Unlimited Power - The Arcane Path

294 Chapter 293

294 Chapter 293


When Leon and Inglar arrived at the tower, he noticed that the place was more like a high-tech hotel than a spaceship. Everything inside that tower was an electronic device of some sort, lights, doors, windows… even when Leon approached the walls, a few chairs appeared out of nowhere, as if his approach caused to that kind of reaction. In some walls, Leon saw weapons hidden. Every type of weapon was at the harvesters' disposal—even railguns. However, none of them were made of mithril. So, despite having the knowledge and resources of a race that reached the third stage of assimilation, they weren't that good at handling mana.

Regardless, soon Leon and Inglar reached the last floor of the tower, and there they found the other six titans… Leon wondered if it was fine to think of them as titans, at that moment, they were just a little taller than Leon, after all.

Jorhorn (Earth)

Health: 30500/32500

Mana: 15000/15000

Stamina: 22500/22500

Active Skills: Earth Transformation Lv 341, Earth Creation Lv 341, Stone Skin Lv 333, Stalagamite Lv 323

Passive Skills: Fire Resistance Lv 224, Spearmanship Lv 375, Earth Absorption Lv 295, Pain Resistance Lv 223

Jertien (Ice)

Health: 29500/29500

Mana: 9000/9000

Stamina: 23500/23500

Active Skills: Frost Nova Lv 333, Ice Meteor Lv 321, Ice Arrow Rain Lv 289, Frozen Enchantment Lv 313

Passive Skills: Ice Resistance Lv 302, Hammer Mastery Lv 301, Ice Absorption Lv 312, Meditation Lv 253


Health: 27500/32500

Mana: 13000/13000

Stamina: 24500/24500

Active Skills: Battle Aura Lv 320, War Cry Lv 240, Mana Reinforcement Lv 312, Fury Arrow Lv 313

Passive Skills: Fire Resistance Lv 344, Archery Lv 299, Underwater Resistance Lv 312, Pain Resistance Lv 253

Putting aside their difficult names to memorize, they didn't look much different than humans. Not only that, but they also weren't wearing their armor, and their weapons weren't nearby. Leon didn't know if they were a bunch of idiots by acting like that, or if they were trying to make Leon drop his guard.

Jorhorn was the tallest of the group, and he was looking at Leon as if he was having a hard time deciding if he wanted to punch him or not. Although he was bald, he looked a little bit like Alurelle… Most likely, they were siblings, and that would explain why he seemed so pissed… he wants to crush the man who tortured his sister.

Jertien looked to be the oldest of the group since he had white hair, but it was hard to be sure because Genelosa had light blue hair. Regardless, he also seemed to be the calmest of the group. Jertien looked at Leon just a single time, lost interest, and returned to his meditation.

Ismenria was the last of the group, unlike the others who looked like battle-hardened warriors, she looked frailer, probably because she was quite slim. She was a blonde, and like everyone else in the room, her eyes had the same tone of her hair.

"So, this is the council of those who want world domination?" Leon asked.

"He really came… for a mage, he is quite brave," Ivolaer said. "Or perhaps he is just a fool."

"He is our guest here, Ivolaer," Alurelle glared at him. "Don't be rude. You think by acting like that makes you look brave, but you only disgrace our race."

"I don't care about what you think of my actions," Ivolaer said. "I will act the way I want, and no one can make me stop."

"I think a meteor in your head can stop you," Jertien said, while his eyes were still closed.

"Good luck with that, gramps," Ivolaer shrugged.

"… Who else is going to embarrass themselves in front of this kid?" Ismenria asked after a long sigh. "I think it is your turn Jorhorn. You said that you would crush him the moment he puts his feet here… I think you are a bit late for that."

"Ismenria, can you please shut up?" Alurelle asked. "I don't want to have to calm down my brother again."

"Why does this always happen when we reunite," Genelosa sighed. ��I'm tired of this, even though this only happens once a year."

Leon scratched the back of his head when he heard that, those seven were quite the weird bunch, even though the fate of their worlds was on their hands, they still could act like… the human beings Leon knew. That was very weird, considering that they were supposed to be hundreds of years old.

"Well, let's start again, this time with some introductions," Alurelle said.

"There is no need, I already know more or less everyone here," Leon said. "I saw a few of you before, and a friend told me about your actions."

"… That is why you acted like that when you saw me," Inglar frowned. "A friend, huh. It is hard to believe that the people of this world would befriend an invader."

"I'm not an invader, and I didn't attack the people of this world every day before breakfast," Leon said. "That is probably why I managed to talk with some people in this world. In fact, I believe my life would be much easier if you guys didn't attack the soldiers and the barrier almost on a daily basis."

"You didn't find me by chance?" Alurelle asked. "That means you could have killed some of us?"

"Maybe, I saw him and her while they were rampaging," Leon pointed at Genelosa and Ivolaer. "However, I wouldn't gain anything by killing them. That is why ignored both, and then I found you, tired after a long battle."

"… You chose her because she would be the easiest target in that state?" Jorhorn asked, his face was red with anger.

"Yes," Leon answered.

After hearing that, Jorhorn began to emit a yellow aura…

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