Unpredictable Marriage.

Chapter 281 - A Clash With The Deputy Chief.

Chapter 281 - A Clash With The Deputy Chief.

Chen Lihua came out of the theatre with a not so happy face. She seemed to be the only one with that expression on her face as the rest of her team were happy for the successful surgery.

There were no mishaps during the surgery like a vein rupture and the rest. So they were happy, apart from Chen Lihua who felt like killing someone.

"Congratulations Doctor Chen," Her teammates congratulated her, and she responded with a nod.

Chen watched and followed on until the patient was wheeled to the SICU (Surgical Intensive Care Unit), before walking away.josei

"Am not in the mood to meet the patient's family for now, so tell them they could see her (the patient) in a few hours. And after their visit, they could come and see me in my office," Chen Lihua informed the nurse that was following her before walking away.

Chen Lihua washed up, and on her way to her office, she met a nurse in the hallway who told her that Dr. Song came back an hour ago, and also asked about her.

Chen Lihua said a word of thanks before going into her office, only to see a visitor who had already made himself at home.

"Good evening Dr. Song," Chen Lihua greeted politely before walking over to sit on her seat.

"They told me you weren't in a good mood even after the successful surgery. Now looking at you, I have come to believe what they said because your face doesn't look good," Dr. Song said in a smile.

"How was your trip, Dr. Song?" Chen Lihua asked, refusing to make a comment about what he said.

"The trip was fine, and the surgery, successful just like yours. So tell me, why are you annoyed?" Dr. Song asked, insisting on knowing the reason behind her foul mood.

Chen Lihua sighed before speaking up, "Nothing much. I just hope I will not be given a fake or incomplete medical record of any patient, again. I don't have the energy and power to deal with the trouble."

"That's no trouble at all. Just note that in case something like that happens, you will not be held responsible for anything that happens after that. And if possible, have a trustworthy person read out the patient's medical records before the surgery in the cases of emergency surgeries, or you can read them yourself," Dr. Song suggested with a smile.

"Thank you, Doctor Song," Chen Lihua said.

"No troubles. So did my words help you to feel better now?" Dr. Song asked.

"A little," Chen Lihua said as she started to flip through the medical records of the patient she just performed surgery on.

"Are you sure you are not pissed off for another reason?"

"Like?" Chen Lihua asked without looking up, as she continued to go through the medical records.

"Like, cutting your honeymoon short" Dr. Song teased.

Chen Lihua finally looked up at him and said with a smile, "My honeymoon ended a day ago."

"That's fine. I will be leaving. You can contact me or come to my office if you need anything," Dr. Song said as he stood up from his seat.

"Thank you, Dr. Song," Chen Lihua greeted politely while standing up as a sign of respect.

Dr. Song just smiled and walked away.

One hour twenty minutes later, a nurse knocked on Chen Lihua's door and came into her office after Chen Lihua gave her the go-ahead.

"Dr. Chen, these are the forms and documents you asked for," The nurse said as she passed some stacks of papers to Chen Lihua.

"Thank you," Chen Lihua said as she took the stacks of papers from her, and began flipping through them.

As the nurse turned to leave, she stopped and turned to face Chen Lihua just after taking some steps.

"Dr. Chen," The nurse called out, and Chen Lihua looked up to glance at her.

Seeing that she had gotten her attention, the nurse continued, "I saw the Deputy Chief talking with the family of the patient you just performed surgery on."

"Where did you see them?" Chen Lihua asked curiously.

"Outside the SICU, where the patient is currently resting," The nurse replied as she watched Chen Lihua's face change color.

"Did you listen to their conversation?" Chen Lihua asked as her voice was getting heavier.

The nurse hesitated a little after detecting the anger in Chen Lihua's voice, but she still went ahead to reply.

"I think I heard him talking about the surgery and also advising them."

"That's it, I've heard enough for today!" Chen Lihua said while getting up from her seat, as she made her way towards the door.

The nurse immediately followed behind her.

When they got to that particular floor, Chen Lihua overheard the Deputy Chief saying, "You can even follow me to my office, and I will explain more there."

"That's the patient's family, Dr. Chen," The nurse beside Chen Lihua, reminded her in a soft voice.

"Deputy Chief!" Chen Lihua called out in a heavy voice.

The Deputy Chief and the patient's family, which consisted of a male and a female, turned to look over as they watched Chen Lihua walk over in heavy footsteps.

On seeing Chen Lihua, the Deputy Chief stopped smiling as his face turned into a scowl.

Chen Lihua approached them, and without sparing the Deputy Chief a glance, she introduced herself to the middle-aged man and woman in a polite smile.

"I am Doctor Chen, and I believe you are the family of the patient; I just performed a surgery on, an hour and thirty minutes ago," Chen Lihua said while stretching out her hand for a handshake.

The middle-aged man smiled while shaking Chen Lihua's hand.

"Yes. I am the patient's only son, and this is my wife," The man introduced cheerfully.

Chen Lihua released the man's hand before going ahead to exchange greetings with the middle-aged woman in a handshake.

"Thank you so much Doctor for rescuing my mother-in-law despite the health complications she had," The middle-aged woman said to Chen Lihua with a heart full of gratitude.

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