Unpredictable Marriage.

Chapter 246 - Does It Hurt The First Time?.

Chapter 246 - Does It Hurt The First Time?.

But Liu Dongmei gave a mysterious smile and answered while glancing at Chen Lihua, who was sitting with a closed fist on her chin. 

"Wait and see."

Then several minutes later, Chen Lihua saw herself in the club.

She could see so many young people drinking and dancing to the loud music being played.

She couldn't help but look around while walking with her sisters-in-law and friends, because it has been a really while since she saw herself in this kind of scenario.

Liu Dongmei directed them to sit at one corner of the clubhouse.

Actually, they climbed the stairs in other for them to get there.

Chen Lihua squinted her eyes as they bright coloured light pierced through her pupils. So she had no choice than to shield her eyes with her arm.

"Am so sorry Lihua, I totally forgot about your eyes," Liu Dongmei said apologetically.

"Should we go back? Because nothing must happen to her sight because she needs them tomorrow," Caro suggested.

"It's ok. I think I can manage for not more than a minute," Chen Lihua said as she allowed Liu Huiling to pull her to a seat.

Angel was already smiling happily until Chen Lihua finished her sentence.

"I thought you would say something like an hour or so, but here you are, breaking my heart," Angel snorted.

"The time you just mentioned can only come true if and only if the lights could just stay at a place, and not be so bright. But no, they are busy moving about. Am sorry to break your heart, but I can't put my sight at risk at this moment, just so you could have fun," Chen Lihua said while still shielding her eyes.

"It's alright. Don't worry, I will take care of it," Liu Dongmei said before calling one of the attendants. She said something to him once he arrived, then the attendant nodded respectfully and left.

"Oh! I think I have sunglasses in my bag," One of them said as she fumbled through her bag.

Within a minute, Chen Lihua had sunglasses over the eyes, and she seemed to have relaxed a lot.

"Don't you think it's weird to put on sunglasses in a night club?" Jennifer whispered to Angel, who, in turn, asked her with a smile.

"Do you want to go home?"

Jennifer shook her head as she shrunk her shoulders.

'Who wants to abandon all the fun here to go home?' Jennifer said to herself.

What Angle meant is simple. If Chen Lihua didn't have those sunglasses over her eyes, she would have still been whining in their ears now, while complaining about her eyes.

And since they wouldn't put her sight at risk, they would eventually go home without having fun.

After about five minutes, the light around where they were sitting, became still. It was no longer twirling like a siren bulb, and drinks were served to them. But still, Chen Lihua refused to put the sunglasses away.

She seemed so relaxed and comfortable in it, and so was her entourage who were happy that they wouldn't be going home soon.

But unfortunately, their joy was cut short as the unexpected happened.

"Lihua, which question did you want to ask back at the bridal shower?" One of them brought up this question as they drank some cocktails and beer.

"That's right, we noticed you were nervous. So, you can go ahead and ask your questions," Angle said.

Chen Lihua took a sip of her cocktail ? before dropping the glass. Then she made sure to swallow the content in her mouth before speaking.

"I easily get embarrassed, but do not laugh at me. In fact, no one is allowed to laugh at me," Chen Lihua said while giving each of them a glancing, trying to get their assurance.

And all of them nodded, which meant that they agreed, as they seemed to understand her.

Chen Lihua cleared her throat before saying quickly in French, "How frequent should a couple have sex?"

Not everyone could hear and understand French, coupled with how fast she spoke.

But Liu Dongmei was the first to come back to her senses as she answered, "Maybe four to five times a week."

"You can have sex any time you two want, you do not have to go with a timetable," Liu Huiling answered.

Chen Lihua's friends seemed to understand her questions from Liu Huiling's answer but dare not to laugh. Instead, they paid keen attention to the conversation.josei

"I heard that sex drains energy. Isn't four to five days a week, a little too much?" Chen Lihua asked with a slight frown on her face.

Everyone looked at each other in the eyes before laughing.

"Oh, Lihua, you should just look at your face in the mirror. Four to five days is the least you could go. Have you seen my brother's body before?" Liu Dongmei asked while laughing.

"Lily, your husband doesn't look like he would have sex with you less than four times a week. I mean, look how well built his body is," Caro said.

"You know the way my brother works out. You should know what to expect from it," Liu Huiling said.

"Lily, you have to prepare your body and mind for the battles you would be facing from tomorrow onwards," One of Chen Lihua's friends said while giving her a thumbs up.

Chen Lihua seemed to have lost contact with them because her mind was occupied with another matter.

If not for Liu Huiling's reminder, she would have forgotten about how well built Liu Longwei's muscles were, and how strong he should be.

And she forgot to note that most strong men had big appetites, and she was sure that Liu Longwei wouldn't be lacking in that aspect.

Chen Lihua shook her head to clear her thoughts, as she asked her second most important question.

"Does it really hurt the first time?" Chen Lihua asked, more like whispered, completely forgetting the loud music that was playing.

When she saw them looking at her without saying a word, she immediately understood, and so repeated her question. And this time around, increasing the tone of her voice.

Liu Dongmei smiled and answered, "It hurts, but for a little bit."

Chen Lihua is scared of being hurt, so when she heard that her first time would hurt a little, she frowned as her heartbeat increased.

'What will I do now that I've already promised Liu Longwei? Can I bear the pain?' Chen Lihua asked herself.

To Chen Lihua, pain is pain. There is nothing like a little pain or a big pain.

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