Unpredictable Marriage.

Chapter 180 - Wedding Game.

Chapter 180 - Wedding Game.


Liu Longwei ignored them all as he walked towards Chen Lihua as he stared at her before his view was suddenly blocked by the ladies.

So now, Liu Longwei couldn't see Chen Lihua's figure or walk towards her even with his tall height.

The shining light in his eyes dimmed a whole lot as he stared at them, waiting for their demands.

One of Chen Lihua's friends told him to find Chen Lihua's shoes (Wedding shoes) which they had already hidden earlier before they (Liu Longwei and his entourage) entered the room.

This is mainly about taking their beloved bride (Chen Lihua) away, and it is not an easy mission, so they used this opportunity to teach the groom (Liu Longwei) to treasure her (Chen Lihua) in the future.

Hence, Liu Longwei began to look for Chen Lihua's shoes in the room amidst his friend's cheers and laughter.

The ladies stopped blocking Chen Lihua's view when they saw that Liu Longwei had begun searching for the shoe.

It was so funny to see Liu Longwei looking for something with a serious look on his face. It was as if that shoe would determine his future.

Under the red veil, Chen Lihua was smiling as she imagined the look Liu Longwei had on his face as he was being commanded to look for a shoe.

The room was not too crowded with the number of people who were currently in the room, thanks to the size of Chen Lihua's room.

Liu Longwei searched Chen Lihua's room before going into her bathroom and walk-in closet to search, but couldn't see anything that resembles a Chinese wedding shoe.

When he came back to the room empty-handed, Liu Liwei gave him a disappointed look as he asked, "Brother you still haven't found the shoes?"

But Liu Longwei didn't answer him, and instead stood at a place and looked around the room with a serious and determined look on his face.

"What! The great Liu Longwei who has many strategic business plans couldn't even find his bride's shoe?" Han Jian asked, and the others erupted in laughter while Liu Longwei glanced at Han Jian, but remained silent.

"Brother you must find Lihua's shoes, or you won't be able to take her away if you don't pass their test". Liu Dongmei said, patting his shoulder.

Now, Liu Longwei moved his gaze to where Chen Lihua was sitting and stared intently at the place, and this made the others wonder what he was thinking.

But this was not the same for Chen Lihua's friends and cousins, as they had a different look. Some of them had a look of surprise while the others had an uneasy facial expression, but they immediately covered it up so Liu Longwei wouldn't discover anything.

But one of them was too late to cover up her look because Liu Longwei saw immediately and thus, confirmed his guess/ deductions.

So now, he smiled and walked straight to Chen Lihua.

Chen Lihua felt her heartbeat accelerated when she heard the steady footsteps that were getting closer to her.

At first, when her friends pulled her shoe off her feet and she asked them for the reason, they told her to relax, that they were playing an interesting game.

So without seeing what was going on, but hearing what was going on, she now had total knowledge of what the game was all about.

Now standing in front of his bride, Liu Longwei knelt before her on one knee and apologized, "Am sorry wife, but I have to do this". Then he raised Chen Lihua's legs which were covered with the red long flowing gown and put them on his lap before stretching his hands under the bed.

A few seconds later, Liu Longwei brought a pair of female wedding shoes. He raised them so that everyone could see that he has found the shoes.

"Wow! How did he know the shoes were there?" Mu Boqin asked in astonishment.

"That's right, how did he know? I wouldn't even have thought of that place if I was the one". Wu Bohai said in surprise.

Liu Dongmei had her mouth agape in shock. She felt that those ladies really knew how to play their game very well.

"You Ladies took a big risk. How could you hide the shoes right where Lihua was sitting?" Li Dongmei asked.

"You see, that was the safest place. And you could tell with how long the groom took to finally find it". Chen Lihua's friend said with a smile.

All of them nodded because of what she said was right.

One of Chen Lihua's cousin gave Liu Longwei a sign (She nodded her head) for him to go ahead.

After he got their approval, He lifted Chen Lihua's gown a little, then held her feet which were covered in a white pantyhose before helping her feet into the shoes.

When he was done, he took out a bundle of money from his trouser pocket. Then he unwrapped the money before spraying the money on his bride. And he did it so elegantly.

One of the Ladies screamed excitedly '?' as claps and cheers came from Liu Longwei's friends.

Chen Lihua didn't even know what was happening as she couldn't see or feel anything. Just the cheers that told her something was happening, or rather that Liu Longwei was doing something.

So her imagination started running wide as she began to wonder what he was doing that even made someone scream excitedly.

When Liu Longwei was done spraying the money, he lifted Chen Lihua in a bridal style with a smile on his face.

Chen Lihua who was already blushing right under that veil, quickly held his neck with her hands to support herself.

Then Liu Longwei carried her away with his entourage following behind them. As they passed the hallway, stairs, etc., there were joyful sounds coming from everyone passed by.

Lady Chen was all smiles seeing her daughter being carried away by her groom. She even came outside with other members of the Chen Family to send them off.

A bodyguard opened the back passenger door for Liu Longwei, and he gently dropped Chen Lihua on the car seat.

The bodyguard closed the door as Liu Longwei got into the car through the other side of the car.

Liu Longwei's entourage got into their respective cars as well before they drove off in a convoy ???????.

Immediately they left, Lady Chen started making arrangements for Chen Lihua's reception gowns to be sent to the reception venue. 

Next, she urged everyone to quicken their steps with whatever chores they were handling.

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