USSR 1941

Chapter 478

Chapter 478: reject

Chapter 478 Denial

Shulka stood at a crossroads.

Because what Valrasha is worried about may indeed happen... There are too many variables in Shulka's plan:

Will the 82nd Infantry Regiment be able to complete the training and achieve the combat effectiveness Shulka expects?

In the meantime, will the superiors order the 82nd Infantry to be transferred out of Stalingrad?

Even if everything goes according to Shulka's plan, will Shulka be able to lead the 82nd Infantry Regiment to play a role in Stalingrad in the end?

More importantly, whether Shulka can survive the Battle of Stalingrad!

All of these, as long as there is one dissatisfaction, Shulka may follow the 82nd Infantry Regiment and be sent to the battlefield as cannon fodder.

Needless to say what the result is, ingenuity is completely useless in that situation, and tactical experience is no exception.

Because there are only two options: be killed by the enemy or be killed by yourself.

Now, Val Lasha gave herself another choice, an easier and safer choice.

Perhaps Shulka should choose the latter, and most of them would choose the latter, but Shulka thought about it and finally refused.

"I can't do this, Valrasha!"

"Why?" Varrasha looked at Shulka in surprise.

"I can't leave my troops!" Shulka replied: "They are my subordinates, without me, they are finished!"

"You can't save them all, Shulka!" Valrasha became excited again, even angry: "You know better than me, this is war! You can't do anything! Think about your parents, think about me... Shu Erka, we need you!"

Shuerka froze for a moment, but finally gritted his teeth and shook his head.

Walrasha shook her head in disappointment, then pushed Shulka away, and shouted: "You are an idiot, Shulka, you idiot! I don't know why I fell in love with you!"

As he spoke, he turned and opened the door without looking back.

Outside the door were Andrianka and a group of people standing outside the door in embarrassment.

Obviously, they were peeking and listening through the crack of the door... They thought they could overhear something for entertainment, but they didn't expect this to be the result.

"Comrade Valrasha!" Andrianka said: "Perhaps you can reconsider..."

Valrasha left angrily before she finished speaking.

Andrianka just wanted to catch up, but was called back by Shulka.

"Let her go!" said Shulka.

Andrianka also knew that it would be useless to catch up, unless Shulka was willing to be transferred from the 82nd Infantry Regiment.

After thinking about it, Andrianka said to Shulka: "Perhaps, you should really consider Comrade Valrasha's suggestion!"

"You want me to consider that suggestion?" Shulka asked.

"No, of course not!" Andrianka said: "But..."

"Then shut up, Comrade Andrianka!" Shulka turned to the others and said, "And you, don't say anything, understand?"

"Yes, Comrade Shulka!" The guards and correspondents responded one after another, looking at Shulka with eyes full of admiration and trust.

This is a normal reaction, because just now, they know that this "breakout hero" gave up the opportunity to leave the unit and chose to stay with the 82nd Infantry Regiment, and they are also insiders... The guards and communicators are command personnel, they know The 82nd Infantry Regiment has never gotten rid of the title of "cannon fodder", especially the correspondents. They only need orders from their superiors to know the truth.

Andrianka didn't say anything else, he just shook hands with Shulka and said: "Thank you, Comrade Shulka, I am very glad that you can stay, and it is also an honor that you are our deputy head with us. Let's fight together!"

"Me too, Comrade Shulka!"

"Me too! No matter what happens in the future, you will always be our 'breakout hero!"

It didn't take long for Shulka to learn that there was no secrecy.

The first person to know about this was Major Mikhailevich.

Major Mikhailvich was training the troops at the time...Because the troops were divided into two groups, Shulka could not be separated and could not train around the clock, so Major Mikhailvich was in charge of the other group.

However, it is said that Mikhailvich is in charge, but he is actually training according to Shulka's tactics, because Mikhailvich will watch Shulka's training every morning and even participate in it himself, and then use the same tactics in the afternoon. method to train another batch.

In the words of the soldiers, Major Mikhailvich even used the same swear words as Shulka:

"Hey, if you don't want to die, just keep lying there!"

"You should move, or the Germans will shove your rifle up your ass!"

Therefore, Mikhailevich was not present at the time.

Of course Andrianka will tell him about this... Mikhailvich is the head of the regiment, and Andrianka thinks that doing so is not considered a whistleblower, and of course the head of the regiment needs to know this.

So Mikhailvich sat down beside Shulka, handed him a jug of wine, and said, "Maybe you need this, drink it, and have a good rest for the day!"

"Why?" Shulka asked.

Mikhailvich raised his eyebrows and said, "Because you are broken in love!"

Shuerka couldn't help laughing: "Do you think I'm broken in love?"

"It really doesn't look like it!" Mikhailvich said, "Then can I get this jug back?"

"Don't even think about it!" Shulka immediately grabbed the jug, opened it, and took a few sips.

Mikhailvich couldn't help laughing.

"This is Shulka!" Mikhailvich patted Shulka on the shoulder: "'Breakthrough hero', good comrade, good comrade in arms! When we finish the battle, I will go with you to make amends to Comrade Valrasha , and other comrades!"

"Forget about this!" Shulka said: "If we can survive the battlefield, then think about these!"

Mikhailvich laughed again.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world, and within a few days other soldiers also knew about it.

This should have come from a messenger or a guard.

They didn't think it was a bad thing for Shulka, so naturally they didn't take it as a "leaking".

Because soon, Valery and several soldiers came up.josei

"What do you want?" Shulka asked.

"Comrade Captain!" said Valery. "This is Comrade Abravov. He has two younger sisters, one is 18 and the other is 20. They are both unmarried! And Comrade Agrippa, he has a Sister, very beautiful, 21 years old..."

"Wait!" Shulka interrupted Valery: "What are you doing?"

"Comrade Shulka!" Abrawov rushed to say: "As long as you nod, I will write to my sister immediately, whoever you want, I guarantee she will agree!"

(end of this chapter)

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