USSR 1941

Chapter 584

Chapter 584: Confused

Chapter 584 Disgusting the Real

The German army actually blew up seventeen amphibious landing ships.

To be precise, it is not blowing up, but destroying... The amphibious landing ship is small in size and the target is small. In addition, it is in the dark, and it is difficult for even the German night fighters to drop bombs directly on the amphibious landing ship.

From this aspect, there are not many amphibious landing ships destroyed by the German army, only five were directly hit by fire or ammunition exploded.

The problem is that the production of the amphibious landing craft is very rough.

This is actually justifiable. On the one hand, the equipment of the Soviet army has the characteristics of "rough".

So, once these amphibious landing ships are hit by machine gun bullets, or the bomb explodes and vibrates violently nearby, the amphibious landing ships may be unable to move due to malfunction.

Shulka therefore called Hisoy.

"They can't stand it, Comrade Sisoy!" Shulka said. "The enemy has launched an attack on the amphibious landing ship. I guessed that this attack would not cause us many casualties, but I didn't guess that there would be so much damage." Multiple amphibious landing craft malfunctioned!"

"It's inevitable, Shulka!" Sisoy replied: "You know, these amphibious landing ships are customized by the Navy for landing operations, and they don't require such ships to have good reliability!"

This is indeed true.

Naval infantry brigades use this type of ship more for landing operations. All they need is to be able to rush to the beach and control the direction.

And then... it is basically used as a cover by the naval infantry brigade to block bullets, so of course it does not need reliability.

"So, is there any solution?" Shulka asked.

"I can send you a maintenance team!" Sissoy replied: "In addition, we will increase production and try our best to ensure transportation!"

Shuerka put down the phone helplessly.

Increasing production may be a way, but if the German Air Force dispatches only one time to make 17 Soviet amphibious landing ships scrapped or malfunctioned, the production of 10 ships per day may be a drop in the bucket.

While Shulka was worried, Andrianka, who was on the phone, reported: "Comrade Shulka, another batch of enemy fighter planes took off again, this time more than last time!"

A German aviation regiment has three aviation brigades, plus the original dozens of night aircraft, the number of night fighters has reached more than two hundred.

The more than two hundred fighters were divided into three batches by the German army, and then dispatched in turn to implement the blockade.

"Stop the transport!" Shulka ordered.

"Yes, suspend shipping!"

"Transport suspended!"

The order was passed down in a voice.

Major Akimovich has just reported the intelligence to the Army Command.

Since Akimovich seldom cooperated with the 82nd Infantry Regiment, Golikov asked him to stay in the 82nd Infantry Regiment to coordinate the transportation mission of the amphibious landing ship... After all, the amphibious landing ship was invented by Shulka. Erka can also get in touch with Sisoi better, so it is understandable to entrust this task to Shurka.

Even the entire 82nd Infantry Regiment can be said to have been honored by this mission. They were withdrawn from the front line to be responsible for the coordination of supply transportation.

"The Group Army Command has probably learned some relevant information!" Major Akimovich said: "Comrade Golikov has no objection to the suspension of transportation, but this does not seem to be a long-term solution!"

Shulka nodded.

This is certainly not a long-term solution, and even enemy pilots can rest if the transport ships are suspended.

This is the advantage of fighters, they are fast and basically not controlled by the terrain.

That is to say, the Luftwaffe's blockade does not mean that its night fighters need to patrol the Volga sky all the time.

They only need to send a few reconnaissance planes to fly over the Volga River, laying down a few flares from time to time. Once the Soviet amphibious landing ship is found to be active, it is too late to call for night fighters.

And the amphibious landing ship of the Soviet army...but because of its slow speed, it will always be one step behind.

Take a step back and say that if this continues to be suspended, it means that the German blockade is successful and Stalingrad will not be supplied.

If there is no suspension, the two hundred or so amphibious landing ships will soon be completely lost under such a large enemy night fighter fleet.

"How is the transport on the river?" Shulka asked.

"It's not optimistic!" Andrianka replied: "Although we deployed a lot of smoke, the transport ships are big and have big targets... So far, more than ten ships have been bombed! Preliminary estimates, the pass rate is 1/3 about!"

"These bastards!" Major Mikhailvich couldn't help scolding: "Why do they suddenly have so many night fighters!"

"From Germany!" Akimovich replied: "The British discovered this and passed this information on to us!"

At this time, the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union had a certain degree of cooperation in intelligence, and at the same time the United Kingdom is a veteran spy country, so it is not surprising to know this.

What Shulka didn't know was that the intelligence from the UK was directly known as "super secret".

But of course, the British would not have told the Soviets that.

At this time, no one except the British themselves knew the existence of "super secrets".

If ever there was one, it was Shulka.

After being silent for a while, Shulka said: "Contact the navy, we need more landing ships!"

"Landing ships?" Major Akimovich asked suspiciously: "Landing ships can't solve the problem, Comrade Shulka, they can't cross the sandbar!"

"Indeed!" Shulka replied: "But the Germans don't know, and neither do their pilots!"

Major Akimovich couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, then said "oh", and immediately called the group army headquarters.

The answer is actually very simple.

The amphibious landing ship is built on the template of the Navy's landing ship, that is, the shape of the two is almost the same.

If there is any difference, the amphibious landing ship has four more wheels.

Of course, if the amphibious landing craft is in the water, there is no difference between them at all.

Similarly, the German pilots sitting in the cockpit in the air certainly couldn't find the difference between them.

So, if the landing ship is mixed with the amphibious landing ship, the German pilots will not know which ones are their targets.

It can even be said that even if they attack a false target, they will be complacent thinking that they have attacked a real target.

"Good idea, Shulka!" Major Mikhailvich praised: "Now, as long as we have enough landing ships, it is enough to keep the German planes busy and dizzy!"josei

Andrianka laughed: "I hope they have enough fuel and ammunition!"

(end of this chapter)

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