Unpredictable Marriage.

Chapter 213 - Ready To Fight Each Other To Death.

Chapter 213 - Ready To Fight Each Other To Death.

The old woman didn't bother to retort or care about the people that were laughing at her. They were having enough fun from watching her being embarrassed.

Just as she left the store, she tripped and fell, and that invoked the anger that she's been hiding inside. So she started to curse at the store while standing there and pointing fingers.

Everything would have been good if she just cursed while walking away. But she stood in front of the store and cursed while pointing fingers. So the security had no choice than to haul her away.

To make matters worse, the type of glass used in the shop was a two-way glass. Allowing people inside the store to clearly see everything that was happening outside, while that outside can only see a reflection of themselves.

So the old lady became the topic of discussion once more. 

Her earlier act of shamelessness hasn't been wiped off from their mind. Now she was making another refreshing scene that would refresh their memories and even make it difficult to forget what they saw.josei

Chen Lin heaved a sigh of relief after dealing with a crazy and troublesome woman. She then turned to the people that were still surrounding the scene with a warm smile.

"Thank you for choosing to shop with soft & comfy collections today on our grand opening. And to apologize on the trivial matter that occurred here today, 5% has been removed from each item your purchase here today. But I would have to trouble you all to delete the videos you recorded here today, thank you."

The people were overjoyed, as they counted themselves lucky to have been at the right place and at the right time to get a discount on each purchase they made.

What were they even doing with the video that won't pay them? So with this thought in mind, they obediently deleted the videos they had earlier recorded.

Seeing that her plan had worked, Chen Lin smiled satisfactorily before walking off.

If she didn't ask them to delete the videos and it got out. It would not only harm the old woman but also smear the store's name and reputation she had painstakingly brought to this level with her efforts.

What was a 5% discount? As far as it would shut the people's mouth, and get them to do what she wanted, she was willing to give them that discount.

And her idea really worked and even caused her to gain more sales that day, because those that wanted to purchase one or two items topped their purchase with two or more days because of the discount.

You could say that the old woman was a blessing in disguise. But she was too foolish to have left the dress that cost thousands of Yuan after paying for it.

So, this was what happened years back, which made the old woman resent Chen Lin.

When her son said that he was bringing home the woman he to marry, she was thrilled and cooked up some delicacies. 

But when she finally met the woman her son wanted to marry, and it was the same woman that had embarrassed her months ago, she became mad in anger.

As she recounted that scene, and the losses she made that day, she jumped up from the couch while shouting and pointing fingers at Chen Lin.

"So why did you bring this bitch into my house. She was the same wench that caused my problem some months back. She even made me quarrel with your father because I was blinded with anger, and that caused him to leave me for months. This bitch will not come into my house, I will never allow her to marry into this family!"

The old woman was spewing curses from her mouth then and there. She almost clawed on Chen Lin's face, if not for her son shielding Chen Lin from her sight.

"Mother, calm down, every misunderstanding between you two can be cleared up. Chen Lin is the woman I want to marry, and she's already carrying your grandchild!"

"What grandchild?" The old woman screeched. 

Her son repeated what he had just said, and she nearly gave him a slap. 

Seeing that she couldn't bear to hit her own son, she tried to slap Chen Lin instead, but her son shielded her with his back, and the slap landed on his back.

"Son, what do you think you're doing? Allow me to teach this whore a lesson. I don't want to know if she's pregnant or not. But what I know is that she can never marry into this family, unless you want it to happen over my dead body?"

Then she stared daggers at Chen Lin who was still hiding behind her son, while seething in rage.

"Slut! So you even know how to open your legs for my son and get pregnant for him? Better come out here because I am going to teach you a huge lesson that your mother forgot to teach you. And if you know what is good for you, abort that child you are carrying since you want to use it to tie my son down so that he would marry you, because I will never acknowledge the both of you!"

Chen Lin was quite surprised to meet the old woman who had caused trouble in her shop and nearly ruined its reputation.

But now, the old woman was cursing at her. And as if that wasn't enough for her, she had to bring her mother and her unborn child into the matter.

"Old woman it seems like something is wrong with you, or have you forgotten the despicable act you did? Should I show you the CCTV footage from our store that day in case you have selective memory loss?"

"Bitch! You still dare to talk back at me. Son, have you see the kind of human being you want to marry into our family, the type that talks back to her elders?" The old woman said to her son after shooting daggers at Chen Lin.

"Mom but you cursed at her first. She's not at fault," Her son said with a frown while still standing in between the two women that were ready to fight each other to death when given the slightest chance.

"So she should talk back to me?" The Old woman retorted in anger.

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