USSR 1941

Chapter 292

Chapter 292: fail

Chapter 292 failed

Shulka's plan was quickly implemented.

The guerrillas who carried out this plan were commanded by a sergeant named Aliza.

Different from other guerrillas, Aliza is a female guerrilla, and she was originally a communication soldier.

The reason why Eliza was chosen to infiltrate near Tula is because during the guerrilla warfare during this period, it was discovered that women are easier to hide behind enemy lines and are more beneficial to operations.

This is normal.

The young and strong young people have basically joined the army, so the German army immediately became vigilant when they saw young men in the rear, and searched several times for nothing.

Women are everywhere in the rear, and it is easier to strike up a conversation with German soldiers to obtain information.

Therefore, the main task of Aliza's unit is actually to obtain intelligence behind enemy lines.

But precisely because their main task is to obtain intelligence and have a lot of useful information in their hands, the plan went surprisingly smoothly...

Ariza first contacted a train driver and persuaded him to act with the guerrillas.

Of course, they promised the train driver to quit before the final link... Before that, the train driver had to teach at least one guerrilla how to drive the train.

Secondly, through the train driver's line, an abandoned carriage was prepared in advance, and then all the prepared explosives were loaded into this abandoned carriage.

In the end, a locomotive was stolen under the leadership of the train driver, and then halfway connected to the old carriage full of explosives and drove to the railway bridge.

All of this went smoothly. Major Shulka and Major Zahakavic stayed in front of the radio station almost the whole time, listening to the news from the headquarters.

Originally this was unnecessary, but Zhukov thought that if something went wrong, Shulka might be of help, so he assigned a staff officer to pass the news to the 4th Tank Brigade headquarters in due course.

When the explosive carriage was picked up at the train station and drove to the railway bridge, Shulka and Major Zahakovic couldn't help cheering.

Things seem to be half the battle here.

At this time, although the Germans knew that the guerrillas had stolen a locomotive, they didn't know what to do with the locomotive!

"What's the point of stealing a locomotive?" Captain Louis of the German special operations team in charge of the security of Wuyi Town asked strangely: "Can it be driven elsewhere? Where can they hide it? Tomorrow we just need to go along The railroad will get it back!"

The lieutenant replied: "Maybe these guerrillas just want to destroy it, drive it away and blow it up!"

"No, you fool!" Captain Louis replied: "They won't do it for this, if they just want to blow it up, they can do it at the train station, there is no need to drive it away!"

This is indeed true, it is superfluous to drive away the train and blow it up.

But this reminded Captain Louis, he hurried to the map, and then asked: "You just said... which direction did they go from after stealing the train?"


"Tula direction?"


"God!" Captain Louis couldn't help exclaiming: "The railway bridge, they want to blow up the railway bridge!"

Without hesitation, Captain Louis immediately ordered the communications soldier: "Contact the Railway Bridge Command immediately!"

The special operations team was responsible for logistics and transportation, so Captain Louis quickly contacted Second Lieutenant Rumolin who was in charge of the safety of the railway bridge.

"The guerrillas stole the locomotive from us!" Captain Louis shouted almost hysterically on the phone: "Stop it, it may be heading in your direction, I think their purpose is to blow up the railway bridge!"

Second Lieutenant Rumolin was a little confused at first, not knowing what Captain Louis meant, but before he put down the phone, he saw a locomotive blowing black smoke towards this place with a "rumbling" sound. Direction coming.josei

At that moment, Second Lieutenant Rumolin understood the meaning of the phone, so he immediately ordered his subordinates: "Stop the train! The enemy is controlling it..."

But what made Lieutenant Rumolin a little annoyed was that the first reaction of his subordinates was to stand in the middle of the railway and raise their guns to shoot at the train... This obviously couldn't stop it.

"Blow up the rails!" Ensign Rumolin ordered loudly.

The German soldiers immediately took out grenades when they heard the news, but the grenades were not enough to blow up the railroad tracks, and they didn’t bring the explosives with them. For a while, the German soldiers were in a mess.

This is one of the reasons why Shulka chose to use the train to blow up the railway bridge. It has a high level of concealment, and it is not so easy to stop it... If Captain Louis is not smart enough, I am afraid that until the train rushes onto the railway bridge, it will be destroyed. It only reacted after blowing up the German army.

But things didn't go so smoothly.

At this moment, a "No. 3" tank rushed up the railway and blocked it with a "boom".

This is a tank belonging to the 3rd Armored Division. It broke down and was left on the south bank of the Upa River. It was just repaired and ready to go back to the team... If it weren't for this, maybe even it wouldn't be able to function, because the German tanks were in the cold It's easy to freeze at night and difficult to start.

Followed by a loud, ear-piercing "clang", the locomotive collided fiercely with the "No. 3" tank.

The "No. 3" tank was knocked to one side. The body of the tank was originally horizontal but was knocked vertically. The side of the collision was deformed and dented, and the track was also broken.

The train continued to move forward by inertia, but the moment it collided with the tank, it fell off the track and fell to the side, unable to move.

"Surround them!" Second Lieutenant Rumolin waved his hand and surrounded the locomotive with his subordinates.

But Lieutenant Rumolin soon realized that this was a big mistake.

Only hearing a loud "boom", Second Lieutenant Rumolin, his men, and the "No. 3" tank were blown into the sky in flames.

Shulka and others are still waiting in front of the phone, waiting...

Time passed by every minute, and it seemed that the time for success had passed.

This made Shulka feel a little bad.

Sure enough, Zhukov’s frustrated voice came from the other end of the phone: “The plan failed! A Panzer III tank knocked the train off the track, and we failed to blow up the railway bridge!”

Shuerka and Major Zahakavic couldn't help being stunned.

This can be said to be Shulka's first failure, the first plan planned by him but did not succeed.

Although this failure seems to be justifiable, because "it depends on people to make things happen", there is no problem with the plan itself, the problem lies in the lack of a little luck.

But failure is failure, there is no reason to speak.

The consequence of failure is that it is almost impossible to blow up the railway bridge, because the German army will strengthen the defense of the railway bridge, including the locomotive.

So, the problem of the fourth tank brigade is still not resolved.

(end of this chapter)

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