USSR 1941

Chapter 604

Chapter 604: help

Chapter 604 Help

Warehouse No. 5 was still buzzing, and Zogtanov, who was undergoing surgery, was sometimes distracted by the sudden explosion.

"Comrade Zogtanov!" The assistant asked next to him: "Shouldn't we do something?"

"What are you referring to?" Zogtanov asked while busy with the work in hand.

"Those soldiers!" the assistant replied: "They are not from the 10th Division. We may report this to our superiors! I think they have affected our work, and there are many wounded who thought the enemy would hit this building. Those The soldiers said the same, which caused panic among the wounded!"

Zogtanov was silent for a while, and then replied: "If you have the ability, you can report or drive them out!"

The assistant fell silent at once. He was just a medical soldier, so of course he didn't dare to attack some vicious combat troops.

"Not to mention!" Zogtanov continued: "Don't you know the basic qualities of a field hospital medical soldier? We usually need to work in this environment, if you feel that you are not competent..."

"No, Comrade Zogtanov!" The assistant quickly replied: "I have no opinion at all!"

Satisfied, Zogtanov turned his attention back to his hands and the wounds of the wounded.

After a layer of dust was shaken off the top of his head with a bang, Zogtanov couldn't help but curse inwardly... If it wasn't for his teacher, Dr. Anatoly, who spoke highly of this guy, Zogtanov Tarnov will not allow these lunatics to mess around here.

"I actually believed what he said!" Then Zogtanov laughed at himself: "Think the Germans will hit here tomorrow?!"

But at this moment, there was a whistling sound of shells in the sky, and then pieces of shells exploded nearby, and some even hit the warehouse.

"It's the Germans!" The assistant shouted loudly. He wanted to say something more, but his voice was covered by the sound of "rumbling" guns.

Zogtanov felt the vibration from the ground while secretly frightened. As a doctor in a field hospital, he certainly knew that it was German artillery fire.

Even because he has been on the front line for a while, he can roughly judge the intensity of the bombing from the sound and the degree of bombing.

It has been a long time since the Germans have bombed such a large area as this time. The last time this bombing was a general attack they launched, and they occupied half of the building of No. 2 Railway Station as they wished.

This time...

As time went by and the bombing did not weaken at all, Zogtanov became more and more convinced that the "breakout hero" was right. The Germans would indeed launch a violent attack during the day. This bombing was obviously their artillery fire Prepare.

"I seem to have misunderstood something!" Zogtanov said to himself: "I always thought that I was helping him, but it never occurred to me that they were actually trying to save our lives!"

Zogtanov couldn't help but be thankful that he had the relationship with his mentor, Anatoly, otherwise today and the wounded around him, I don't know how many people will stay in this basement forever.

On the other side, Major General Batrakov of the 10th Division Command also received the information immediately.

"Comrade Batrakov!" The staff officer reported: "The Germans launched a large-scale bombing of our defense line, and the artillery fire accurately locked our artillery positions and front-line fortifications!"

Major General Batrakov's face changed when he heard the information.josei

German artillery cannot accurately lock the Soviet artillery positions and front-line fortifications at night, especially the front-line fortifications, such as a bunker or a firepower point.

If the German army can do this, it shows a problem: they have fully prepared for this large-scale artillery attack and they are targeted.

In other words, this is likely to be what Shulka refers to as a "massive offense."

At this time, Major General Batrakov certainly didn't think too much about this issue. He immediately ordered: "Order the artillery to suppress the enemy's artillery fire!"

This is a routine method for artillery battles at night.

Firing guns at night has a late-mover advantage, because the side that fires first will often reveal its position due to the fire and smoke from the muzzle.

This allows the enemy to suppress it more precisely and inflict greater damage.

But after the staff made a phone call, he looked at Major General Batrakov with helpless eyes.

"Comrade General!" The staff officer said: "Our artillery has suffered heavy losses, and they are quickly withdrawing from their positions..."

To put it simply, the Soviet artillery was beaten to the point where it was powerless to fight back.

The fact is true.

The German army has a unique advantage over the Soviet army on the battlefield of the Tsaritsa River, that is, they can place artillery positions on the flanks of the Soviets... The south bank of the Tsaritsa River has been occupied by the Germans.

This also means that the Soviet artillery will fall into an embarrassing situation. They will be under the cross attack of enemy artillery from both directions of the German army. That is to say, the German army has no dead ends for the Soviet artillery positions, but the Soviet army is not the case .

Therefore, Major General Jonas, the commander of the German 389th Division, who commanded the battle, decided to take full advantage of this.

This is the motto of Major General Jonas. He always believes that the key to victory on the battlefield is not to be evenly matched with the enemy, but to maximize and use one's own advantages, because once this advantage expands to a certain extent, a series of chains will be directly generated The reaction collapsed the entire enemy line.

His theory is not entirely correct, but it is also correct.

Because the war of World War II can be said to be a systematic battle, infantry, tank, air and other arms are all coordinated. Once any arm is defeated, it is easy to be controlled everywhere.

To say it is not entirely true is because the war at this time cannot be completely called a systematic war... A few years later, on the Korean battlefield, the Chinese troops were still able to stand firmly on the 38th even when the air, tank, artillery and other arms were completely backward. Wire.

The situation at Railway Station No. 2 at this time is probably as Major General Jonas imagined.

He even sent Branfenburg troops to scout the exact location of the Soviet artillery positions before that.

And refrained from destroying the enemy artillery positions knowing they were there.

Because Major General Jonas knew that if he destroyed it prematurely, it would probably be a warning to the enemy that he was going to attack and replenish artillery and even strengthen defense in time.

Now, the surprise attack launched by the German army before dawn caught the Soviet army by surprise, causing the Soviet be exact, the Soviet army in the direction of No. 2 railway station was almost without artillery for a long time.

(end of this chapter)

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