USSR 1941

Chapter 453

Chapter 453: two hundred meters

Chapter 453 Two hundred meters

Two hours later, the Soviet army occupied the entire city of Zhankoy.

With the stronghold of Zhankoy, the 51st Army, which had been waiting outside Sivash Lake for a long time, landed one after another to replenish troops and supplies for Zhankoy.

But these seem to be secondary.

Katukov rushed to Shurka's position immediately. Like Shurka, he immediately ordered the guard company to strengthen the surrounding defenses and not allow anyone to approach.josei

"The new German tank?" Katukov asked, his eyes already looking at the "Tiger".

"Yes, that's it!" Shulka nodded.

"Well done, Shulka!" Katukov said: "You have done another job!"

Speaking of which, Katukov couldn't wait to jump on the tank, and then exclaimed in surprise: "These bastards, they put the 88MM gun on the tank, I guess it can destroy our T34 at a distance of one kilometer... our tank It's like a toy in front of it!"

Katukov even wanted to climb into the tank cabin for further observation, but Shulka stopped him.

"We must hurry up, Colonel!"

"What?" Katukov didn't understand what Shulka meant.

"We have to get it away!" Shulka explained: "I think it's best to get Feodosia before dawn, otherwise the Germans will send planes to blow it up!"

Katukov nodded in agreement.

"You're right, Shulka!" He jumped off the tank, and then couldn't wait to call to the staff officer who was following him: "Don't be dazed there, Boris, call the engineer battalion up immediately, and call another Call a train! Immediately!"

"Yes, Colonel!"

The transportation process was a bit difficult, because the "Tiger" tank was too heavy, and the Soviet army did not carry a crane, so the engineer battalion had to use a primitive method, that is, dig a hole to drag the "Tiger" onto the flatbed truck , and then supplemented by rails connected to the railway in a way that is connected to the train.

But what is more troublesome is its width... when using combat tracks, its body width reaches 3.56 meters, which is more than the width of train transportation. If it is barely transported, it will hit the things next to it, especially it will not be able to pass through the tunnel.

At this time, there is not enough time to remove the track.

Katukov solved this problem in a simple and rude way.

"Blow up the track!" Katukov ordered: "Then remove it!"

So with a "boom", the track was removed.

This is indeed a good way. For the German army with combat needs, of course they cannot use this method to remove their tracks.

But for the Soviet army, the tank is more of research value than combat value... It is actually unable to fight, and it has been penetrated by armor-piercing projectiles. It may be more difficult to repair it and let it go on the battlefield again.

So, of course, the track can be blown off and quickly removed.

It doesn't even affect research.

"I think you need to go back with it!" Katukov said to Shulka, nodding his head towards Tiger, "You know, I don't want Mehlis messing around, he doesn't even know its value , will only show it off as a trophy!"

This is indeed a problem.

Mehlis lacks military knowledge, and he doesn’t know the importance of various data when a certain new equipment comes out, so it is indeed possible, as Katukov said, to show it off as a trophy.

The result is that the Germans can easily know its location and send bombers to blow it up.

"Zhankoy has me!" Katukov said: "You take care of it!"

"Yes, Colonel!" Shulka replied.

This matter was strictly blocked as a military secret, and it was not even reported to Mehlis.

So when the train arrived in Feodosia before dawn, Shulka even relied on his own engineer battalion to unload the tanks.

"Where should we put it?" Captain Nekrasov, commander of the engineer battalion, asked Shulka.

"Put it in the warehouse!" Shulka said, "We can't let anyone find it!"

"Yes, Captain!"

In fact, others really can't find anything, because it has been tightly wrapped in canvas.

But their time is running out, because the sky will be bright in half an hour, and Shulka can't guarantee that it will be able to cover people's eyes and ears after dawn.

The instructor was directing the engineering work, and when he was free, he walked to Shulka and handed him a cigarette, and said, "It was a thrilling battle, wasn't it?"

"Yes!" Shulka replied: "But at last it is victory!"

"I have a question, can you answer me?"


"Two hundred meters!" The instructor asked: "How do you know that we can penetrate it within a distance of two hundred meters?"

Shuerka couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words.

The secret channel instructor is worthy of being an instructor, he can always pay attention to details like this.

"I don't know, Comrade Instructor!" Shulka began to babble: "I only know that we had no other choice then!"

"Huh?" The instructor waited for Shulka to continue.

"I guess two hundred meters is the distance we can win!" Shulka pretended to be relaxed and lit a cigarette: "You know, too far to penetrate, too close and we will be destroyed on the , I only shouted two hundred meters!"

"Is that so?" The instructor looked at Shulka coldly.

"Or, what do you think is going on?" Shulka smiled and spread her hands.

"I don't know, Comrade Shulka!" The instructor didn't laugh: "I only know that if it weren't for you being Shulka, I should arrest you and force you to tell everything I want to know!"

Shulka smiled: "Would you do that?"

The instructor was silent for a while, then shook his head and replied: "No!"

"very good!"

"I don't know what you're hiding!" the instructor said, "But I know that if you were a spy, you wouldn't do these things!"

"Please, Comrade Instructor!" Shulka said: "You think..."

"That's why I didn't do that!" The instructor interrupted Shulka. He looked around and lowered his voice: "Do you know that I took another risk because of you? I should report this matter truthfully, and then Of course...they, Comrade Mechlis included, will all want a more convincing answer! I'm sure you won't doubt that!"

Of course Shulka knows that this is true. The other side of Mechlis is suspicious and vicious. He will not be soft-hearted just because Shulka has done so much, and this may even be a good opportunity to "hide the bird". .

"I'm sure you won't report it!" Shulka said, "And you won't keep asking why!"

The instructor didn't answer, he just whispered: "If someone asks, answer as you just said!"

(end of this chapter)

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