Unlimited Power 2: The Ranger's Domain

Chapter 929

Chapter 929: Civilization

"Hey, kid," Ryan said while looking toward Arthur. "Do you want to become even stronger?"

"Ryan?" Mia frowned. "Why did you ask that?"

"For no particular reason," Ryan replied. "I just want to see the potential of the kid with my own eyes."

"No… I don't like you," Arthur said.

"Well, that is a pity," Ryan shrugged. "I have a spell that grants me the power to create an environment where time passes faster than in reality. One hour of training here is equal to ten hours of training there. The spell can become even more efficient."

"Where did you get a skill like that?" Daniel asked.

"When I defeated Hypnos," Ryan replied.

"I imagined it had been you…" Daniel frowned. "Can you pass the knowledge of that skill as well?"

"Only those who have defeated Hypnos can use it," Ryan replied. "I suppose Hypnos can also pass that power to other people, but I am not sure if he has any reason to do so."

"It is a pity… can I see this world of yours?" Daniel asked.

          In the end, Ryan easily summoned Daniel to the void World, and he fell asleep on his chair. He had close to zero resistance against sleep attacks. What a dumbass…

"Did you just summon his mind to that place?" Anna asked.

"It is a spell that belonged to the god of sleep, after all," Ryan said. "Anyway, let's wait for a minute before summoning him back."

          Ryan wished that he had filled the Void World with monsters. Still, unlike Femradiel, he couldn't summon them using an unlimited source of mana. Regardless, when Ryan canceled the spell, Daniel woke up, and he looked shocked.

"It felt like I had died… I didn't see anything in that world," Daniel said.

"That is because I didn't customize the place, anyway. For how long did you stay there?" Ryan asked.josei

"Around ten minutes, I guess," Daniel said. "If you are scared, I can go with you, Arthur. I sure could find some use to a place like that."

        Ryan lost the will to keep that offer standing. However, in the end, it would be useful if Daniel also trains in that world. Ryan could bet that he had a lot of health, and with Golden Arrow, he would be useful for Ryan.

"I am not scared," Arthur said and looked away.

"Well, you don't have to decide now," Daniel said. "Let's pay a visit to the elder gods."

                Ryan wondered if it was a good idea to do that now. After all, Isis was probably talking with Odin and Zeus. Odin was pretty level-headed, but he tried to attack Daniel once. As for Zeus, what will he think if he finds another descendant of his?

              Nevertheless, Ryan used Teleport and brought Daniel's team to Cairo. Soon enough, Isis gave them the chance to enter her domain. After that, Ryan guided them to the palace, where they found Odin, Zeus, and Isis talking. As expected, something in the air could be felt when Odin saw Daniel, but he calmed down when Ryan passed him the sword in which Baldr was sealed.

"... I didn't expect you would return with visitors," Isis said.

"Me neither," Ryan said.

"Hello… we came to confirm of what Ryan said, but…" Daniel said. "... Just seeing you three together already makes me realize everything."

"Femradiel talked a lot about you and your group," Isis said. "It is a pleasure to meet all of you finally."

"Likewise," Daniel said.

          Ryan didn't have to stay there and watch the whole conversation, so he decided to get some fresh air by himself. In the end, it seemed that Femradiel was right. Too much time had passed, too many things happened in the last year. The betrayal was something that Ryan will never forget. Still, it wasn't something that he had to reminisce about so often.

"Let's focus on what is important right now… and that is to get more coins," Ryan said.

          There was a problem, though. Ryan couldn't just attack any dungeon. He had to stay away from the dungeons of his allies. Even if they are temporary allies. He couldn't attack the demons and make them raise their guards either. So, in the end, Ryan decided to use Clairvoyance and check the dungeons of the dungeon masters, who certainly were aliens.

"I guess I will start with those dungeons…" Ryan muttered to himself.

          Ryan tried to gain more domains in the past, but he soon gave up since things were getting beaten up on Earth and the dungeon masters were stronger than he had predicted. However, it was time to decrease their armies on the planet.

        Ryan used Teleport and then returned to America. Right in front of Padmi dungeon. Much to his surprise, Ryan appeared right in the center of a pretty large town of goblins.

"What the hell happened here?" Ryan frowned. "I am still on Earth, so how…"

          Ryan quickly realized how… it was because the humans were focusing on fighting the demons. Thanks to that, numerous species of monsters managed to multiply. Still, the goblins were so organized that Ryan was amazed by the fact that they created houses that were five stores tall. He couldn't imagine them become a threat at the level of those three, but it would be troublesome if they keep organizing themselves like that. It was time to show them that they had overstayed their welcome.

          Naturally, it didn't take long for the monsters to feel Ryan's presence, and they attacked him. However… thanks to semi-invulnerability, their numerous attacks were only scratching his body.

"Well, I suppose I need to thank Padmi for this," Ryan said and then summoned dozens of Golden Arrows. "Her minions will grant me tons of coins."

        Fighting monsters and killing them just for the coins probably wasn't the best mindset, but Ryan couldn't care less about it. In the end, he wanted more coins because he wanted to be prepared enough when those three returned to Earth.

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