USSR 1941

Chapter 601

Chapter 601: Detour

Chapter 601 Detour

So that night, Shulka and Vasily entered the No. 2 railway station with the troops.

was not prevented from entering.

Shulka believes that this is not because Batrakov gave the order. In fact, Shulka believes that Major General Batrakov turned around and forgot about their army.

The reason why it was not blocked was because the No. 2 station had changed hands several times at this time, and the walls and the like had been blown to pieces. In addition, most of the NKVD troops were stationed at the front and faced the enemy, so no one would care about the one coming from the rear. More than two hundred troops.

In fact, this is also related to the confusion of the Soviet army, because Shulka actually encountered many NKVD officers and soldiers coming and going along the way, but no one even came up to ask after they saw the cadet troops.

Sometimes Shulka thinks...if they were German Branfenburg troops pretending to be Soviet troops, then they could have gone straight to the rear of the NKVD line.

It can also be seen from this that this internal affairs force has been beaten to exhaustion, otherwise there would be no such a big loophole in its rear.

The trainee troops led the troops through Station No. 2 and rushed straight to the Tsaritsa River. In the dark, Shulka and Vasily hid in the ruins and observed the Soviet defense line built by the river.

This is the embarrassment of the Soviet defense: Everyone knows that the main attack of the German army cannot come from the river, but the river has to defend, otherwise it will expose its flanks to the enemy.

As a result, the Tsaritsa River, which was originally a barrier, became a threat to the Soviet army. They needed to consume a lot of troops to deploy defenses along the river, and most of these troops were exposed to enemy artillery fire.

"No wonder the 10th Division is understrength!" Vasily, who looked at these, smiled and sarcastically.

Shuerka knew the meaning of Vasily's smile. This was his habit. He usually showed such a relaxed smile when he looked down on his opponents.

From this point of view, Shulka should feel lucky, because Vasily has never shown him such a smile.

"Maybe it has something to do with the geographical environment here!" Shulka said: "You know, No. 2 Railway Station is the farthest place from the port in the south, and it is difficult for supplies to get here!"

This is the truth, all supplies need to be transported to the port first and then transported to various places. The No. 2 train station is in the southernmost part.

"I know, Comrade Captain!" Vasily put away his rifle and stood up, "But if it were you, I mean, if you commanded the defense of the No. 2 railway station, you would definitely figure out how to deal with it, wouldn't you? "josei

Shulka smiled and said nothing, Vasily had too much confidence in him.

But it seems that he is right. When encountering this difficult problem, Shulka will not let the loss continue, but will find a way to deal with it.

Find a basement as the headquarters, Shulka and Vasily spread out the map on the old wooden table.

This map was drawn by Vasily. It is not good-looking but very practical.

This is Vasily's habit, try not to use other people's maps.

Because he thinks that other maps are not accurate enough... This is true, especially in places like the No. blocked. What's more serious is that other people's maps will never mark which places are suitable for sniping or have several escape routes.

This is one of the reasons why Vasily required every student sniper to draw his own map.

Shulka had to admit that Vasily was much more professional than himself in this regard.

"It is expected that the enemy will penetrate along the river as usual!" Vasily said, pointing to the map: "And it is still a large force. They will hope to occupy the railway bridge and our bridgehead. If our army does not have time to blow it up...they can pass the railway. The bridge transports a large number of troops across the river to attack our army's flank!"

"They should blow up the railway bridge in time!" Shulka said.

Although he doesn't like the NKVD troops, this should be possible, because it is just pressing the switch.

This is one of the reasons why the NKVD did not choose to blow up the railway bridge: the explosives had already been installed, and it was too easy to blow it up, and there was no need for the Soviet army to blow it up too early.

Vassily nodded, and continued: "Assuming they can defend or blow up the railway bridge in time, then the German army will continue to attack eastward along the river bank..."

Vassily said while pointing to the Tsaritsa River all the way to the Volga River: "Until here, they can attack north along the Volga River!"

Vassily was right.

He didn’t make a part of it clear, because it was something Shulka and he knew very well... The German army actually adopted the tactics of frontal containment and outflanking at the same time against the No. 2 railway station.

Frontal containment is to set up a front line to attack in the east. It is difficult to make any progress, because there are everywhere buildings, ruins, mines, barbed wire, and Soviet resistance... just like Shulka was in the school and hospital area before as it did to the Germans.

This is a bit ironic. The entire Stalingrad army is using Shulka's tactics, including the 10th Division of the NKVD, but Batrakov does not take Shulka and his troops seriously.

As for the outflanking, of course it was the German army attacking along the river bank.

They can always attack along the river bank, which not only protects their flanks, but every time they occupy a river bank, they can get supplies and reinforcements from the German army on the other side of the Tsaritsa River... The German army can use landing ships and captured fishing boats, etc. Supplies were brought in via the Tsaritsa River.

When they hit the Volga River and attacked northward along the river, they actually formed an encirclement circle on Station 2. At that time, the 10th Division of the NKVD would either wait to be surrounded or give up the strategic location of Station 2.

"The important thing is this detour!" Shulka said: "We must block them!"

"But we only have two companies!" Vasily said: "And the enemy is obviously the main force, how can we stop them?"

"We don't need to block them, Vasily!" Shulka replied.

This made Vasily a little confused.

"What I mean is..." Shulka pointed to the map and explained: "The Germans will have a problem with attacking along the river, that is, their offensive line will penetrate into our defense zone like a long snake, and any point behind it will be very difficult. Fragile."

"Their main force can be supplied through the Tsaritsa River!" Vasily objected: "So the rear is not their supply line!"

"Yes!" said Shulka, "but if the rear is cut off by us at one point, they will be surrounded on three sides and may have to retreat from the Tsaritsa River and lose all previous efforts. This is a place we can use! "

(end of this chapter)

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