Unrivaled Medicine God

Chapter 2373 - Killing Divine Envoy!

Chapter 2373 - Killing Divine Envoy!

Chapter 2373: Killing Divine Envoy!

“L-Lord Divine Envoy, our Ziwei Sect really didn’t antagonize the divine race! L-Lord Divine Envoy, please lift your hand high up in mercy, and let us off!”

In front of a middle-aged divine race member, Ziwei Sect’s sect master said tremblingly.

One could tell that he was very scared.

This kind of fear came from the soul!

“Oh? Is that so? Looks like the people that this envoy killed isn’t enough yet!”

The middle-aged divine envoy smiled slightly and pointed a finger out again. Another Ziwei Sect disciple was killed.

His eyes were full of indifference.

As if what he killed was not a person, but an animal.

Ziwei Sect’s sect master trembled and choked with sobs as he said, “Just what does Lord Divine Envoy want before you’re willing to let the Ziwei Sect off?”

But the middle-aged divine envoy’s eyes landed on a young woman in the crowd.

His eyes had indescribable greed.

“Ziwei has a girl who just grew up and she’s known as Skysouth’s number one beauty. Mo Qingshan, you understand!” The middle-aged divine envoy said with a smile.

Ziwei Sect Master, Mo Qingshan, suddenly lifted his head, his eyes full of resentment, as he said in shock and fury, “Lord Divine Envoy framed my Ziwei Sect for Xiaocao?”

The divine envoy smiled faintly and was indifferent as he said, “So what?”

The middle-aged divine envoy did not bother to hide it at all, directly admitting it!

He came for Mo Xiaocao!

He fabricated charges and intentionally framed them!

What could you do to me?

The middle-aged divine envoy was arrogant and domineering to the extreme.

Mo Xiaocao, Ziwei Sect Master, Mo Qingshan’s beloved daughter.

People should not look at how Mo Qingshan was trembling with fear in front of the middle-aged divine envoy. He loved this daughter deeply.

In the crowd, Mo Xiaocao’s complexion turned pale, her entire body trembling.

She had looks that made myriad life fall, but it was hard to resist the coveting of the divine race.

In the eyes of the divine race, human girls were merely playthings.

Girls who were eyed by the divine race, each one ended in extremely miserable outcomes.

She smiled bitterly in her heart, this day still came in the end?

Mo Qingshan’s expression flickered indeterminately, and he suddenly kowtowed.




Each sound, the entire Ziwei Sect could hear it distinctly.

“Divine Envoy, please let my girl go! Mo Qingshan is willing to die for her!” Mo Qingshan said earnestly.

But, there was no compassion in the middle-aged divine envoy’s eyes at all. He just said coolly, “You can die. But Mo Xiaocao, this envoy is still bringing away!”

Mo Qingshan suddenly stood up, staring straight at the divine envoy, full of anger.

He dared to get angry, but he did not dare to speak!

Behind him were ten thousand Ziwei Sect disciples!

Once he became angry, these ten thousand disciples all had to be buried in death!

But that was his most beloved daughter. So how could he watch her jump into the fire pit with his own eyes?

Seeing the look in Mo Qingshan’s eyes, the middle-aged divine envoy’s brows furrowed slightly, appearing very unhappy.

“You dare to use this kind of eyes to look at this envoy?”

Mo Qingshan was startled and gritted his teeth and said, “Divine Envoy, please forgive me!”

The divine envoy said coolly, “Death penalty can be spared, but punishment can’t be escaped! You, cripple your cultivation and demote to a commoner. The position of sect master will be succeeded by Lin Tianhan!”

Done talking, he turned around again and said to his two subordinates, “Go, bring Mo Xiaocao away. If anyone dares to stop, kill without mercy!”


The two subordinates received the order and went, and were about to bring Mo Xiaocao away.

Mo Xiaocao’s complexion turned a few shades paler.

She wanted to struggle, but she did not dare.

