USSR 1941

Chapter 322

Chapter 322: diving

Chapter 322 Diving

Tanks fell into the lake one after another. If it weren't for the sound of the explosive package exploding, Shulka thought they would definitely make a pleasant "boom" sound.

But this is not important, the important thing is that the tank can't support it... Before that, Shulka never thought that those tanks would have so many diving postures.

As the saying goes, "There are no two identical leaves in the world", and the situations of tanks falling into the water are also different:

Some tanks fell into the water very simply, presumably because the cracked ice could not support the weight of the tank, so with a "click", the whole tank fell down smoothly, setting off a small vertical and beautiful water splash.

Some tanks broke in one direction first due to the thickness of the ice layer, so the tank quickly began to tilt, and then slid down into the lake... This way of entering the water caused the least splash, and it even only caused the lake to rippling.

Other tanks are not so beautiful when they enter the water. The moment the ice surface breaks, it loses its balance and flips over sharply.

Soon, the surroundings quickly quieted down, because the tanks that could make noise were already at the bottom of the lake, and a few lucky ones were paralyzed in the shallow water and a turret could emerge. catch my breath…

What followed was the screams of the German infantry. Most of the German soldiers could not swim. In fact, it would not be of much use if they knew how to swim. They suddenly fell into the icy water at this temperature, and the whole body was equipped with rifles and guns. It's bullets and grenades. It's difficult to float in this situation, let alone swim.

As a result, the entire lake seemed to be boiling, and there were struggling and thumping soldiers everywhere. Many of them couldn't even call for help, and only choked on the water one by one in the water.

Some of them were lucky enough not to fall into the water on a large ice floe.

But this kind of luck is only temporary. After a while, one after another, those who fell into the water grabbed the edge of the ice floe and climbed up... It didn't take long for the ice floe to lose its balance, and then the German soldiers lying on it screamed one by one. slide into the water.

At that moment, the entire battlefield fell silent, there was no gunfire or artillery sound. Including the Soviet army, everyone forgot to fight and lined up on both sides of the lake to watch the tragic scene in front of them.

It has no blood, stumps and all kinds of scary corpses, but the degree of cruelty is no less than that of a **** battlefield, because everyone knows...the fate of these people in the lake, they are either drowned Either death or freezing to death, even climbing ashore at this time will not help.josei

Major General Felix stared at all this in a daze, unable to believe it was true.

"What's going on here?" Major General Felix suddenly grabbed the adjutant and asked loudly, "How can there be a lake here? I clearly saw trees and stones growing here!"

"General!" The adjutant replied with a shudder: "Those may be the camouflage of the enemy, the purpose is to make us believe that there is no lake here!"

Major General Felix violently pushed the adjutant to the ground, then sat down on the ground slumped.

After thinking for a while, he gritted his teeth and ordered: "Everyone, go around the lake and attack, I will hang those Russians on the tree and hang them to death!"

"But the general..." the adjutant replied: "The enemy's reinforcements are coming, and we..."

"Do as I say!" Major General Felix yelled hysterically.

As a German general, a well-trained German general, Major General Felix should not have made such an irrational decision.

Because the answer is obvious, the main force of the armored forces has been destroyed, and even lost a large number of infantry, the German army has lost its spirit.

Now they should immediately retreat to the defense line to stabilize their position to prevent being attacked by the Soviet army.

But Major General Felix was dazzled by the sudden and heavy casualties in front of him. He didn't even report to Holt... He didn't know how to report, but he also knew that if he did, General Holt would definitely order He withdraws.

He was unwilling to face such a situation, so he simply continued to order the attack.

A round of artillery shells fell across the lake and hit the Soviet army's position, and the ice and snow splashed. Shulka, who was lying in the trench, even saw some weird scenes... oval ice beads fell from the head and hit the trench. Jumping around like a hailstorm.

At the beginning, Shulka didn't know where these small ice beads came from, and even if the shell exploded, it wouldn't just blow them into an ellipsoid.

I only found out what happened after I asked the veteran.

"Comrade company commander, you must have never been shot in such cold conditions!" said the veteran.

"Of course!" Shulka said, "It's not surprising!"

"Yes, it's the first time for many people!" The veteran explained: "We used to be surprised by this phenomenon during the Winter War (Soviet-Finnish War), but after experiencing it a few times, we quickly understood... the shells Blast the snow and ice into the air, and the heat of the explosion melts the snow and ice into water droplets, which refreeze when they fall back to the ground, so…”

As he spoke, the veteran picked up a small ice bead and shook it in front of Shuerka, so Shuerka understood.

"Shuerka!" The instructor rushed through the smoke of the shells and jumped into the trench where Shurka was, shouting loudly: "The enemy is coming up, they are surrounded from both wings!"

This was beyond Shulka's expectations. He thought that the German army should choose to withdraw after suffering such a heavy loss. Otherwise, let alone attack Moscow, I am afraid that they will have difficulty keeping their line of defense.

Shulka took advantage of the gap between shell explosions and raised his binoculars to look to both sides. Sure enough, he saw the figure of the German army galloping in this direction on a three-wheeler... The three-wheeler can be said to be an artifact of the German army, whether it is fast maneuvering on the battlefield, communication Or reconnaissance is indispensable.

"What to do?" the instructor asked, "Should we retreat?"

"No, there is no rush!" Shulka said, "It may only take them ten minutes to get here, but in the snow, we can't run far at all!"

"Defense in place?"

"Yes, we should defend on the spot!" Shulka said: "But if we change the direction, they are likely to surround us from behind, and we should lean against the lake!"

"I'm going to report to Comrade Captain!" said the instructor.

Venyakov agreed with Shulka's opinion, so the first battalion began to construct fortifications under the German artillery fire.

"These bastards!" Shulka couldn't help but cursed in his heart.

He didn't understand why the German army, which has always been strictly disciplined, would do stupid things at this time, and the result of their stupid things might kill a battalion.

(end of this chapter)

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