USSR 1941

Chapter 451

Chapter 451: information

Chapter 451 Information

With the cooperation of Soviet infantry and tanks, the German anti-tank artillery positions are easy to deal with.

At this time, the Soviet tanks should be said to have a certain ability to fight at night... mainly because of the "tank phone" and following the infantry, so as soon as the enemy's anti-tank artillery positions are found, there will be pieces of bullets pouring towards the target immediately. The infantry will also guide the target for the tank gunner, and once the gun passes, there will be nothing.

However, this kind of reaction speed is still slow, and the infantry mortars and rocket launchers are faster. A few shells used to quickly silence the anti-tank guns.

In fact, anti-tank guns are not so easy to deal with. The problem is that there are not many anti-tank guns that can pose a threat to the T34. Except for PAK40 and 88MM anti-aircraft guns, the others are almost negligible.

So there was a serious shortage of anti-tank units. Fifty Soviet T34s swarmed up and broke through the German defense line with only three tanks lost.

Soon there were German army routs everywhere... Not all German troops were elite, especially the follow-up reinforcements, so they fled in large areas when they thought they could not stop the enemy's attack.

Shuerka and the soldiers followed behind and raised their guns to aim at their backs, and then killed them one by one.

This doesn't make much sense in a way, the outcome is set and they've already withdrawn from the fight, but neither side will spare the other as adversaries in this situation.

As a result, bullets were fired, and rows of fleeing German soldiers fell on the icy snow.

Soon, the pure white snow was covered with bright red blood stains, as if the white cloth was dyed with red paint, which was extremely dazzling.

At this time, there was a sudden sound of gunfire, and the turret of a T34 was lifted and thrown far behind... This is a unique phenomenon when the "Tiger Type" hits a T34, mainly because its 88MM anti-tank gun is too powerful .

Germans often refer to this phenomenon as the Soviet Army T34 taking off its hat to the "Tiger".

This even caused a panic among the Soviet troops.

Although the Soviet soldiers didn't say it, in fact, even if they said it, they couldn't hear it in the sound of the guns.

This is Shulka's feeling. He feels that the troops that were still in high morale just now are suddenly half shorter.josei

"New tank!" Shulka heard someone shout: "German tank!"

The cry was full of fear, which was not normal for the soldiers of the 1st Guards Tank Brigade. They were veterans who had experienced many battles and were used to all kinds of dangers and accidents. Appeared and panicked.

Shulka didn't know what was going on until after the war.

In fact, this kind of phenomenon is very normal, and it is very common on the battlefield. For example, the German army panicked when they found that the Soviet army had bazookas on the battlefield that could easily destroy their tanks... What they were more afraid of was not the equipment itself, but the The ignorance of this equipment.

Humans are inherently afraid of what they don't know.

The reason why Shulka didn't feel that kind of fear was not because he was brave, but because he knew what it was, and he also knew that it was not invincible.

"There are not many of them!" Shulka ordered loudly: "Rush up!"

"Rush up! Go forward!" The instructor loudly conveyed Shulka's order.

But the order could not be conveyed to the tank crew in time. A tank stopped its body, adjusted its muzzle, and aimed into the darkness.

A flare rose high into the sky, illuminating a "Tiger" parked in the snow. Just like the name, it looked like a tiger sitting there calmly.

There was a "boom", and at this moment the T34 opened fire.

The shell obviously hit the "Tiger Type", but there was only a "clang" sound, and a spark flashed on the armor, and the "Tiger Type" was safe and sound.

This frightened almost all the Soviet troops, because the distance between each other was only more than two hundred meters, and the T34 could not penetrate its armor at a distance of more than two hundred meters.

The advance speed of several tanks slowed down obviously, because they didn't know if it made sense to continue like this.

"Keep going!" Shulka yelled: "Enter a distance of two hundred meters and fire!"

"Go on!" The order was quickly transmitted to the tank through the tank phone.

This is also one of the benefits of the tank phone, which makes the information transfer between the infantry and the tank more convenient, without the need to go through the radio like the traditional contact.

Two hundred meters.

This information gives the uncertain battlefield and the unknown equipment of the enemy a certain data, and it is also a goal.

Shuerka didn't think so much at the time, he just blurted out in a hurry.

But this "blurring out" played a big role.

The reason is that without this number, the Soviet tank crew would have a confusion: How far is it to penetrate the target? 100 metres? 50 meters?

Without knowing this, T34 can only keep trying, but in the process of trying, it will continue to pay the price, and even fail to succeed in the end, because they are likely to be wiped out on the road one after another.

However, once there is a certain data, it will be different.

They don’t need to try, but they charge up to 200 meters with full horsepower, then stop, aim, and fire...

With a bang, a shell was bounced off again.

It is common for tanks to fight. Although they have entered the penetration range, due to some special circumstances, such as shells hitting a particularly thick gun mantlet, or ricocheting at too large an angle... "Tiger" is because it is vertical The chance of the armor ricocheting is not very high, so it is said to be an accidental situation.

This casts a shadow over the battlefield again.

Shuerka believes that a considerable part of the tank gunners at this time thought that they could not penetrate this monster within two hundred meters.

Among them, two tanks even restarted, gave up aiming and continued to rush forward.

With a "boom", a T34 opened fire in time when the "Tiger" adjusted the muzzle.

"Tiger Style" "tiger body shook", and then paralyzed in place, and after a while, a wisp of black smoke faintly emitted from the tank cabin.

At this moment, everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and some even cheered: "We killed it!"

"We won!"

But this is just one of them.

Immediately afterwards, two more "Tigers" slowly drove up from the darkness.

But this time the soldiers were not so afraid.

"Two hundred meters! Two hundred meters can penetrate!"

"Tell everyone this information!"

This information continued to spread between the infantry and the tanks, so a dozen T34s quickly surrounded the two Tiger tanks like ants.

Needless to say what the result was, the two "Tigers" were soon destroyed by the T34.

Another "Tiger" had an engine failure on the way here and was unable to move.

(end of this chapter)

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