Vampire Summoner's Rebirth: Summoning The Vampire Queen At The Start

Chapter 271 Monster And Demon Ranks

Chapter 271 Monster And Demon Ranks


Of course, the solution for such a dilemma lays in the Summons. As long as I have my army of Familiars I will be able to fight even stronger monsters than me (to an extent), through coordination and hard work. Especially now that I have the [Command] Skill that enhances the stats of those below my command or that hear my orders. As long as I got a big army of familiars at my side, I can explore further and take over many foes at once. Registering in the Adventurer Guild is impossible until I reach teenager years, but I could request the help of other adventurers as well.josei

Although I might as well just bring my friends then. Nonetheless, I had thought about a plan, making Eleanora use her Full Energy Form which looks like her adult self to register in the adventurer guild and let me complete requests this way. Of course, when I get my own license after the academy it will be easier, but this is a roundabout way I had considered. There's no way my parents are going to allow me complete quests for them either, and I don't want to ask favors to Ellergest or the priests either. Eleanora is the person I trust the most, so she'll have to do.

But all these are mostly plans for the far future. I've been thinking about resting for a few months and slowly gain proficiency in various skills while cultivating more Mana and Ki to enhance my physique. I want to also earn EXP through Alchemy while practicing my Familiar Summoning, and I even got some ideas to create new magical seeds through Alchemy to create magic-infused crops that could be enough to make poor man's mana potions that could increase my Mana permanently by small amounts.

I also don't want to risk my life just after that big war. I am obsessed with leveling and growing stronger, but there are also now new ways to do it which are safer, so there's no way I am not going to take them for the moment, especially when I am still growing. At the very least, I want to wait until my mother gives birth to see my siblings. If I end up dying without even being able to see them, I don't know if I would be able to forgive myself. Exploring the Mountain Range or the Grassy Plains is very dangerous after all, monsters over Rank F roam there. From what I've learned through the Adventurer Guild escapades I've had where I just ask questions politely to the people while acting as an innocent child, I have learned that monsters and adventurers have a rank system apart from Spirit Orb Ranks or Levels (which people is unable to properly calculate).

The reason behind this new Rank System is to assess everyone without discrimination. Why? Because there might be amazingly capable warriors such as my father that have a non-combat Talent and even a low Spirit Orb cultivation at Rank 1 Initial Stage yet can fight monsters than mere wild animals through a combination of skill and experience, his physique is also not something to scoff at. Even if his spirit orb is weak, his body is strong.

Therefore, I've learned about the Ranking System used mostly in this world. Spirit Orb Ranking is still rather fundamental to assess someone's strength, but there are some exceptions that can beat those at higher spirit orb ranks than them due to their greater Skills and physical strength. Levels are also a thing after all, and not all people that has leveled up a lot has cultivated their Spirit Orbs enough. Of course, to attain the perfect harmony, all things must be abused, but not everyone has the talent to do it all, and often specialize and keep growing even more through specialization, surprising all-rounders.

The Rank System is quite easy, it starts from H Rank all the way to SSS Rank.

I Rank monsters are comparable to Dark Crows and Horned Rabbits, or even Walking Mushrooms. And Adventurers around Level 0 to 3. It seems that not everyone can gain a lot of EXP as I do thanks to Hard Worker, even without the curse I have that extends my requirements to level up, some people take years to level up because Dark Crows and Horned Rabbits give miserable amounts of EXP

Anyways, here's a list I've written in my Grimoire's [Notes] pages, where I can keep all notes I want to save information to read later and to remind myself whenever I forget something important. Starting from the lowest to the highest.

<Monster Ranks>

I Rank: Monsters such as Horned Rabbits, Dark Crows, and Walking Mushrooms who pose little threat to anybody if left alone.

H Rank: Monsters such as Wild Cats, Dual Horned Rabbits, Gale Birds, Big Bugs who pose a substantial challenge.

G Rank: Monsters such as Gray Wolves, Alpha Gay Wolves, Goblins, who are dangerous and might even threaten a big group of people if they're unprepared.

F Rank: Demons such as Imps, Imp Warriors, and other creatures comparable to them.

E Rank: Monsters such as Giant Wild Boars are here, and also Onis, Blue and Red. Demon Giants might be included too, although they have little documentation and there are ways to abuse their clumsiness, but these monsters are more than qualified to be able to destroy entire towns.

D Rank: Apparently, the Demon General was here. Someone capable of dealing with an entire unprepared army and even destroy a town with mere magic. D-Rank Monsters are serious threats that might cause an entire fiefdom to arm against them… However, it also depends in the race or where they live. The Grassy Plains have not been taken over by humanity because it is filled to the brim with dangerous D-Rank monsters known as "Field Bosses" who control certain areas and lead their kin.

C Rank: Things even worse than Demon Lords, this might include Wyverns, Drakes, Giant Snakes, Golden Blazing Lions, and other monsters I've seen extermination requests in the Adventurer Guild, these roam the Mountain Range and are often far away from civilization. Their power is without a doubt very dangerous, but thankfully they are very territorial so they keep themselves within their zones.

B Rank: This is where Demon Lords begin to be classified. Powerful enough to take over several fiefdoms at once, control other demons and make thousand men armies. This might even include Lesser Dragons.

A Rank: Even worse than Demon Lords, Demon Overlords, they're evolved Demon Lords, capable of taking over an entire country. They exists and some had already taken over countries that played with fire too much. Cultists attempt to summon them to bring humanity toward destruction and give their world to the demons (for some stupid reason). This could include Young Pure Blood Dragons and other mythical beasts.

S Rank: These monsters are even more unspecified; nobody is asking to kill these because they're so rare. But it is said that in another continent even S Rank Monsters are not so uncommon. Demon Overlords that have evolved to become as strong as S-Rank might as well be vessels to Archdemons from Hell.

SS Rank: Even more terrible, Demon Kings. It is known that there are at least five Demon Kings in the entire world, most of them are governing the Demon Towers.

SSS Rank: Legendary beings that might include Leviathans, Ancient Dragons, Titans, or what people call "Demon Gods". Of course, that might be overexaggerating, as there are Archdemons above that.

…I am sure that there are even stronger beings, perhaps, and the Ranks could be loose for all I know. Based in my base stats, I am E Rank possibly, but when I use my Ki, Magic, and other abilities, I might be able to reach D Rank or beyond. With Eleanora at my side, perhaps higher. But even then, I don't feel confident about taking down D Rank monsters on our own. I have to grind my way into higher ranks to be able to challenge stronger monsters, meaning more EXP. It won't be easy, but that's where the fun is.

However, the level of challenge in this world feels completely different than the outside universe, mere E-Rank monsters being able to destroy an entire town already shows a lot. This world might be several times stronger than any planet I've visited before. It feels as if it is truly… a higher plane of existence.

I fear I might not even be in my previous Universe anymore, but one way stronger, wilder, and vaster than my imagination could have ever fathomed.


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