Chapter 41 41. RETURN

Chapter 41 41. RETURN

Days passed quickly, as Noah got used to the city of Vonol. The encounter with the tier 3 expert had lit a fire in his heart, he wanted to get stronger. Though for now he couldn't, due to the power limit of 'Bozolom'.

He had gone over to the man that Pascal had sent him to, and sold the plant Cockrel, for a whooping 2 small silver coins.

According to what he read, the green feathers of the plant Cockrel's, could be used for brewing healing potions, able to regenerate lost limbs.

From that Information, Noah couldn't help but pluck some feathers, before he got to the man, whose name was Pivolo.

Pivolo had been ecstatic, as Noah could only stare at him in utter speechlessness.josei

After their transaction, he had asked Noah to always visit his place, whenever he had something to sell.

Noah had also ventured out of the city for hunting. Although he didn't kill any tier 2, since he didn't want to level up too much.

He also almost didn't use any spells, attacking using cudgel while running at Mach 10, usually ended his prey immediately.

He had killed more than one hundred tier 1 magical beasts during those days of hunting, and surprisingly he didn't level up once!!.

That didn't annoy him, it simply made him understand that he was beyond beasts at that level.

Noah would usually go on multiple hunts every few days, and would sell all his stash, dividing it between Pascal and Pivolo.

Though each time he visited them, the price would drop by a few small copper's, but he wasn't to worried about that, he used minimal effort in killing them anyways.

Sometimes he would spend entire days training with his elements, but eventually he got tired if that.

He also tried learning a new technique from his martial art manual, but that didn't go anywhere, most times he was forced to spend hours waiting for his legs to heal, due to them being broken from his practice.

Whenever he had nothing to do, he would at times visit James house, but each time, Jesse would inform him that he was still cultivating, then Noah would leave after a few tens of minutes of chatting with Jesse.

Eventually the city got boring and uneventful, causing Noah to exit the city walls, just to take a long relaxing run exploring the wide forest.

He would always make use of Muliix during those times, since it boosted his speed making him feel like he was a few mach's faster.

Whenever he got back, he would return to Peters hotel, at this point he had become a regular, almost having a permanent room there, and Peter liked it.

The attacks from noble families had stopped, ever since his fight with the four tier 2's.

Only that sometimes random groups thugs would try to rob him, which always ended up with them being beaten to a pulp.

He didn't kill any of them since they weren't worth it, and also because they were all tier 1's, a tap here and there with his full strength was enough to inflict enough physical damage.

He had gotten kind of popular after the library incident, and at times people he didn't recognize in the slightest, especially girls, would wave at him for reasons unknown to him, and he would smile and wave back with uncertainty.

One particular girl, had even confessed to him, after he had been around for a bit over three weeks, and let's say it ended awkwardly.

From that day, he decided to always wear a cold expression whenever he walked along the streets of the city, even releasing a bit of his tier 2 aura to scare people.

A few days later, during one of his runs, an issue popped up in his head, 'I need a weapon'.

Though he had cudgel, he still didn't want anyone to know about it yet. So he went back to the city. He didn't know where weapons were sold, so he asked Peter the bartender.

The man had been kind enough to send someone with him to the place.

When he arrived there, a relatively large building appeared in his sight. Upon entering the building, a wave of heat filled l his face.

When he had asked Peter about where to purchase weapons, he had replied with, "Oh you mean the blacksmith".

Which led Noah to that sight, he would see sparks flicker, and the rythmic sound of metal striking metal, filled his ear. He felt kind of relaxed, the heat wasn't doing much to him due to his body, but the sound had a kind of relax inducing effect.

Apparently all the weapons he saw there, were forged by a young man named 'Jeff', though he was a bit older than Noah. His Power was in the lower stage of tier 2.

When the man had asked him if he would like to pick a weapon, or have one commissioned for him, Noah had opted for the former, he didn't really need anything fancy, if worse came to worse in a fight, he would use cudgel.

Asking for a staff, Jeff brought multiple of them, after a few seconds of inspection, Noah chose a brown staff. It looked incredibly simple apart from the button on it, pushing the button, a blade came out of both ends of the staff, and on those blades there were tiny Inscriptions.

Jeff had explained that those Inscriptions were for boosting the sharpness of the blades, he just simply had to infuse little Mana on the button.

Doing just that a blue glowing line linking the blades to the button, appeared.

Purchasing the staff at 70 medium sized Copper, Noah wished Cudgel had the ability to shapeshift into something less eye-catching.

After sending the person who Peter had sent with him, on his way. Noah left the city to go familiarize himself with the staff, it's weight was relatively okay, and it's size was exactly like Cudgel, only, it didn't have all those cool features.

Noah had thought of many ways he could utilize Cudgel, and most of would likely lead to his death. One of them was to make Cudgel fall from the sky at high speed, only that it was the size of a pillar of heaven, as the description said. The effects would be devastating on any city.

A bit over a week later, Noah decided it was time to visit James again, after all it had been a but over a month since he entered seclusion.

Arriving at James building, Noah sensed something, and his eye couldn't help but flicker with excitement.

Knocking on the door, Noah entered after Jesse had opened it, the young mans expression also that of happiness.

Rushing to where James cultivated, Noah got there to see a crossed legged sitting James, only that around him, large balls of cyan glowing water could be seen.

They changed shape every few seconds and also increased in size, Noah also sensed that, they were capable of proper tier 2 attacks !.

After a few minutes, James finally opened his eyes, to see a smiling Noah and an ecstatic looking brother.

Getting up he walked towards Noah who talked first.

"So now you are a tier 2", he said with a mocking tone. James simply replied by sending a 12 inches blade of highly condensed water, which Noah blocked with his bare hands.

"Apparently not strong enough", James eventually said, Walking towards Noah, who in return checked his friends power.


[Tier: 2]

[Level: 26]

[Chances of death: 17%]

Noah nodded his his head at James new power, It seemed their Journey would soon begin.

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