Vampire Nightlife

Chapter 97 More To This World (4)

Chapter 97 More To This World (4)

The Veil Forest was an environment that was coined for the existence of its thick mists that provided a veil from the outside world. Its residents had long known how to operate in their home and use it to their advantage.

It was so effective that these people found it unnecessary to leave their dwellings, usually kept to themselves and yet protected their home fiercely when it came down to things.

Lukas' gaze focused on the figure who stepped out of the mist and he was greeted with the graceful and yet majestic visage of a person that looked androgynous and with beautiful antlers across their head.

This person in question wore white-like cotton robes decorated with leaves of the forest and it was with a sharp expression that their brown eyes landed on Lukas and the rest of the people.

It initially seemed to Lukas that they might be able to talk with someone who could set them free–but the sharp expression on the person's face seemed to say otherwise.

"Sorry about that," The fox-like woman, Vulpine crept out of the wooden stump chair and brought along the rabbit as well. Before she left though, she threw a wink in Lukas' direction and then disappeared into the mists.

Any other moment, Lukas would have been happy to know that other species at least found him attractive. It meant that he was good-looking and his charms were probably working well.

"Now. What do we have here? Vampires crossing the Veil Forest–it's been a long time." The androgynous deer person sat on the wooden stump and crossed their legs together. It was hard to tell if their voice belonged to that of a man or a woman, but it held authority.

Theodore suddenly knelt on one knee and pressed a hand to his chest. He inclined his head and spoke respectfully.

"We give our greetings to the Great Leader of the Forest." Theodore paused and after a moment of silence, he continued. "It is not often that we are granted the chance to come upon the presence of the Forest Dwellers."

That was more than enough cue for Lukas and others to copy Theodore. It wasn't Vulpine in charge, but this one instead.

"Indeed." the deer person spoke regally, their gaze flickering towards the rest of the Vampires. "We usually do not find it valuable to meet with travelers on our lands–far better to segregate and live in peace, but interference was unavoidable this time. You have committed a crime."

Theodore's expression finally shifted to worry for a moment. He hadn't known or was prepared for this situation at all–he had believed that they would leave with merely some exchange of words, not an actual incident.

"A crime, Great Leader?" Theodore said hesitantly, and now felt the way that the arrows prepared themselves on them.

"Surely, you would know." the Great Leader's dull gray eyes flashed at last. "Or would you and your company like to pretend that you're free from guilt? Is it shamelessness or pride that your people remain unaware."

"That is…"

Lukas cast around the environment uneasily and he could feel that the tension in the air was tight and even suffocating. But he took one look at the antlers of the deer person and his eyes widened.

"We killed that stag in the grasslands." Lukas whispered.

"You call them but a stag, but he is as alive as any of you and any of us." the Great Leader spoke. "He has had a name, his own herd to protect and yet your group thoughtlessly killed it without afterthought."


This finally reminded Theodore of something.

It was rare for them to travel the Veil Forest, the communication between the Vampire Settlements were made more difficult due to distance–but all of the Vampires simply drank their blood and did not touch a life in the forest.

Their own leader had not explained it before, only giving strict orders and it never crossed Theodore's mind before.

Lukas grimaced and tried to look at Theodore for any inspiration or for him to put a word in, but it was visible in the assassin's face that they had not been prepared for hostility at all.

Maybe, the reason why Theodore didn't even mention it–was because the Forest Dwellers probably didn't even show up on other occasions. Lukas understood it now and it made his stomach churn.

​ The situation they were in was dire.

Where exactly was Alexei? Now that Lukas thought about it, the other Vampire was nowhere to be found and while Theodore said that the arrows were not deadly–it did not mean that Alexei was going to be spared for so long.

"Do none of you have a single word to say for yourselves?" the Great Leader said darkly. "Will all of you hold your tongue and simply allow us to make judgment for your actions?"

"... an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth." Theodore said. "We've struck down one of the people of these lands, so I suppose it's only fair that you take one of us. Isn't that why one of us is not present right now?"

Stacy, who had been kneeling on one knee, suddenly raised her head. Her expression morphed into that of shock and bewilderment. She could have looked at Theodore, a stab of betrayal but her gaze fell on the Great Leader instead.

"T-that's not–it's not fair! You can't take my brother's life just because we took down that stag."

"So you say that one life is more important than the other?" the Great Leader spoke and shook his head. "I forget that I am in the presence of Vampires. I believe that there is hierarchy among your Houses, of higher and lesser members of your kind and it extends to this moment?"

"You… you could have protected them instead if they were really valuable!" Stacy protested. "And yet they were roaming on their own and were unattended. How do you expect us to know that we're not supposed to kill them?"

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