USSR 1941

Chapter 843

Chapter 843: set fire

Chapter 843 Set fire

Shuerka was a little stunned when he heard this, but after thinking about it later, he thought it was nothing strange.

This situation may only be possible for the Soviet army.

The reason may be that the command and tactics of the Soviet army were extremely single. No matter what the battle was, the commander usually waved his pistol and shouted: "Comrades, for the sake of the motherland and for Stalin, go!"

Then the troops rushed forward wave after wave.

In this way, it becomes natural to get used to it, so these airborne troops who are scattered in various directions in various regions after being airborne and cannot find the headquarters are not keen on organizing first and then attacking, but combine with the surrounding troops nearby to form a continuous attack. , platoons, and even squads attacked Butur as units.

"Order them, organize the troops at once!" Veniamenko ordered to the correspondent, but this order was stopped by Shulka.

"I wonder how the battle went?" Shulka asked.

"What?" Veniamenko looked at Shulka puzzled: "Is there any problem?"

"What if the situation is in our favor?" Shulka said: "I mean, in this case, the offensive line of the troops should be uneven, and some troops may even have penetrated into the village of Butur. We are in Does organizing the troops at this time mean that they must stop fighting, and will that give the enemy a chance to breathe?"

After a pause, Shulka added: "On the other hand, the command of the Second Airborne Regiment has just arrived at Butur Village, and they don't know anything about the situation. If they are asked to organize an attack, they can How much did it help?"

Veniamenko looked at Shulka with some disbelief, and said, "So, should we let them attack without organization like this?"

"Why not?" Shulka asked rhetorically, "Who cares if there is organization if you can win?"

Veniamenko thought for a while, then replied: "I'll ask about the situation first!"

Thus, the order given to the Second Airborne Regiment Command was not to organize troops, but to contact while reconnaissance, gather scattered troops around the periphery and strive to form a complete offensive line.

More than half an hour later, good news came from Visarion: "Comrade Veniamenco, our people have already attacked the village of Butur and occupied several buildings!"

Veniamenko didn't even think about it, so he ordered: "Provide them with reinforcements immediately, and at the same time strengthen the offensive in other areas!"


Shulka added: "Pay attention to resisting enemy reinforcements!"

Veniamenko immediately added the sentence.

The problem that is easy to occur in an unorganized attack is to ignore this and ignore that. If it is attacked by enemy reinforcements, it will soon collapse.

Therefore, the biggest function of the Second Airborne Regiment headquarters arriving in Butur was to organize manpower to intercept enemy reinforcements.

However, before this, the unmanned Soviet airborne troops had organized defenses. They buried landmines on the road and set up ambushes on both sides of the road. After more than an hour of fighting, they repelled a group of reinforcements.josei

"It's almost dawn!" Trufanov looked at his watch worriedly.

Shulka knew what Trufanov was worried about. As soon as the sky dawned, it meant that a large number of German fighter planes would appear over Butur. In addition, the enemy's tank troops might also rush to Butur. It will be very difficult for the army to have a chance to capture Butur.

Failure to capture Butur almost means that the airborne troops in that area will become rootless and will be wiped out soon.

Then, the German army will turn around and divide and encircle Milloway and Highland No. 3.

If the situation of the battle develops like this, the Soviet army will gain nothing, because at least the De Don Army can retreat safely.

What the Soviet army got was just to recover Miloway one day in advance.

"Are the airborne supplies in place?" Shulka asked.

Before this, because it was expected that the battle in Butur Village would be more difficult, it was planned to give several batches of supplies.

"Only drop one batch!" Veniamenco replied: "The enemy's night fighters blocked Butur village in time, and it is very difficult for us to enter the airspace to airdrop again!"

Obviously, the enemy also realized the importance of Butur Village.

"What if it's a bombing?" Shulka asked.

"Bombing is possible!" Veniamenco replied: "The problem is that we can't identify targets in the dark!"

Bombing is not the same as airdropping.

Because the Soviet bombing can use rockets, as I said before, Il-2 can mount rocket pods, and then launch rockets from a distance to attack the target.

The airdrop must be directly above the target.

Therefore, it is very easy for the German fighter planes to prevent the Soviet airdrop, because the Soviet transport plane must reach this point and fly at a low altitude to be able to airdrop... If it is too high, the airdropped materials will be blown too far by the wind, and that is also a problem. It loses the meaning of airdrop.

But bombing with rockets is hard to defend against.

Thinking of this, Shulka said: "No, we can find the target!"

"How did you find it?" Veniamenco's eyes couldn't help but light up. If the bomber can find the target, it will obviously be a powerful help to the airborne attack.

"Someone of us broke into Butur village and occupied the building!" Shulka said: "Let them set it on fire!"

Hearing that, all the people in the headquarters fell silent.

It's not that hard to do that, in fact it's easy, because it's just a matter of setting a fire, even your own building.

The problem is... After setting the fire, it is to let the Il-2 attack aircraft launch the rockets to the place where the fire is, that is to say, it will flatten that area.

In this case, even telling the pilot not to directly bomb the position of Huoguang is useless, because it is a rocket, a rocket with extremely poor accuracy, and it depends on the number of rockets to blow the target into a sea of ​​flames, especially in flight Launch, then no one can control it.

Veniamenko did not hesitate much, he nodded immediately and said: "Good idea, I will contact the Air Force immediately!"

As he spoke, he grabbed the phone.

Trufanov said: "Can we let them retreat in time? I mean those comrades who set fire, retreat immediately after setting fire?"

Shulka shook his head and said, "No, they can't retreat!"


"Of course the Germans know what our purpose of setting the fire is!" Shulka explained: "Once they retreat, the Germans will immediately follow up to put out the fire. For the fire of the building, it is very likely that only a few explosives need to be dropped. hour…"

There is no need to say more about the next thing. At that time, Il 2 will lose its target and the plan will fail.

(end of this chapter)

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