Vampire King's Harem

Chapter 22 Dangerous Ambitions

Chapter 22 Dangerous Ambitions

As Klaus and Irina destroy the hordes of skeletons in the underground of the Bronze Skull Sect, Its disciples keep sending more and more undead down the stairs.

Hundreds of the intermediate and beginner disciples line up, taking turns to create more undead soldiers under the leadership of the few core disciples.

Even though the skeletons are not a threat to Klaus and Irina, they demand a lot of energy from the young necromancers of the Martial Novice Realm, so they create soldiers and give way to other disciples to be able to take a break.

Hundreds of disciples are trying their best to create so many skeletons, but that only seems to slow Klaus and Irina down a bit, leaving everyone apprehensive.

"Shit, this isn't working!!" A girl in a gray robe exclaims as she uses a technique to create eyes in one of the skeletons she created, being able to see Klaus e Irina fighting. "They are destroying our army so easily."

The other necromancers around get even more worried. "Where is the Sect Master?? Where are the Elders???"

A young necromancer looks up to one of his older colleagues, a respected core disciple. "Why the hell is there a fairy under our Sect?? And that... that guy? What is that scary guy??!"

The core disciple doesn't have any answers, just more questions. "I'm just doing what disciple Eli asked; these are the Sect Master's orders; we must hold position and do our best to slow down the enemy!"

"Fuck! Can't you see we're failing here?!?" Other disciples begin to revolt out of fear. "That damn fairy destroys dozens of our undead soldiers with a swing of her wings, and that scary guy... shit, he moves like shadows; the skeletons just can't touch him!"

"I've never seen anyone move so fast... is he in the Martial Lord realm??"

"Damn, he doesn't even look human!!"

"Wait, do you guys remember those rumors about the Sect Master doing a secret ritual to summon a creature from another world? I bet that was true, and this guy is the creature!"

"What?!? Is he some monster from another world?!?!"

"Fuck it!! He's going to kill us!!!" The young necromancers panic, and the older disciples are unable to control the situation.

The Bronze Skull Sect's main halls quickly turn into a chaotic mess, but then appears a cloaked figure who uses energy to make her voice echo loudly. "What the hell are you doing?!?"

That person's voice carries a power far greater than all those disciples, so they look at the mysterious figure with curious expressions.

So the person lowers the hood, revealing old skin and gray hair that bring hope and relief to the necromancers.

"It's Elder Ann!!" Any Bronze Skull Sect disciple would recognize one of the oldest figures in the place, of course.

Before the young necromancers can release all their questions over Ann, she reaches out to one of the older core disciples among the group and makes her own questions. "What's going on?? Where is the Sect Master?? Why is there no other Elder here??"

When that disciple explains to Ann about the enemies coming from underground, she already understands who they are, but that situation still looks pretty bizarre.

"We're just following the Sect Master's orders; disciple Eli went looking for her and the Elders, but he hasn't returned yet." The core disciple explains.

[What the hell is she doing?!?] Ann can feel that something is very wrong, but she still can't see the big picture.

"Elder Ann?!?" That disciple is already over forty years old, but he looks like a child shaking with fear. "What are we going to do, Elder Ann?? Our efforts don't seem to be working; the fairy and that scary guy will arrive here soon, and only the Elders and the Sect Master can fight them!!"

Ann knew that Klaus's power was dangerous the moment she saw him through that portal. Even in such a weakened state, his aura was too frightening even for her, so it's natural that she is very scared right now.

Yet, what she fears most is not Klaus but the Sect Master's ambition.

"Stay here and keep doing your best to delay the enemy." Ann speaks to the disciples. "I will bring the Sect Master and the other Elders here as soon as possible."

Everyone is still terrified of Klaus; they can feel his powerful and sinister aura approaching like the cold hand of death on the back of their neck. But they also believe in Ann; after all, she and Abner are the oldest Elders in the Bronze Skull Sect, and of course, they don't know that he is already dead.

As the disciples refocus on slowing Klaus' advance with hordes of skeletons, Ann goes seeker for the Sect Master. The old necromancer runs as fast as she can and soon arrives in the hallway that leads to the Sect Master's office.

"AAAAAHHHH!!!" A desperate scream echoes through the corridor, startling Ann, who sees a young man running toward her.

"Eli?!?!" Ann quickly recognizes her husband's pupil. She tries to stop him, but he ignores her and keeps running.

"She's gone crazy, don't go there!!!" Eli shouts to Ann before disappearing into the dark corridors.

[What the hell???] Ann is even more worried. She still doesn't know what the Sect Master is planning, but things have clearly already gotten out of control.

The old necromancer doesn't try to follow Eli but instead runs towards the Sect Master's office. Arriving there, she sees the door open, and when she enters the room, she gets shocked by the scene before her eyes.

The place is a bloody mess, with bodies and limbs everywhere; there are still two people alive being held by huge black hands, and Ann recognizes them as part of the Elders of the Bronze Skull Sect, her closest colleagues.

Despite the confusion, Ann immediately understands that the Sect Master has killed most of the Elders as the woman stands in the center of the room, covered in blood.

"Hmm... no, your blood doesn't work either." The Sect Master split some blood onto the floor before making the big black hands crush one of the still-living Elders' body.

"NOO!!" Ann barely has time to save her friend, but she still tries to save the other, getting in front of the Sect Master. "What are you doing?!?!"

"Just some tests..." She replies in a relaxed tone.

"What the fuck?!? Are you crazy, Sect Master?!?! Why would you do something like that?!?!" Ann can't understand what's going on; that seems like the craziest nightmare of her life.

"You shouldn't have come here, Ann..." The Sect Master comments in a neutral tone. "You could survive if you didn't get involved in this."

"How could I not get involved??" Ann screams as tears fall from her eyes. "Our Sect is under attack; the disciples need you... but instead of helping your people, you are destroying us... WHY?!?!"

A murderous gleam passes through the Sect Master's eyes as makes the black hand presses the other Elder's body to the floor. "You think he's my friend? Don't play silly, Ann; you know those old idiots were plotting against me! Shit, they were already training that stupid boy to replace me."

"No one could replace you, Shadya! Everyone respects you a lot here; new disciples come from so far every day to be part of your Sect!!" Ann speaks with her heart.

"Lies!!" The Sect Master shouts and creates a new black hand to hold Ann. "No one ever respected me; my own family sent me to this shitty place because they didn't want to share anything with me! And the people who come here do so because they can't join the Golden and Silver Skull Sects!"

Ann tries to say something, but the Sect Master makes the black hand tighten her body while she is the only one able to talk.

"Look at me, Ann, I haven't even completed my fourth century yet, and I've already reached my limit... my resources and techniques are simply not enough to make any difference in my cultivation... twenty years without any sign of advancement!!"

"But now everything has changed... thanks to our ritual, he came to me." The Sect Master smiles excitedly. "My life really starts today with him... but first, I need to fix some things, cut the weeds, and open the way for our glorious future together!"

Ann understands that the Sect Master is talking about Klaus and the old necromancer also sees that she is stealing power from those Elders, using their life energy and cultivation to significantly boost her strength for a limited time.

"Shadya... please..." Ann is among the strongest Elders in the Bronze Skull Sect; yet, she can't do anything but beg as that black hand slowly crushes her body.josei

"It's been many years since anyone called me that..." The Sect Master makes a thoughtful expression. "But I have to get used to hearing that name again; after all, by the end of the day, there will be no more Bronze Skull Sect... and I'm sure Klaus will prefer to call me by my name."

[Klaus???] Ann regrets starting it all; she wishes she could go back in time and burn that ancient book, but now it's too late.

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