
Chapter 151

Chapter 151: New Weapon!

[Title unlocked- The Prince of Darkness and his Subject]


Titles were always exciting, especially in a game like Genesis where knowledge is scarce and pretty much everything is random, at least from the general public's perspective. 

The number of notifications Night received was enough to startle him. Considering that any achievement or anything to add to Shade's status was sent as a notification to Night, it made sense.

'I feel...stronger?'

It wasn't the right time to stand and read through the notifications, the creature of flames, Ifrit wasn't going to sit still, though, in all honesty, it did do exactly that so far. However, it was probably only due to its curiosity. Regardless of how strong or weak Ifrit was, it was clear that it wasn't any ordinary monster.

Besides, there was something that bothered Night, Ifrit was a creature that focused mainly on magical attacks or spells and whatnot, if that was the case wouldn't Nate be able to fully shut down the creature?

Unfortunately, there wasn't any time. It wasn't the followers but this time, it was the newly evolved Shade who charged forward and took on Ifrit. His appearance and his entire being grew sharper and stronger. His black hair grew longer, it reached his shoulders, his eyes now had a white glow in them. His armour completely changed, it didn't give off the "heavy-look" anymore. It was sleek and durable.


Shade tackled the giant creature, it was funny to watch a monster that huge tussling around with someone the size of a human. "Looks like he'll take care of that," Nate muttered as he looked at Shade and Ifrit rolling around, they moved to a completely different location.

"Oy...why didn't you use your Three Moons Dispersion? Wouldn't that finish that thing there?" Night whispered as he took his stance, it seemed like the only thing that stopped him from throwing himself into battle was Nate's response.

"Well, to be honest, I wanted to use it but it's a summoned creature and I'm not sure whether or not these guys can summon it again, so I assumed it would be better to nullify the summoner?"

"Hmm but there are multiple?"

"Yes, I was planning on using it on the with the most mana...."

"Alright, also, you're gonna have to stand back and extinguish the fires, cool bye," Night said before he shot towards the nearest follower.

".....Fine...." Nate pouted, he looked at Noctis who was now sleeping on his head. Layla, Eve and Everzone followed Night and got right into the battle. "Oh sure, don't mind me, I'm just the firefighter in the background while you guys are the heroes stopping the bad guys,"

As much as he complained, Nate knew the importance of what Night asked him to do. Forests like these, that is, dense forests are prone to forest fires, and the effect of such a disaster would be colossal. Thankfully, the flames didn't spread too much, it would only take a few minutes to properly extinguish.

'This isn't too hard, but for a follower, he's good with the sword but it irks me, the mistakes he makes, urgh,' Night thought as he fought off four followers at once. However, there was only one of them proved to be good, unfortunate for the man, he somehow irked Night.

"You're doing it all wrong, that's a sword, not a goddamn staff!"


"Come at me properly, your attacks are too weak, you're letting yourself flow fully, that offers mobility and good technique but the way you're doing it, you're losing out a lot on power. Put more force into your grip, that's the most important," Night said as he knocked out the other three followers. He didn't really have the heart to kill them, at least not at that moment.


Within a few minutes, just around the time as when Nate's firefighting job was finished, every follower there was unconscious, even the one Night was teaching. The bald follower who was harassed by Shade was the first to faint.

"Huh, seems like we didn't really need to use Three Moons Dispersion against the followers," Night muttered as he looked at Nate who was grumbling to Layla.

[Your subject Shade has defeated a creature of flames, Ifrit]

[Your subject Shade has gained Fire Seed]

[Your subject Shade has gained Flame halberd]

[Your subject Shade has gained Rune of Ignition]

[Essence of Ifrit is absorbed into Rune of Ignition]

[You have leveled up!]

[Your subject Shade has leveled up!]

[Your subject Shade has leveled up!]

[Your subject Shade has leveled up!]

[Your subject Shade has leveled up!]

[Your subject Shade has leveled up!]

[Your subject Shade has leveled up!]

[Your subject Shade has leveled up!]

[Your subject Shade has leveled up!]

[Your subject Shade has leveled up!]

