
Chapter 141

Chapter 141: A gesture.

Once Clyde was out of the way, it was a one-sided slaughter. He was a warrior just like Ken, well they weren't alike in any manner, other than their classes perhaps. Nina the assassin, took full advantage of the chaos and sliced off the enemies, paired with the mages and archers who were already launching their attacks, The Uprising had absolutely no chance against Relentless.

"That was literally a minute...Relentless absolutely dominated this match, the coordination, the planning, it was all flawless. This concludes the month-long debate, Relentless absolutely destroyed them..."

"I don't think they were dominated or "absolutely destroyed", maybe in terms of planning but I simply think they were outsmarted. Personally, I feel like ClydeVsKen would end in a tie, perhaps his only true disadvantage was the fact that he wasn't as farsighted as his opponents."

"I guess this just shows how important coordination is, especially in an event like this. It truly is a pity though, we didn't get to witness any real action, instead, we got some clean and smooth gameplay."

"Hmm, however, it doesn't matter anymore, after all, the next match is something that will actually tell us which is the strongest guild. Is it going to be two individuals who appeared out of nowhere? or a clan that remained at the top since the beginning of the game. Guess we'll just have to wait and watch.."

The crowd was quite literally at the edge of their seats, they watched as Luke and Nate walked down to face Relentless. It looked like Ken was trying to catch Luke's eyes but all he got was someone who was looking all around. However, Nate reciprocated Ken's gesture, Nate couldn't help but smirk as it was quite poetic. He was looking down on Ken, literally as well as figuratively.

"Tch," Ken said as he looked away, he realized what was going on and didn't bother entertaining Nate.

"Oh hey, Ken!" Luke waved as he got onto the stage. The crowd went silent, other than a few ghastly whispers nothing could be heard, they wanted to hear the conversation between Ken and Luke loud and clear after all.

"Night, this time, it's going to be diff-"

"You're the leader of Relentless that's super cool!! The previous match was amazing man, especially with the way you went like BAM and done," 


Obviously, he had no answer or no reply to what Luke said, he was going with the whole "competitive" facade, however, by the looks of it, his opponent didn't seem to care all too much.

'So that's what true strength looks like huh...guess I'll find out someday..'

At this point, Luke had the majority of the rankers chasing after him, and these weren't even the normal bunch, these were the players that the general public looked up to, the players who earned millions and millions. Initially, it was only Kira and Mocha and his party then came Nate as well as Ken. Every single name mentioned was a big one, maybe not Nate, however, it was only a matter of time before they become millionaires, the offers for streaming or sponsors and whatnot are going the flood their households.

"Hmmm...Anyway, good luck," Luke said after frowning for a second because of Ken's unresponsive behavior. They went straight into their capsules and entered the game, leaving Relentless to just blankly look at where Luke and Nate once stood.

"Uhm boss, what's the plan..?" Nina asked, she was slightly hesitant as she realized Ken wasn't in the best state of mind to answer such a question, however, it was important that they don't falter, especially in such moments.

It couldn't be a simple plan or a straightforward one, not like how they did with The Uprising, one of the biggest disadvantages they had right now was their large number, it could easily be turned against them and Ken knew for a fact that it would.

However, the large number did mean that they could hit Luke and Nate easier. After all, even Player Night, The Anomaly himself would find it difficult to avoid five attacks at once, that is, of course, assuming the other five were focused on Nate.

Night was definitely the biggest threat, while Nate could deal truckloads of damage, he wasn't as agile and quick as Night, even during his fight with Night, he had to use his orbs to deflect the attacks and even then his health was slowly getting chipped away.josei

"Night is an issue. It's his reflexes, flexibility, adaptiveness, vision, looks, weapons, and unusual growth in battle, these are all things that prove to be annoying to deal with, honestly, I don't see how we can deal with him fully, after all, even in his fight against Nate, he ended it in no time, it was too sudden, meaning there's something more to him."

'Looks?' Nina thought but held back from saying, it was a little surprising considering the fact that Ken was quite good-looking as well, however, his plan to disguise himself was weird. 'Besides, why are there so many attributes that we should be aware of...and none of them except weapons include anything he might have in-game...'

"Nina...you're in charge of handling Night, I'll lead the team that faces off the other one. I understand it might be overwhelming and a lot of responsibility, however, consider this a learning experience as well, you may learn quite a lot from him. You're an assassin yes? watch his feet, try to not lose him...good luck.."

It didn't bother Nina in the slightest, she knew Ken's intention and the fact that he only wished for her growth. Besides, she herself was well aware that there was a lot to learn from others, especially considering the fact that Night thrashed Jet Sky who is arguably at the top of the assassin ranking. 

"And the rest of you lot as well, the magic users try and learnt something from Nate, I'm not sure if that's possible but something might click and this is no opportunity to waste, while our victory isn't confirmed, I can say for a fact that as long they don't have something hidden we have a good chance of winning...however, If I'm being honest with yall, I can't shake this feeling off, this feeling that there's way more to them than we think.."


"Are we using our domains? Honestly, I don't mind using mine, I think it'll be fun. Especially because they might think we have nothing else hidden, they'll have no idea what hit them, it's a neat trick in my opinion," Night said as he stretched his legs.

"Hmmm, honestly, that isn't a bad idea, go for it, I'll just sit back and watch then," Nate said as he backed up a little and sat down with his legs crossed.

"Wait actually? I get to enjoy myself?"

"Yeah actually go have some fun," Nate smiled. He felt like Luke's guardian or caretaker, he was always making complex choices and Luke didn't seem to mind relying on Nate for such things.

"Heck yeah! this is going to be so much fun," Luke jumped up and the thin line of darkness around him copied his movements.

"Huh? wait why is the other one sitting down?" Nina muttered as she looked at the opponents in front of her.

"...Change of plans, all of you with me, we're going to strike Night, it looks like they're fully underestimating us, hopefully, their action doesn't get to any of yall, I'm sure this overconfident gesture of theirs is going to lead to their downfall, with all of us attacking him at the same time, there isn't a chance we're going to lose..and once he's out of the picture, we can go after the other one.." Ken commanded as he grit his teeth, he made sure the gesture didn't get to him, however, it was hard to do so, he was the leader of the top clan in the world, naturally, it would be annoying to be looked down upon, especially in such a blatant and bold manner.

"Well would you look at that, he's not stupid at least," Nate muttered under his breath. There was a reason he let Night do what he wanted, other than the very obvious one which is an excellent public image that would in turn make their clan more popular. Nate knew for a fact that letting Night solo would get to them, no matter how much they tried, it would bother them a little.

Besides, he trusted his friend, while he was sure that using the domain wouldn't kill everyone, it would at least reduce the number to less than half which in no way was something small. What he focused on was the pandemonium and confusion that Night would cause with his skill. Night's domain was unique, even amongst all the potential domains, Nate knew for a fact that it stood out.

It completely blocked out the vision of the others, nobody in a 100-meter radius could see anything, nobody except Night, of course, this meant that even the audience would be left in the dark, literally.

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