Vampire Nightlife

Chapter 25 It's Not Supposed To Work

Chapter 25 It's Not Supposed To Work

Something like that wasn't supposed to work–and yet Lukas underestimated the cruelty and style of a Vampire. Boasting such as that and appealing to other Vampires' natures was something Chelsea was familiar with.

Was it stupid?

Did Lukas see through it all? On the contrary, he just thought it was cringe–but the reception of Lawrence Tenebris was different. He let out a laugh, fangs glinting along with his eyes.

"The Atticus family honors me and I suppose it is time to bestow these gifts. If you've chosen this one–then very well."

It wasn't only blood that was given, the humans themselves were distributed. Though they were few in number compared to the crowd of Vampires, only a select few came forward.

Few were given the honor of 'receiving' a human and that sickened Lukas.

Sure, it probably meant that these Vampires had a living blood bag they could take care of or perhaps kill one by accident if they drained their blood too quickly–but it was still something that sickened Lukas.

This was unacceptable.

A part of Lukas wanted to stop this and yet he didn't move–he only stayed in one place and allowed the gift-giving ceremony to finish. The greed in the Vampires eyes, of vengeance and resentment was visible and palpable in the air.

And this was all–

The scent of pure, rich and heavenly blood arrived close to him. Lily Tenebris approached him amidst the crowd, two goblets in her hands–each filled to the brim with blood.

"Are you alright? You seem a bit parched." Lily smiled and handed him the cup of blood.

He held the goblet in hand, a lurch in his throat but then the same sensation as before overcame him–that gnawing feeling that couldn't be quite dissipated by Blood Water.

Lukas closed his eyes and drank the goblet in one go, his own tongue betraying him as it relished the fresh blood that coated his tongue and greedily went down his throat. Energy and a power running through his veins at the mere drink.

"Would you like to talk on the balcony?" Lily asked. Her gaze flitted over towards the still ongoing ceremony. "We don't necessarily have to be here anymore."

"Are you sure?" Lukas asked, surprised.josei

"Do you not want to go with me?"

The hurt look that crossed over Lily's face made Lukas shake his head immediately. Of course he wanted to be with her and spend some time alone together.

Hence the two of them sneaking out, leaving their goblets with one of the waiters, while Lily's father was still preoccupied with allowing chosen Vampires to select their human offering.

All of that was left temporarily behind once Lukas and Lily reached the balcony, the night breeze once again blowing through the air–making Lily's hair flutter slightly in the air as she turned back to look at Lukas.

There was a red blush across Lily's face.

She was nervous about this–it was her first time inviting someone on her own, and she didn't quite know what to say, only that she wanted to be with Lukas right now.

"Ahem." Lily cleared her throat delicately and averted her gaze. "Do you… do you remember the invitations that you've asked of me?"

"Oh yeah. You always turned them down." Lukas blinked.

Lily Tenebris smiled sheepishly–her father was strict on coming home straight away after work. But she had mulled things over and whether it was the blood on her lips or the fuzzy feeling in her stomach, she spoke earnestly.

"I… you were inviting me for a reason right?" Lily blushed as she held onto the railings. "I do not want to be presumptive, however, your words and our exchanges as of late have made me consider that well… you are interested in me. Like more than a friendship?"

Lukas stared at her unbelieving for a moment, before he chuckled and tilted his head. "Do I really have to spell it out that clearly to you?"

"No!" Lily spun back, raising her head and standing up on her tiptoes to look him in the eye. Her lips curled into a cute pout as she balled her fists together. "But I was just double-checking."

"Well then, yes. I am interested in you, Miss Tenebris." Lukas smiled. "Do you feel the same way?"

"A-ah, that's a little…" Lily flushed, but her heart was beating wildly in her chest. "I think… that I do, but it's rather sudden. How about we just start with seeing each other first?"

"Wait–like dating?" Lukas' jaw drop. "You want to be my girlfriend?"

"If you want to put it that way, yes… I do want to be your girlfriend and you as my boyfriend if you will have me." Lily fell back a little and rocked on her heels. "Well, I didn't expect titles but–"

Lukas blinked in amazement then scrutinized her. "No takes back, alright?"

"No take backs!" Lily said.

Lukas grinned and then tugged the Vampire into his arms, pulling her into a tight hug. He would have kissed her–but at the moment, a hug felt just right for their budding relationship.

Truth be told, he didn't expect that things would turn out this way–Lily had always turned down his offers to hang out after work, but it seemed like she reciprocated his attraction towards her.

Lukas closed his eyes and buried his face into her air, taking in the scent of sweet blossoms in her hair, almost like her namesake.

Thoughts about the humans were all pushed aside in lieu of this moment. Lukas didn't think that he could find love or be happy–he had already accustomed himself to a life of loneliness.

Maybe that was him overthinking it though.

They were just starting to date, and here he was, already thinking about such things. It didn't suit Lukas at all who always fantasized about what he'd do when he found the woman of his dreams.

Lily Tenebris temporarily pulled away and gave a peck on Lukas' cheek. "I can't wait for you to meet my family–they'll love you!"

Wait… what?

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