Mo Qingshan’s expression changed wildly and was about to stop those two subordinates. But the divine envoy said in a solemn voice, “This envoy asked you to cripple your own cultivation, didn’t you hear?”

While talking, the two subordinates already arrived in front of Mo Xiaocao, and they wanted to reach their hands out and take her away.



No idea where two streaks of sword light appeared from either, the two subordinates fell down softly right in front of Mo Xiaocao.


Mo Xiaocao got a fright and screamed.

The middle-aged divine envoy’s pupils constricted and he said with an angry roar, “Who? Who did it? Step forward for this envoy!”

Ziwei Sect’s disciples exchanged glances, you look at me, I look at you, all uncertain about things.

The middle-aged divine envoy’s brows furrowed slightly and he said with a cold smile, “No one is coming forward is it? To dare kill divine envoys, your entire Ziwei Sect has to be buried in death!”

Everyone’s faces changed wildly, a look of alarm and anger on their faces.

“Who killed them, why haven’t you come forward! Want to cause all of us to die?”

“God damn it, who was it that wanted to frame our Ziwei Sect to be eternally doomed?”

“Damn it, quickly come forward!”

... ...

Ziwei Sect’s disciples all had ashen expressions, crying out in horror.

Just this sentence, the lethality was too great!

A divine envoy saying this was not joking with them.

He said exterminate the sect, that was really exterminating the sect!

To the divine race, exterminating a sect was too easy.

“I’m standing in front of you. Haven’t you noticed it?” Right then, a leisurely voice suddenly sounded out.

It was not loud, but it made everyone’s hearts tremble.

In front of the divine envoy, a young man was standing with his hands behind his back.

What was even scarier was that they actually did not know when he stood there!

He was clearly standing there but gave people an extremely unreal feeling.

This person was naturally none other than precisely Ye Yuan.

Traveling through spacetime, his spatial law already reached the level of source.

Furthermore, this was the spatial law that he comprehended, superimposing with the Heavenspan World’s spatial law.

Even for the divine race’s powerhouses, it was hard to distinguish too.

But just earlier, the shock in Ye Yuan’s heart was similarly hard to express in words.

He actually followed along the mighty current of spacetime, and he arrived in the previous epoch?

The divine race cruelly oppressed myriad races. Originally, it merely existed in his imagination too.

But, seeing this scene before his eyes, he finally knew how Shang Hang’s hatred came about.

The divine envoy’s pupils constricted and he said in a solemn voice, “Who are you? To actually dare kill divine envoys, are you tired of living?”

Ye Yuan had a disapproving look as he said coolly, “Killed then killed, so what?”

The middle-aged divine envoy’s brows furrowed and he said in a cold voice, “Very good! To dare kill divine envoys, after you die, the Ziwei Sect will also be buried in death!” josei

Ye Yuan had a disdainful look as he said, “Your divine race is really cocky! Do you really take yourself to be the messenger of heaven? You aren’t even a fart in front of me!”

Everyone stared wide-eyed and tongue-tied, looking at Ye Yuan with shocked faces.

Where did this guy pop out from, to actually dare talk so wildly!

Divine envoy, that was naturally the envoy of heaven!

The middle-aged envoy laughed loudly when he heard that and said, “Where did this lunatic pop out from, to actually dare question my divine race’s authority! Today, this envoy is going to execute justice on behalf of heaven, and let you know what’s called heaven!”

Done talking, the middle-aged divine envoy released his aura fully. He was actually at the peak middle-aged Eight-marks Heavenly Dao Realm!

This level of strength was absolutely overwhelming to the human race!

In his eyes, Ye Yuan was merely Fifth Firmament Heavenly Emperor Realm.

This bit of cultivation realm was not even enough to fill the crevices between his teeth. He naturally would not really take Ye Yuan seriously.


Ye Yuan snapped his fingers and said coolly, “Sword, come!”

Clank, clank, clank ...

Ziwei Sect’s swords all flew out involuntarily in an instant, flying over toward the divine envoy.


The middle-aged divine envoy’s move was not unleashed yet and he was already pierced into a sieve.

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