Vampire King's Harem

Chapter 11 The Start Of Something Good

Chapter 11 The Start Of Something Good

Klaus doesn't remember the last time he sucked blood from a woman's finger, but Irina certainly never did anything like that. The poor fairy goes crazy due to unfamiliar sensations and loses control of her voice, letting out adorable moans.

"Ahhh~~!! No... you're so... hmmm... hard on me... please..." She loses all that wild and brave posture, becoming a sweet and tender girl.

One of Klaus' biggest worries is losing control due to rage again. The last time that happened, he wiped out an entire race. And now, he can't control himself well, though it's not about anger but because Irina drives him crazy with those sexy moans.

He always saw women as female prey and allowed some of them to satisfy his needs other than blood. But he doesn't see Irina that way; she drives him crazy in another way and makes him have new feelings.

After all the drops of blood on Irina's finger are gone, Klaus lets go of her wrist, and she pushes him back before also jumping in the opposite direction.

"DAMN!!!" She complains with a flushed expression, not by anger but embarrassment.

Klaus leans his back against the cage wall and looks at her with a gentle smile. He's so excited by everything about her that he can barely enjoy her blood running through his veins.

Irina wants to get mad at Klaus, but his kind expression softens her heart. She's used to all men peeking at her with lustful eyes, but he's different; he seems to want to take care of her, protect her…

[Shit! What am I thinking?!?] She shakes her head as she thinks to herself. [He just wants to drink my blood!!]

[But...] She looks at her finger, still covered in Klaus' saliva. [That was so good... is he supposed to be so good with the tongue???]

When Irina first saw Klaus, he looked like a bag of old bones; but his face looked young, and after drinking her blood for the first time, his body began to look less and less old.

Not just that, but he looks more and more attractive, and now... She looks at her finger and can't help but feel a different scent coming from it.

[No way...] That smell is strangely good and definitely not hers, so she can only conclude that it comes from Klaus' saliva, but how could he have saliva so fragrant?

She has the idea of bringing her finger closer to her nose but is very concerned about him seeing her doing it. Then she notices that he has his eyes closed again, doing that strange meditation.

Irina watches Klaus for a minute until she's sure he appears to be sleeping, then she slowly brings her finger toward her face. The closer his saliva is to her nose, the more she is surprised at how good that smells.

Another idea pops into her mind the more she smells his saliva; her own tongue salivates, wanting to taste that. [No fucking way!!!]

That idea terrifies Irina, but then the fear of Klaus's saliva being poisonous or something makes her stop. She quickly uses the blouse to wipe her finger and get rid of his saliva before she does something stupid.

[What the fuck just happened??] The more she interacts with Klaus, the more confused she gets.

"..." But he just keeps there, silent and immobile as a dead person.

Irina sighs to herself and focuses on watching Klaus. She gets shocked to see changes taking place in his body so quickly.

She was wondering if he would look younger after some hours, but she sees his muscles getting stronger and healthier immediately after he drank her blood.

[Holy shit!!] Not only his muscles but his skin also starts to change, becoming less pale; even his white hair seems to take on a vivid shine.

Irina is surprised at how quickly Klaus' body changes, but something specific seems to catch her attention the most. She tries not to think about that, but the thoughts just come into her mind without her control.

[He's getting more attractive so quickly... that's bad!!] She already thought his face was perfect, but now that his body is also becoming perfect, she can't help but feel attracted to him.

She even starts to compare him with the most handsome people she knows. [I think when he reaches his healthiest form, not even that stupid elven general will stand a chance against him... shit, maybe even the Fairy King may not be that hot!]

Irina gets lost in thought, imagining how handsome Klaus can look in his 'final form.' Then after an indeterminate time, she notices some sign of life in him, a slight movement of his lips.

[Will he speak again??] She wonders.

"Irina..." In a calm, low tone, he speaks her name again.

[FUCK!!!] Irina is amazed at how Klaus' deep voice manages to sound even more charming than before. His pronunciation isn't quite good yet, but she has the strange feeling that her name sounds pretty nice on his lips.

