Unpredictable Marriage.

Chapter 208 - Say Your Last Prayers.

Chapter 208 - Say Your Last Prayers.

Liu Longwei stared at those her beautiful and fair boobs before subconsciously licking his lips. But when he was met with an angry glare from Chen Lihua, he recollected his thoughts before clearing his throat.

"Sweetheart, of course, I like your boobs a lot more than others because they are perky and upright. Yours is on a whole different level when compared to them," Liu Longwei responded with his eyes still fixed on her boobs.

Seeing where he was gazing at Chen Lihua suddenly dropped her clothes to cover her boobs that were previously on display.

'What a hooligan!" She muttered to herself.

She was a bit tempted to pinch his ears before dragging him around the house while calling him 'Shameless.' But she changed her mind as it would require a lot of energy from her to do that.

So she rolled her eyes at him and said, "So what you mean is that when my boobs sag, you won't like it anymore?".

Liu Longwei felt beads of sweat form on his forehead while saying to himself, 'Lihua why can't you follow the script, you are supposed to be happy?'.

But then he quickly said to appease her, "I will never do that!".

Chen Lihua gave him a hard stare before turning her back towards him and walking towards the door.

Seeing her going away just like that, Liu Longwei heaved a sigh of relief as a smile crept upon his face on seeing that his mission had been accomplished.

He really couldn't believe that with his wife's temper, she would forgive him so easily, so he asked her as she turned the door's handle.

"Sweetheart, have you forgiven me?" Liu Longwei asked unconfidently.

Without turning back to take a look at him, Chen Lihua continued with her actions of leaving the room while sneering, "Forgive you my foot. Get ready, we are leaving the house in five minutes, in your Bugatti chevron."

Liu Longwei hurriedly chased after her on seeing that she had already left the room.

"Sweetheart, where are we going?" He asked once he saw her back.

Chen Lihua answered him without turning back, and with a skirt that was hidden from him, "We are going for a drive to vent out the remains of my anger."

'But you'd better pray we come back alive,' Chen Lihua completed the second half of her sentence in her mind.

Just before she disappeared completely, she left him with a warning.

"I don't want to hear you call me sweetheart till today is over because it's beginning to disgust me as you've said it too much, and since I am also annoyed with you right now."

Five minutes later, Liu Longwei and Chen Lihua were now sitting in his millions of dollars' worth of sports cars.

Chen Lihua ignited the car and then turned to look at the man that has already fastened his seatbelt before saying with a smile that was not actually a smile. "Say your last prayers."

"What?...." Liu Longwei said not understanding what she meant, or maybe he didn't want to hear her, or perhaps he wanted to be sure he heard her right.

He didn't even get to finish his sentence as he was not being granted the opportunity, because the car had zoomed off at that point.

As Chen Lihua drove the car out through the metallic gates, she did a sharp turn that almost sent Liu Longwei out through the window if not that he was lucky to have his seat belt on.

Liu Longwei had a deadpan expression after he recovered from the shock of almost being thrown out of the car. However, he wasn't, and instead had hit his head on the dashboard, he said.

"Lihua, stop the car, I will drive instead."

"This is just the beginning," With a smug look on her face, she replied before accelerating.

Seeing that she was dead serious, Liu Longwei immediately pressed a button, and the two-car windows rolled up.

He now half relaxed on the car seat with this thought, 'At least I won't be sent flying out of the window.'

But this situation made him know that Chen Lihua was still angry at him and that she was using this medium to vent her anger on him.

As he opened his mouth to speak to her amicably, Chen Lihua said just before a word could come out of his mouth, totally shutting him off.

"The more you attempt to say a word, the more danger we will both be in."

Chen Lihua accelerated once more as she entered a major road. And a car was just driving directly in front of her.

But when it seemed like she was about to crash into it, she immediately overtook it.

The bodyguards that had been following them let out a breath of relief.

They didn't know what was wrong with their mistress and for what reason, she was driving above the speed limit.

They couldn't be bothered to absorb themselves in those thoughts, as their top priority was to catch up with the sports car which was driving at a frightening speed.josei

But no matter how hard they tried, they still couldn't come near a car that was built with the consideration of speed, so they just tried to make sure the sports car was in their view. But when they saw they were losing sight of the car, they hurriedly sent out a drone to tail them.

Even though they were not notified or alerted, they had to at least do what could be done, without instructions, and that was to ensure their safety by watching over them.

Chen Lihua didn't mean what she said, because she was only scaring Liu Longwei, and also giving him a warning at the same time, never to mess with her.

Deep down her heart, she was already having a lot of fun.

Liu Longwei, on the other hand, wasn't in any way frightened by her actions, but he had to think twice because anything could happen at any time. So he reminded her in a soft voice, "Lihua you've passed the speed limit, please slow down, or the police will soon be after us."

That didn't in any way make Chen Lihua slow down. Instead, she replied righteously, "You have excess money, so you can pay for the fine."

Liu Longwei sighed before giving further explanation, "Our wedding is in a few days. Do you want is to make the headlines before then?"

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