Vampire Summoner's Rebirth: Summoning The Vampire Queen At The Start

Chapter 285 A New Familiar Summon

Chapter 285 A New Familiar Summon


​ Magic Skills are quite amusing, they only work through the usage of MP only, and can be quite deadly, but also they're the hardest to level up and at the same time, the simplest. As I had explained earlier, usually when using Skills, MP is directly converted into Skill EXP. Using Blood Edge once allows me to create and shape blood into a sharp attack. Often fusing it with Blood Arts to create claws or blood blades, usually they cost between 20 to 40 MP for the most simplest of ones, but bigger stuff costs over a 100 MP. But of course, that also ends up enhancing Skill EXP by 1:1 the used MP.

Blood Edge seems to be a strong skill that I want to improve, as Blood is my primary magic affinity, it will probably become a pillar of my strength in the future, especially when I face monsters such as that terrifying Wyvern and beyond. This is why I've been using 150 MP each day only for it, which has given me roughly 1050 Skill EXP each week, this converts to 4200 Skill EXP, Blood Edge is around a month-old skill but I am already halfway through Level 1, so I can finally reach Level 2 in around a month and a half from now. The other 450 MP I have, or a big higher than that, are used to cultivate and gain more MP over time and, well, use the other three Summoning Skills, which are very important to level up. Usually, I use 150 MP a day for Blood Edge, another 250 in Cultivation/Spell Casting Practice, and the other 200+ MP are used in the Summoning Skills.

The three Summoning Skills, Create/Delete Familiar, Summon/Unsummon Familiar, and Familiar Storage Expansion are all necessary to strengthen my Familiars, which are also going to be a pillar of my strength in the future. The more I summon and fuse "equip", the more Bonus Stats I can gain temporarily, and the more useful minions I could have. Each Summon have their own unique ability to them, and even the Horned Rabbit Familiar I created some days ago is useful on its own.

First of all, Create/Delete Familiar is the easiest Skill to gain Skill EXP from, I simply need to constantly create Familiar Cards. Which are stored in my Grimoire. I can store up to 70 Cards in my Grimoire, and these last weeks I have been constantly making more Cards each day. Usually H Summon Cards cost roughly 30 MP, while G Rank Summon Cards cost 60 MP. However, the MP spent is directly converted into Skill EXP by a 1:1 ratio, so I am still earning a good amount of Skill EXP even if I only summon three or four cards a day.

It's important to level up this skill the most, as it will allow for the creation of higher grade Summon Cards. As of now I am restricted to H and G, and if I reach Level 2, I might unlock F and E, hopefully. After a week of creating four G Rank Cards daily, I got 3360 Skill EXP for the Skill, I'll need another month to reach max level, but it won't take as long as I imagined thanks to having started with a lot of MP right away. If I had gotten this Skill way earlier, it would had taken a long time, but now that I have over 660 MP, it is not so bad.

Secondly, with Summon/Unsummon Familiar, it's the same, but without any MP Cost, creating the Cards is what costs MP and summoning the familiars from Cards has no MP cost, but converting them back into cards does cost a small amount of MP, usually 10. I always summon every card I create right away to get Skill EXP for this skill, which is roughly the same as the previous Skill, so this Skill is also around 3360 in EXP. The higher the level, the more Summons I can bring at the same time. This skill is important if I want to make an army in the future.

And lastly, Familiar Storage Expansion also doesn't require MP, and it gains Skill EXP over time by merely storing cards. The amount of EXP is half of the others though, so if I store a Card that costs 60 MP to create, it will gain 30 Skill EXP and not 60 Skill EXP. Nonetheless, as of now, it has reached roughly almost 2000 Skill EXP after two weeks of constantly saving Cards. The Skill EXP can only be earned once the card is stored, taking it out to summon it and then storing it again doesn't grant additional Skill EXP, as I've experimented greatly.


And well, my new Familiar Summon, the Horned Rabbit, was digging the backyard as usual.

"Chu! Chuuu..."

It was a large horned rabbit, roughly the size of a house cat. I had named him Usagi, and it had evolved to G Rank after I feed him enough Spirit Orbs of the Horned Rabbits we have been cautiously hunted with Eleanora over the two past weeks. The Beast-type Summon had interesting Abilities:


Name: Usagi

Type: Beast

Rank: G

Race: Wild Horned Rabbit

< Health Points: 40/40 >

< Strength: 30 >

< Agility: 90 >

< Vitality: 30 >

< Intelligence: 50 >

< Dexterity: 90 >

Buff: +6 Agility, +3 Dexterity

Skill: [Jump] [Dig]

Growth: 18/30


It went from Horned Rabbit to Wild Horned Rabbit, so it gained stripes and a larger and sharper horn. Even then, this Summon lacks offensive capabilities even though the horn might be sharp. This Summon specializes in Agility and Dexterity the most and has two Skills [Jump] and [Dig]. With Jump, it is able to jump up to thrice its normal jump height, which might be good to evade attacks or get over foes, and with [Dig] it can dig quite quickly. Not as quick as my father's Spirit, which is tens of times faster and more efficient, but if I gather a lot of Usagi, I can make pitfalls in a few minutes. Sadly, there aren't any big enough monsters worth the effort.


And Erika had just arrived.

"Let's spar! Let's spar! I'll show my new sword moves!"

"You're as eager as ever."


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