Unrivaled System

Chapter 145

Chapter 145: (Home 2)

"We're home!." Alex shouted as he opened the door.

"Welcome— home?" Catherine said, she was the one who came to welcome him. Catherine then saw another woman being led by Alex with his hand.

She was at first shocked due to how beautiful Scàthach is before shaking her head, she smiled.

Catherine walk forward and went closer to Scàthach, she first looked at Alex sternly. With a look that said 'Another one? I just told you this morning not to keep bringing one'. Before turning to look at Scathach with a smile.

"Come in, sister, I suppose? My name is Catherine." Catherine smiled to Scàthach.

"You can call me Scathe!." Scàthach said, she let go of Alex's hand.

"Let's go we can talk inside." Catherine said as she pulled her hand and led her inside.

Alex followed them.

When they went inside the room, what greeted them was sight full of beauties. Scàthach shook her head and sighed when she first saw it.

"Cousin!, where are our pills?." Kiara who was sitting at the couch jumped excitedly. She didn't quickly notice that there was another person with him.

"Girl, your not even going to greet me?." Alex helplessly shook his head.

While the other women noticed Scàthach. Scàthach greeted them with a smile. Unlike others she still kept her cool and didn't get flustered.

Eva smiled and nodded towards her before turning to look at Alex, rolling her eyes she said." Humph! Your Late."

"What? Is lunch ready already?." Alex asked

"It's almost done, Alexia said there is only 15 minutes left." Rose said while she got closer to greet him, she is also didn't forget to greet Scàthach.

"Oh... I'm still not late then." Alex said as he eyed Eva, she snorted in response.

"I thought you helped Alexia cooking the food?." Alex asked

"Mhn." Rose nodded

"Alexia let us rest first because it was almost done." Clara said this time

"I see, how about you aunt? did you help?." Alex smiled and look at Selena.

She got annoyed when Alex brought another woman again, but she just sighed. She licked her lips then said." Of course not, the kitchen is way too small for us to fit in together. What? you wanted to taste my cooking~."josei

Alex's face twitched when he saw that his aunt still keep acting like this towards him.

"Dear, where is the pills?." Violette asked

"I have it already, just wait after we are done eating." Alex said, the moment the girls heard this almost all of their eyes light up.

"Are you comfortable here?." Alex turned to asked Zeth who was sitting on the side.

Zeth nodded. It seems Rose has been taking care of her.

"Well, you familiarize each other first. I will go greet Alexia." Alex said and went to the kitchen.

"Let's take a sit first!." Catherine said to Scàthach

Scàthach nodded.

The girls all greeted her with a smile and they introduced each other. Although Scàthach was still a bit unfamiliar of the place. But, seeing that the girls were all friendly, she quickly fitted well. The usual cold Scàthach before is gone, the Scàthach right now was full of smiles.

As they talk no women was hostile towards Scàthach. Because they know very well that she is just the same as them. When they knew that Scàthach still didn't quickly accept to be his woman. Some of the women couldn't help but praise her.

"Good! make him try harder a bit! If not because I was so vulnerable back then. It would have took long for him to get me." Violette said

"Humph! me too! If I was not sorry for him because he was injured I would also have not quickly accepted him." Eva agreed

"Right, if I was not put on the spot back then I also wouldn't have fallen. Even though I still didn't completely said that I am his woman I already acted like one." Catherine also couldn't help but agree with them.

"He also took advantage with me too! Luckily for him I was too naive back then." Clara also joined

"Heh! says the one who always wanted to be spoiled by him." Violette retorted her

Selena also talked about what the things Alex have done. Although she still didn't quickly talk about their relationship, as she knows even though Kiara already knows about it. Still, out of consideration she didn't talk about it.

Rose also talked a bit, but she was shy all the time. Kiara opened her ears wide open, so she could know how to counter when Alex will make a move on her.

Zeth also listened to them.

While they were talking Alex already went to the kitchen.

He saw Alexia wearing an apron over her comfortable shirt. She was wearing a mini skirt in her lower half. Her long red hair cascade over her back.

Alex went closer and hug her from behind, having a whiff of her fragrant hair.

"Your back! And it seems you brought yet another one." Alexia didn't turn around and just rested her head at his right shoulder.

"Sorry, I will keep it in moderation." Alex said as he tilted her head and move his head down to kiss her.

"Mhmm..." Alexia returned back the kiss, they kissed for a couple of seconds before stopping because Alexia was out of breath.

"Huft... It's fine just always leave time for us. I'm actually a bit mad you know? It was only me for this 2 years who had your attention." Alexia turned around and hugged him.

"Don't worry, I will always spend time with you and the others. Also you can keep acting spoiled towards me. You don't need to mind the others." Alex said while caressing her hair.

"I know but as your first I want to at least have a strong image."

"Silly, pretty sure the other girls already know that you are holding yourself back."

"Eh? Really! Was it to obvious?."

"Mhn! I think so."

Alexia turned red.

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