USSR 1941

Chapter 356

Chapter 356: hand to hand

Chapter 356 Hand to hand combat

One thing that Shulka and others did not expect is that although the German "No. 3" tanks only had a speed of 15 kilometers per hour in the snow, they were determined to fight the Soviets in close combat. broke into the formation of Soviet tanks.

So gunshots and cannons sounded soon, the German tank's heading machine guns fired wildly, and at the same time the main gun turned to the side armor of the "Matilda" tank and destroyed it with a "boom"... This is the German army The quality of the tank crew, several of them perform their duties so that the tank can deal with infantry and enemy tanks at the same time, and they don't panic at all.

From this point of view, it is correct for the German army to adopt close combat tactics, if the Soviet army really only has the "Matilda" and "M3 medium" tanks at this time.

Because the only thing that can penetrate the 47MM armor of the "No. 3" is the 75MM gun of the M3 medium tank. The other main gun of the M3 medium tank is only 37MM, which is not even comparable to the "Matilda" main gun.

But the medium-sized 75MM gun of the M3 is almost useless in close combat due to its narrow shooting range.

So, when the German army hit here at this time, the victory should be decided.

Major General von Funke also thought so, so he shouted excitedly in the walkie-talkie: "Good job! Soldiers, they are finished!"

But before the words fell, several German tanks were destroyed immediately after a few explosions.

Major General von Funke felt a little strange at this moment.

As he said before, if the enemy used artillery fire to destroy the German tanks, then the tanks of the enemy and us are mixed together now, and the artillery fire should be useless.

This also may not be artillery fire that plays a role!

Then what would it be?

Tank gun?

"What's going on?" Major General Von Funk asked, "Can their tanks destroy our tanks?"

"General!" Colonel Jonas, who was commanding the battle in front, replied, "I didn't see the enemy tanks firing!"

"What is that?" Major General Von Funk asked loudly: "What destroyed our tank?!"

"I don't know!" Colonel Jonas replied, "But they do...our tanks are under attack!"

The difference between rocket launchers and artillery fire is that they can still play a role when enemy and enemy tanks are mixed together.

Because for infantry, the bulky tank is very easy to identify, especially the German tank has a black "cross" printed on the side.

"The black 'cross' is simply a bull's-eye!" Cossack said after the battle: "It gave us a mark to aim at, but you'd better not aim at the 'cross', but aim below it!"

Cossack has been promoted to platoon leader at this time.

This is what Shulka meant, although many people objected to his role as platoon leader, including the instructor.

"Comrade Captain!" the instructor said: "We all know what kind of person Kuzia is. He forms gangs and bullies the weak. If he is allowed to be the platoon leader... the Cossack gang will probably ride on other people! In the platoon of the fighters thought it was a bad idea!"

"I know, Comrade Pukarev!" Shulka replied: "However, isn't the Cossacka clique a kind of organizational and unity ability?"


"Is the Cossack gang the only one who follows the lead?"


"He has pretty good fighting qualities, isn't he?"


"The Cossacks played well under his command, didn't they?"

"Yes, but..."

"That's enough!" Shulka said: "We need such a platoon leader!"

"But he can't convince the crowd!" The instructor said: "Many people in the platoon have been bullied by him and the Cossack gang!"

"If he can't do it, I can change someone else!" Shulka said.

"Okay!" The instructor spread his hands.

However, it can be seen from the instructor's expression that he does not agree with Shulka's promotion.

Shulka also asked the Cossacks for this.

"Many people disagree with you being the platoon leader, because they think you will continue to let the Cossack gang bully others!" Shulka asked directly: "Will you?"

"No, I won't!" The Cossack replied very simply: "Because if I am the platoon leader, it means that they have all joined the Cossack Gang, and I will lead them to bully others, especially the Germans!"

Shulka couldn't help laughing, this is the effect he wanted.

Sure enough, after the Cossack became the platoon leader, there was no such thing as the Cossack gang bullying others.

The Cossack seems to regard himself as the boss of the gang, and his subordinates are the younger brothers, and the matters between the younger brothers are handled fairly.

As for people outside the platoon... In fact, every platoon commander, every company commander, and even Shulka himself are used to protecting his weaknesses. After all, he is his brother who was born and died.

Therefore, many times it should be considered from the other side.

Not long ago, Shulka made up his mind to withdraw the Cossack squad leader, but he didn't expect to be promoted instead of withdrawing now.

As a platoon leader, the Cossack should have led the troops to fight, but he seemed to have a natural liking for the "Bazooka", so he carried a rocket launcher on his back.

Facts have proved that his idea is correct. Cossacks rely on the feel of the rocket launcher... Maybe this is what he learned when he used the submachine gun for a long time. The submachine gun also often relies on the feel, because the accuracy of this thing is poor, and sometimes it is held in the hand. .

After switching to the rocket launcher, the Cossack did the same thing, feeling its weight on his back, imagining its trajectory when it came out of the gun, and then pulling the trigger, with a "chirp", the rocket went straight to the target.

In this battle, the Cossacks killed three tanks one after another.

This would have been impossible infantryman killed three tanks and survived.

But, with the bazooka and still in a tank fight, the impossible becomes possible.josei

At this time, Colonel Jonas of the German Army seemed to have discovered the problem.

"I see, General!" Colonel Jonas said, "That's an individual weapon!"

"What?" Major General von Funke didn't understand, or he couldn't believe it.

"The thing that destroys our tanks!" Colonel Jonas said. "It's not a cannon, it's not a tank's an individual weapon, a cannon they carry on their shoulders!"

"Individual weapons? Are you sure? They can destroy our tanks?"

"Yes, General!" Colonel Jonas replied: "I'm sure, it looks like a bazooka, because there is a very obvious..."

There was a sound of "Boom!", and there was no sound from the walkie-talkie.

"Colonel, Colonel..." Von Funk yelled a few times without hearing an echo, and then he understood what happened.

(end of this chapter)

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