[Your subject Shade has leveled up!]

"Uh...." Night was in shock as he stared at the notifications, Shade leveled up more than ten times and he received multiple drops. It was the first time Night had ever received such a notification.

"My Lord...." Shade stepped forward and kneeled, his hand which seemed more muscular was over his heart. "This lowly subject has a request..."


"Please accept these," Shade said as he held up a halberd. It was five feet long, it looked like a regular weapon but it had a fire symbol on the blade. However, that wasn't the end, there was a glowing orange-yellow seed as well as a grey rock with the fire symbol in the center.

"...Are you sure?"

"I have no doubts about this My Lord,"


[You have acquired Fire Seed x1]

[You have acquired Flame Halberd x1]

[You have acquired Rune of Ignition x1]josei

[Fire Seed

Effects: Unknown

Grade: Rare]

[Rune of Ignition

Essence: 1,000/1,000,000]

'Finally....a drop....I think I peaked in life. Hmmm, both these drops are pretty weird, time to look at the halberd I guess?'

It was weird holding another weapon, especially after using Glacial Balance for so long and so often. Besides, a halberd wasn't the same as a spear, while it could be used in such a way, it was more complicated than that.

[Flame Halberd

Grade: Rare

Level: 100


Requirements: none.

Durability: 400/400

Overdrive: All damage increased by 50%. Damage dealt by fire-element attacks further boosted by 25%. The weapon can enter Overdrive mode only once in 24hrs. Cost: 50 durability per minute]


It wasn't powerful in the typical sense, a normal player would probably call it above average at the max, the durability drop was too much and most people couldn't use it to its maximum potential. However, Night specialized in his ability to sneakily accumulate damage on the enemy, and this new weapon was definitely going to increase his damage output.

'Can I double wield it...?'

For the first time ever, there was an issue with Night's ability. The system allowed the usage of multiple weapons at once. However, using a Halberd that's around five feet and probably many kilograms or pounds heavy with another weapon is nearly impossible. At least for the current Night.

Through the increase of stats and weapon mastery, there was a chance for him to unlock the weapon's full potential. While the Flame Halberd wasn't too strong just in terms of damage, the overdrive ability mentioned the increase in all damage.

[Due to your subject Shade's contribution in the 'episode', a chain event has been created!]

[Chain Quest: The Pious(forced)

Grade: Cannot determine

The people's faith in the Goddess of Artemis was slowly deepening. It was an unusual change that was never expected to occur. However, it was determined that the disappearance of the Guardian of the Forest of Silence was a core factor]

'It's one thing after another with this guy....' Night thought as he looked at his loyal subject who was still kneeling down. There was something weird, this was a chain quest and it said forced in the brackets, but that wasn't it, there was no information regarding the quest. No complete condition, no failure penalty, no reward. It was empty.

'The notifications!'

In the past ten minutes, so many events took place that Night completely forgot about the notifications he received when Shade "evolved" or significantly changed. His heart beat rapidly against his chest, the smell of burning wood was stronger than ever, once again it was like everything slowed down, the voices of his clanmates were muffled, the only thing that was clear was the sound of two heartbeats. 


Night's Shade

level 90

Grade: Uncommon

Hp: 200,000


Being of Nyx(passive): +40% resistance to dark attacks, has a 50% chance of converting 10% of the damage dealt by skill into users Hp. Triggers once every 1 minute.

Shadow veil: Can hide in any shadow within the reach of the user. User can hide in the shadow of one being for a maximum of 5 seconds.

Retaliation Strike: A strike that deals 100% of PhyDmg. If used within 5 seconds of taking damage increases to 400%. Cooldown: 5 minutes.

Shadow Create: Summons Shadows of the Night. In a place where there is an abundance of shade, MP requirement drops to 0, Cooldown: 30 seconds.





A/N: I'm sure you've noticed I made a few format changes, I assumed it was better than the previous one. Also, I'm not sure if I've mentioned this but I'm working on a discord server, its closed right now but that's only because it needs changes and whatnot. If you have any suggestions and whatnot, DM me on discord or let me know in the comments ^_^

Bad Luck FTW!

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