"Can you understand me?" She asks in a slow tone.

Klaus is trying to absorb all the knowledge contained in Irina's blood, but that's not as fast a process as his body's regeneration. Still, due to the power of her blood, he can recognize a few words, the simplest ones first, of course.

He nods, answering her question.

"Damn! That was fast," She exclaims. "Is your world's language similar to ours? Or did you just manage to learn it by drinking my blood? And what about that, what kind of creature feeds on blood???"

Irina has many questions for Klaus, but when she mentions blood, some more urgent concerns pop into her mind. "Wait, do I take any risks after you drink my blood?? Is this some kind of mind-reading technique??? Am I going to turn into something like you?!?!?"

Klaus can't understand so many words so quickly yet, but he still tries to say something. "Irina..."

She thinks he's going to give her the answers she wants, so she gets really tense. "What?? You can talk; I won't blame you! Just let it out already!!"

"Irina..." Klaus speaks her name in a sweet and emotional tone, softening her heart. But his following words drive her mad. "... you are delicious."

"The fuck?!?!" She is confused, unsure if he is just talking about her blood, or flirting with her, both things she definitely doesn't want now.

Irina doesn't know if Klaus is just a bloodthirsty monster from another world interested in drinking her blood or just another man who wants to have sex with her. And the worst part is, she's not sure which option sounds worse.

Yet, those words, plus the way Klaus looks at her, make her feel strangely good. She tries to fight those feelings but only blushes more.

Klaus appears about to say something else, and Irina fears what it is but just gets angry after hearing it. "Thanks... for the meal."

"Meal?!?! Fuck you!!" Even she doesn't understand why she's so upset. "I don't know if in your world that's a compliment, but here, people like to keep their blood in their bodies."

He smiles seductively at her. "I love when you get mad... even cursing, you're so cute."

"YOU!!!" Iria turns red again, this time with a mixture of anger and embarrassment. But Klaus' fascinated expression makes her try to calm down.

Without her control, a strange thought pops into her mind again, making her realize that no man has ever complimented her like that.

They usually praise her beauty and serenity, but when she starts cursing them, none of them seem to like it. Men typically want women to always be calm and submissive, but Klaus is praising her ferocity, which confuses her.

"Look..." She tries to be calmer, but Klaus' excited smile makes her angry again. "You damned freak, you can't flirt with me after drinking my blood!"

He looks thoughtful for a second while searching in his mind for the right words. "Do you want to drink my blood so we can be even?"

"No, bloody hell!" She quickly responds.

"So it can't be helped." He shrugs.

"Huh???" She is amazed at how Klaus can make her confused. No other person has aroused such strong feelings in her before, be it good or bad.

Klaus doesn't want to upset Irina right now, even though he really likes her angry expressions. He wants to be in a good relationship with her, so he stops teasing her and starts being serious.

"It's okay if you want to be mad at me, but don't be afraid of me." He speaks in a friendly, confident tone. "I would never hurt you… in fact, no one can hurt you as long as I'm around. Same boat as you said."

Those words carry power and determination that Irina can feel in her heart. It's bizarre to have someone she just met say that, but somehow she actually believes that Klaus wishes her well.

She remembers how he drove away the necromancers with just his aura, and she actually felt good about that protection even though she wasn't willing to admit it.josei

"Ehh..." She lowers the hostile posture and looks at Klaus with a friendlier expression. "I think we started on the wrong foot; how about a fresh start?"

"Sounds good." Klaus is really happy that Irina isn't afraid of him anymore.

Irina realizes that she wasn't really afraid of him but just confused. She still has thousands of questions, but it seems like he's willing to give her answers, so she's happy too.

"Well, I'm..." She tries to make the usual introduction but shakes her head instead. "You know my name, but I don't know yours."

"Klaus." He speaks naturally, and that comes out with the Earth's accent.

"Klaus..." Irina tries to repeat that name, but she can't pronounce it right. Yet, she instinctively likes how that name sounds. "Same boat, right? I hope that's true, Klaus."

"Hahaha..." He likes the way she pronounces his name. "You bet so, Irina."

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