Vampire Nightlife

Chapter 151 Acceptance

Chapter 151 Acceptance


Chaerin Atticus stared at the people who were supposed to be her family.

The people that should have still made her stay, still tried to include her in their lives.

How old had she been when she returned back to Lux? Ten? Seven?

Nothing more but a child.

"Unfortunately, my sister is quite preoccupied with some things back at home." Chaerin smiled.

"Is that so? A shame, we would have loved to see her too. And who is your friend here?" the uncle glanced at Lukas' way and found himself intimidated.

"Partner." Lukas extended a hand, and wore a smile of his own. "It's a pleasure to finally meet the people who are related to Chaerin by blood."

"Yes, family." the uncle shook his hand and tried not to wince.

"That's one word for it." Lukas said.

Chaerin bit back a chuckle.

"Now then, I'm so glad that Junia encountered you, dear. You and your friend will be staying over for dinner, yes?" Her aunt asked. "Do the two of you have any accommodations? How long will you be staying around exactly? Lux is so far away from Nyx that there must be a reason why you're here."

"Mmmm… you could say that we're just passing through." Chaerin replied.

She could have focused on hate, on anger and all the bitter things that made her stomach churn–but what was done was done.

"Well, I do hope that you feel welcome here, dear." Junia's mother said and then looked a little uneasy. "I know that things are a little strange with your… grandmother, but do know that you're welcome here."

There was some guilt in the eyes of her relatives and even if it was because they simply wanted to feel better with themselves, that didn't change the fact that it was still something.

Some people refused and abandoned their duties with nothing more but a smile.

Chaerin couldn't blame her grandmother–she wouldn't know what she'd do if she lost Lukas for example. Even though she wanted to be strong and believed that she could handle it on her own, there would be an ache in her chest that would never quite go away.

… That was how she constantly felt with Lily before and now with Stacy too.

And so, Chaerin would accept things as how they were.

"Thank you. We'll have to check in with the rest of our friends to see if we can stay here, but even if we can't–I'm glad that things haven't quite changed." Chaerin said.

"Haven't?" Her uncle looked a little put off by her words.

"Well, perhaps I may have misspoken." Chaerin said and tried to keep an innocent smile on her face. "You've certainly gained a couple pounds, uncle and aunt's showing her age as well."

A smile froze on the face of Junia's mother.

Lukas blinked and glanced at his girlfriend, lips quirking slightly.

He thought that there was almost a reconciliation between the family, but it didn't happen just like that. A few barbs were interjected in Chaerin's words and from the expression of her face–she was having fun with it.

Being in the "morally wronged" part, Chaerin could act as she pleased and her aunt and uncle would be forced to play along if they truly wished to amend their ways.

"Haha, is that so?" Junia's mother laughed and rested a hand on her cheek. "I fear that you might need to check your eyes, dear. Is that why you've visited Nyx? Medical emergency?"

"I'm afraid not, aunt. I am in perfect good health." Chaerin reassured her. "Please worry more about yourself."

Chaerin's aunt smiled tightly.

Lukas could imagine what it would feel like if you were a Vampire that was surrounded by better Shapeshifters than you.

He figured that the reason why Vampires looked regal and majestic was because of their ability to transform their features, but while there was always that 'allureness' that probably came from their race–the gifts of the Vampirekind were truly not shared equally among the population.

Lukas checked on Chaerin's uncle and while he seemed healthy at the human standards, the Vampires had a much more critical eye when it came to things such as beauty and appearances.

"Well isn't that good news. Anyhow, I shall be going to the kitchen and check on what we'll have for dinner." Junia's mother said and then walked away from the group. "I'm quite sure that you haven't been able to have a warm and home cooked meal in such a long time."


"You're right." Chaerin acknowledged. "Chelsea and I didn't have many people to rely on, as you know. It would be amazing to eat here auntie."

Junia's mother slowed down in the hallway and glanced at the young woman. Her expression flickered slightly and the remorse showed itself once again.

Lukas could see that much, and so Junia's mother simply smiled and nodded.

"Then I'll make sure that you can eat to your fill, young one." the older woman said. "And maybe next time, you can also bring your sister along as well. Junia is mostly by herself and it would be great for her to spend time with her cousins."

"Of course, if it's not going to interrupt the business of you and your sister." her uncle added and cleared her throat. "But if you could take a break, I'm sure Junia could finally use her unused leaves and show you around the Nyx. There's a lot to be had here that I'm sure that maybe you can find something here. Perhaps even find your place if you're looking for a chance."

Chaerin blinked, and while a retort could have been given–something that nitpicked on Junia or poked fun at how she was Chaerin didn't do that.

Not too long ago, Chaerin had been stuck in her home and never really left.

What Junia was doing was incredible.

Chaerin looked at her cousin and then genuinely smiled. Even just a little.

"... I have to admit that things started off on the wrong foot, but it would be nice to come by again here once everything is finished." Chaerin said and then thought of the offer that her uncle dropped slightly. She could find a place here if she wanted to.

That would have been a miracle before, would have filled a thirst that she knew that she had.

But now…

Chaerin glanced at Lukas and then turned to her relatives and shrugged.

"I'm not really looking for anything right now, since I'm satisfied with where I am now, but thank you. I'll run it through with Chelsea though."

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