USSR 1941

Chapter 435

Chapter 435: Misunderstand

Chapter 435 Misunderstanding

With a bang, a fleeing FT light tank was blown into the sky by the T34.

The thinnest part of the FT light tank armor is only 6MM, which is not even as thick as a half-track armored vehicle. It is a thin layer of iron, and even a machine gun can penetrate it.

Of course, no one is stupid enough to use armor-piercing shells to deal with such tanks. The anti-infantry grenade explodes inside as soon as it passes by... This kind of situation is rare. It is more often that the internal ammunition explodes after being penetrated by the armor. Now Instead, the grenade exploded inside, and the entire tank burst into flames from the inside and then disintegrated into parts.

The Romanian soldiers did not run away immediately. Soldiers who can become mountain troops are usually selected from the infantry. The reason is that mountain combat requires better physical fitness, combat skills and even rock climbing skills. In addition, it is necessary to learn mountain survival, etc. wait.

The Romanian Mountain Brigade was no exception. Well-trained, they immediately changed from an offensive formation to a defensive formation, lying down on the spot and relying on rifles, grenades, etc. to persist in fighting the Soviet army.

But this is only good morale, at this time they should escape rather than defend.

Because as a mountain brigade, they have very little anti-tank equipment in their hands... Mountain warfare rarely has anti-tank needs.

In fact, even if they have anti-tank equipment in their hands, they usually have nothing to do with the T34.

So, all they can do is wait for the tanks to cover the Soviet army to drive in front of them, and then pour bullets, grenades, and mortar shells on their heads.

Blood splatter and screams everywhere.

Every step forward, the tank knocked down a row of corpses like dominoes, and this situation is still going on... Humans are flesh and blood after all, and no matter what, they cannot collide with steel and compete with tanks.

Finally, the Romanian soldiers realized that it was meaningless to resist like this. Perhaps it was also at this time that the order to retreat finally reached the front line, so they all got up from their hiding places, turned around and fled.

To the surprise of the Romanian soldiers, the Soviet soldiers behind them did not seem to be in a hurry to pursue them, which allowed most of them to escape back.

There were even some Romanian soldiers who raised their hands to surrender, but were kicked and kicked by Soviet soldiers to flee.

"We don't want prisoners!" Katukov said to the soldiers of the 1st Guards Tank Brigade: "Of course, not taking prisoners doesn't mean we need to kill them. The escaped Romania is more useful to us, understand?"

Seeing the puzzled faces of the soldiers, Katukov explained: "Because they can block bullets for us, the Germans will be at a loss when they see their friendly troops. Do you understand?"

"Understood!" The soldiers all laughed.

Of course, there is another reason for this, that is, when the Romanian soldiers flee, there will be many Soviet soldiers dressed in naval infantry brigades among them. There are guns and cannons on their backs. I am afraid that the friendly forces of the naval infantry brigade will be almost dead before they can play their role.

The Romanian soldiers who were fleeing didn't realize this, or they found some strange faces and didn't have time to pay attention.

The Soviet soldiers chased them very fast, and from time to time, machine guns and rifles shot several times at the top of the rout soldiers' heads, scaring the Romanian soldiers to run away desperately, only hating themselves for not being able to grow a few more legs.

The first thing to be washed away was the follow-up troops of the Romanian army. It was another regiment of the 4th Mountain Brigade. It was originally used as a reserve team to attack Feodosia. The fist was about to be punched, but it was blocked back abruptly.

Under the huge contrast, the entire Romanian army began to retreat, and the blackness rushed towards the road like a sea of ​​water.

But as a few shells lifted a group of soldiers into the sky, the deserters naturally dispersed towards both sides of the road.josei

The soldiers of the 1st Guards Tank Brigade followed leisurely. They were giving the Naval Infantry Brigade time.

Sure enough, after a while, there was a burst of gunfire on the high ground.

Shuerka can imagine such a situation, the German soldiers thought that those who "fleeed" back were all friendly troops, and they even covered these "friendly troops" into the trenches.

Unexpectedly, after entering the trenches, these "friendly troops" raised their guns and beat them indiscriminately.

The German army who was attacked naturally chose to fight back. This is the normal reaction of any army or even any individual.

But as soon as the fire was fired back, things quickly deteriorated.

Because the Romanian soldiers thought that the German army was "punishing" them for escaping in this way, and because they did not understand each other's language, all Romanian soldiers, whether they were real or fake, took up their guns to mingle with the German army.

Even the information received by the commanders of the two sides is different.

Agapia, who was fleeing in the jeep, received a report from his subordinates on the radio.

"General!" The staff officer reported to Agapia in an angry tone: "The Germans are using barbaric methods to prevent us from retreating! They are shooting at our people!"

"These bastards!" Agapia scolded: "What did they think of us? Not only forced us to attack Feodosia, but also shot us!"

Major General Agapia has always been concerned about Manstein not letting the German infantry division allow the mountain brigade that is not suitable for urban combat to attack Feodosia.

Of course he didn't know that Manstein had difficulties.

From the perspective of Major General Agapia, it is easy to connect this with the current situation... The German army used the Romanian army as cannon fodder.

In fact, the German commanders also know the fragility of the alliance, so they are more careful to maintain the stability of this alliance, such as arranging some relatively simple and safe tasks for the allies... Difficult tasks are actually impossible for them to complete, so attacking Battles, bitter battles, and tough battles are often fought by the German army in person, which can also serve as an example.

But people are not as good as heaven, and even this cannot completely eliminate the suspicion between each other. As long as Shulka picks a little bit from them, the contradictions between them will soon be exposed.

The information Lieutenant General Sponek received was another look.

"General, they are crazy!" The adjutant reported to Sponek with a telegram: "Romanians, they are attacking our defense line!"

"What?" Sponek, who was looking at the deployment map, raised his head in surprise: "You mean the Romanians, they are attacking us?"


"Rebellion? They surrendered to the Russians?"

"I don't know, General!" The adjutant was at a loss.

"Contact their commander immediately!" Sponek ordered.

(end of this chapter)

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