USSR 1941

Chapter 318

Chapter 318: night attack

Chapter 318 Night Attack

A group of people worked until midnight to arrange the front of the lake several miles wide. The next thing to do is to build fortifications on the opposite side of the lake.

This should be considered a relatively easy job, at least for the Soviet army... They are good at working in the ice and snow, and they also have rich experience in building fortifications. They only need to pile up the snow and pour it with burnt water , With the sound of freezing "keke", a solid ice and snow trench was built.

The advantage of this kind of trench is that it can be formed quickly, and it can even be in any shape you want, and it basically does not collapse, just like Eskimos living in igloos.

The disadvantage is that it will make the trench very smooth, which is not conducive to troop maneuver or charge.

However, there are two sides to this, and the German army will also face this problem when it rushes into the Soviet trenches.

Another fatal thing is that if this kind of trench is bombarded by the enemy, the debris will fly around like shrapnel. If you are hit by this kind of shrapnel, you will be lucky to be the one who can't find the shrapnel. The wounded or the dead because it melts inside you.

By one o'clock in the morning, all this was finally completed, Venyakov reported to Gavrilov, and then issued the order to "stand by", and then everyone collapsed in the trenches.

But soon the soldiers were interested again.

Leading the way was the old soldier, who decided to build himself a hut, and did, even though he was exhausted at the moment, but it seemed simple to him... He started by digging a hut in the snow big enough for one person. Sleep in the space inside, then pick up some branches and put them on top, spread the poncho, pile up snow, and finally pour water on it, and an igloo that can block wind and snow is completed.

The veteran spread a blanket inside and got in, and soon there was a snoring sound.

This made the soldiers follow suit one after another. After all, taking a little time can give yourself a good rest, so why not do it?

Captain Venyakov sat beside Shulka and said, "It's a beautiful view, isn't it?"

"Yes, Comrade Captain!" Shulka replied.

Although Venyakov is Shulka's immediate boss, Shulka doesn't have much contact with him... Shulka is more directly in contact with Major Gavrilov.

"I think I should thank you, Comrade Shulka!" Venyakov said.

"Thank me?" Shulka was a little puzzled.

"Yes!" Venyakov replied, and then he took out a photo from his coat pocket and handed it to Shulka, saying, "This is my wife and my baby who was just a few months old!"

The photo shows a young and beautiful mother, holding a child in her arms, smiling happily, while the child is staring at the camera with curious eyes.

"Is it a boy?" Shulka asked.

"Yes, a boy!" Venyakov replied: "His birthday is June 23!"

Shulka didn't understand the meaning of this at first, but after thinking about it, he looked at Venyakov suspiciously: "The second day after the battle broke out?"

"Yes!" Venyakov replied: "She was in Brest at the time...I lost news of her at that time. She was transferred with the wounded of the army in the hospital and survived."

"Great!" Shulka said.

Such luck is rare on the battlefield.

"Her name is Lizanka!" Venyakov said. "I thought I would never see her again until I received a letter from her a few days ago... She read about our unit in the newspapers." !"

"So you haven't seen your son yet?" Shulka asked.

"Yes!" Venyakov looked at the photo again and again, rubbing his fingertips lovingly on his son's face in the photo from time to time, and said, "I dreamed of seeing them, not long ago... You know, that's why I said I should thank you!"

Shulka knew what this meant.

During the front line defense, the fierce battle made Venyakov think that he was going to die there, but Shulka's method gave them hope of life... Although we don't know the result, at least Venyakov Husband saw hope.josei

"I'm honored!" Shulka said.

Venyakov patted Shulka on the shoulder, stood up and said, "Fight well tomorrow's battle. I believe the Germans won't last long. The victory belongs to us!"

"Yes, Comrade Captain!"

Looking at the back of Venyakov leaving, Shulka suddenly felt much better, because he realized that what he did... was not just killing, running for his life, killing again, and running for his life.

There are at least some beautiful things in this cruel war, such as the birth of new life, and the reunion of relatives, etc.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of gunfire and artillery from the front line.

Originally, Shulka thought it was a cold gun between the enemy and us on the front line.

This is a common occurrence on the battlefield. Sometimes it is induced by something, such as a sniper shooting and causing the enemy to return fire, and then the enemy will return fire, and so on for a while, and then it will slowly stop.

Sometimes it doesn't even need any inducement, just a few shells for no reason, and the enemy is not to be outdone, so they will fight for a while.

But Shulka soon discovered that was not the case.

Because the gunfire and gunfire from the front continued for a long time without stopping, and it was very rhythmic, and there was also the explosion of grenades... It was more like a battle than a cold gun.

Sure enough, Venyakov gave a loud order soon: "Ready for battle, the Germans are coming!"

"Ready for battle!" Shulka immediately conveyed the order.

When everyone put their weapons on the trenches, Shulka came and asked anxiously: "Comrade Captain, what's the situation?"

"The Germans!" Venyakov replied more than ten meters away: "They launched a night attack on the front line of our army!"

This is not a common occurrence.

As I said before, the German army has air superiority, more tanks, armored vehicles, etc. than the Soviet army, plus excellent coordination of various arms, so they rarely engage in night battles with the Soviet army.

But it is precisely because of this that the German army's night attack was a surprise.

Moreover, Shulka looked at his watch, and it was less than an hour before dawn... Obviously, the German army wanted to open the way for their armored forces to fight after dawn.

"Attention!" At this time, Venyakov issued another order: "The one who appears first may be one of his own. No shooting is allowed without an order!"

This also means that the friendly forces guarding the position were defeated by the German army.

Shuerka couldn't help thinking that he was lucky. If the first battalion was on the front line, they would be the ones who suffered the failure.

(end of this chapter)

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