USSR 1941

Chapter 390

Chapter 390: document

Chapter 390 Documentation

"At any cost, keep Rzhev!" This is what Hitler said.

The reason is very simple. In Hitler's eyes, Rzhev was a sharp knife for the German defense line to reach Moscow... The armored troops from here can attack Moscow in only three hours, and the transportation is convenient.

Hitler, who hadn't given up attacking Moscow, certainly didn't want Rzhev to make any mistakes.

Different from Hitler, although Model also didn't want anything to happen to Lezhev, he took Lezhev as the cornerstone of the German defense line and a guarantee to encircle the Russian army.

"Yes, Your Excellency the Führer!" Model replied, but stood still.

Hitler was stunned for a moment, and then he knew what Model was waiting for...Since "at any cost", it is time for Hitler to fulfill his promise.

At this time, Hitler did not hesitate, because he knew that if Rzhev lost his last hope of counterattacking Moscow, he would lose it, even if he still had a few armored divisions in his hands, it would not help.

So Hitler nodded and said: "You have got the troops you want, my general! I believe you will lead them to create another miracle!"

While speaking, Hitler opened the folder, signed his name on the document and handed it to Model.

"I'm waiting for news of your triumph!" Hitler said.

"Yes, Your Excellency!" Model left the commander satisfied.

Looking at the back of Model leaving, Hitler said to the staff around him: "Have you seen the look in that man's eyes and his persistence? I trust him, but if I were a soldier, I would not be willing to fight under him!"

Model certainly didn't hear these words, even if he heard them, he would take it as a compliment.

Model at this time only cares about one thing: Rzhev.

"What's the situation?" As soon as the plane took off, Model contacted the 9th Army Command through the plane's communication: "I have only left for two hours, and you told me that Rzhev is in danger?"

In fact, at this time, Model did not believe that Lezhev would be in great danger, because he had personally seen the terrain of Lezhev, and thought that as long as enough artillery was deployed there and enough shells were provided, the garrison A regiment of infantry there would hold off any enemy attacking Rzhev.

Even Model was a little fortunate, because this "crisis" came at the right time. If it weren't for this "crisis", the great head of state would not have given him command of the reinforcements.

Del was a little annoyed at this time...why didn't he think of this earlier? It only needs to come to Rzhev for emergency when discussing the problem with the head of state, and the problem that has been bothering him will be solved, then the 9th Army can get these four elite armored divisions a few days ago.

But Model soon discovered that the problem was far more serious than he had imagined.

"Your Excellency, General!" Chief of Staff Colonel Krebs reported: "The enemy bypassed our frontal defense line, climbed into the rear of our army from the cliff and directly attacked our artillery unit. Rzhev will be unable to defend..."

"What?" Model was taken aback, and then ordered: "Order them to hold it, and hold it at all costs! Immediately send troops from the 23rd Army and the 27th Army to reinforce Rzhev!"

"I've already done that, Your Excellency!" Colonel Krebs replied, "I mean send reinforcements, but let him hold Rzhev...we've lost contact with Rzhev! Occupy it before it arrives!"

Colonel Krebs, of course, could not reach Rzhev.

Because the headquarters of the 201st Infantry Regiment and the 317th Artillery Regiment stationed in Rzhev have been occupied by the Soviet army, and the artillery regiment headquarters is still occupied by Shurka... This is no pressure on the infantry. After all, the artillery is Artillery, they are usually trained in how to calculate the elements and how to fire. Land warfare is basically a layman. Even the German army can only shoot to the extent that they can't cooperate with the firepower of the 1st Infantry Battalion. Professional" infantry confrontation.

The German Artillery Headquarters is located in a small three-story building, and the guard company is still stationed with sandbags at the windows as before. A group of officers and Colonel Ellen are in a panic sorting out documents and materials in the building... some Even if things cannot be taken away, they cannot be left to the enemy, especially the artillery, because they have a lot of information about the deployment maps and coordinates of friendly troops, and even information within a radius of ten kilometers.

Needless to say why this is, I am worried that the artillery will accidentally injure the friendly army, and can accurately provide fire support to the friendly army when necessary.

If these things fall into the hands of the enemy, it is to put your friendly troops under the enemy's muzzle. The irony is that these shells hit the friendly army will also be your own shells.

But these officers and guards made a mistake. They underestimated the Soviet army attacking them. They thought they could hold off for a while so they had time to take away these materials... They should have poured gasoline on it and lit a match. Burn these things.

By the time Colonel Ellen realizes this, it is too late, as the battle begins with a piercing scream and explosion.

There was a "boom", and there was an explosion downstairs.

"What's going on?" Colonel Ellen asked the adjutant, "What's that sound?"

This is indeed a bit strange, at least for the German army at this time, because the infantry had nothing to bomb buildings like this before, especially this enemy who climbed up from the cliff to attack.


The mortar is top-down, and its shells should blow the roof instead of the downstairs.josei


That wasn’t the sound of a grenade explosion, and the guard company didn’t let the enemy enter the range of the grenade so easily... There was an open space around 70 meters away, which was one of the reasons why this three-story building was chosen as the headquarters.

Infantry artillery... This is impossible, they are sneaking up from the cliff!

So Colonel Ellen really didn't understand what could attack them like this.

With doubts, Colonel Ellen put down the documents in his hand, took out his pistol, walked to the window, carefully poked his head out and looked towards the opposite building.

There was a flash of fire outside, another "chirp", another explosion on the first floor, and a scream from the soldiers of the guard company... The walls of the building could not withstand this kind of bombing at all.

"New Russian equipment!" Colonel Ellen immediately realized this, he had only heard them used in Tver before that.

The next second, Colonel Ellen ordered loudly: "Quick, destroy those documents..."

But before the words fell, a rocket roared, and then there was a "boom".

(end of this chapter)

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