldn't do it.

He even called Maki in the morning and asked her to destroy the ground, but she couldn't even scratch it, let alone destroy it. So Ye Kai had to go around the 100 meters on foot to find the way of underground.

Well, it's not like he was in a rush to find the treasure. It's okay to take it slow.


"Ye Kai... Do... Where going next?" Ling Ling spoke as she eat the meat. She wanted to know what he was planning to do.

"First I will help you to get back home." Ye Kai said, taking a bit of meat.I think you should take a look at

Ling Ling was silent for a while before she spoke, "I don't have home... Can... Can I go with you."

Ling Ling did serveal debates in her head and in the end she decided to go with Ye Kai. He said he was traveller, and she also wanted to travel around, so it's perfect if she could go with Ye Kaim. Beside she doesn't had anywhere to go, she didn't had any strength, with her beauty she would soon get into some problem she might not able to solve. Going out with Ye Kai seemed best, it's provided her comfortable sleep, and food.

Ye Kai stopped eating as he looked at Ling Ling, "Umm... Ms. Ling... It's."

"I will also help you in cooking, and whatever I can help you with, but if you still don't want then it's okay." Quickly Ling Ling said. She hoped he agree to her request if he declined then she doesn't know what to do.

"No, no," Ye Kai shook his head, "I'm truly suprised that's why I wasn't able to speak, traveling with beautiful Ms. Ling is my luck, how can I declines such offers, absolutely please came with me on my travels." Ye Kai said and from his body a aura spread that he was the most nice and humble person in the world.

Ling Ling who doesn't know Ye Kai much, fooled by Ye Kai supreme acting skills. Even she lost her cultivation she had enough experience tell if person was good or bad but her experience doesn't work against someone like Ye Kai.

"Don't call me Ms. Ling, just Ling is okay." She said.

"No, now can I address you casually."

"Just call me Ling if you think me as your companion."

"Um... Well... Okay, Ling."


After eating, Ling Ling and Ye Kai were walking in the forest. The dark woods of the forest and above dense leaves stopping the sunlight made this forest dark, which seemed scary. However, Ling Ling, once a powerful cultivator, and Ye Kai, the ruler of Heaven Falling Island, don't get scared by such a forest.

Ling Ling looking behind at Ye Kai, and his broad shoulders, going forward with confidence, made her feel at ease. She doesn't know what cultivation Ye Kai had, but to come to this forest, one at least needs to be Martial Commander.

She walked behind Ye Kai while also looking down at her feet.

She asked Ye Kai about where they were going. He replied that he came to this forest by following a map, and it seemed there was a door in this forest leading underground.

So she was searching for the door. When she heard the word treasure, her heart thought about what kind of treasure, but then she stopped thinking about it. She decided that whatever treasure they found, it was all Ye Kai. Even if they find something that could restore her cultivation, it would be Ye Kai's treasure.

In her life, she did many evil deeds at the king's command, and she didn't want to do anything worse. Now, she only wanted to do was just travel. It's her childhood dream to go to all kingdoms and eat the unique food of each kingdom. However, because of many things, she forgot her dream, but now she got an opportunity to live her dream, and she wasn't going to waste it.

They went around to find a door even after going around for ten to twelve hours; they didn't find any doors.

Although somewhat disappointed, Ye Kai knew that this wasn't an easy thing. He chose to use his system to see through the ground to find a way underground, but he couldn't able to see through the ground.

To only explanation for why his system wasn't useful was that this place was filled with spiritual energy.

Ye Kai glace at Ling Ling. She seemed tired, weakly walking behind her, trying her best not to fall behind him.

After a thought, he decided to eat some meat then he would go on a search for treasure.

"Ling, let's rest for a while." Ye Kai said.

Ling Ling nodded her head, and there was the sad expression on her face, which Ye Kai didn't understand.

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