Vampire Summoner's Rebirth: Summoning The Vampire Queen At The Start

Chapter 299 Acquiring An Adventurer's Medal

Chapter 299 Acquiring An Adventurer's Medal


"Here it is! Your H Rank Adventurer Medal!" The girl said, giving it to Eleanora. The Medal was made of a very low-quality bronze and had Eleanora's makeup name "Elearose" and also had a few numbers for her Adventurer ID, alongside a big "H" on it.

"And here's your money! Everything is around a small silver coin, so you're getting 500 Telis! Aren't you happy? You got the money you spend in registering already!" She said happily.

"…Very well. Can I begin doing quests now?" Asked Eleanora. "Is there a limit of Ranks?"

"There is no limit to which quests you can complete, but I doubt you would be able to complete anything remotely higher than G Rank, right?" Wondered the girl.

"…I see." Eleanora smiled, as I was also quite excited about completing more quests and get easy money while slaying monsters.

However, for now, I wanted to move back to our underground base and experiment in these new test subjects. How generous of them to bring themselves to us.

"Y-You're not planning on doing something dangerous, right, Rose? We wouldn't want you to die just after joining!" The girl said while pouting.

"No worries, I will refrain from doing challenging things for the moment. I will go now, thanks for your hospitality and goodwill." Eleanora said honestly, as the girl nodded.

"It is my job and duty to led new adventurers, have a nice day!" As the girl waved her hand at us from afar, we quickly walked back to my house and sneakily opened the underground door I had created through Earth Magic.

Jumping inside the underground base, we found ourselves surrounded only by the small light of the torches stuck to the walls, which I had made myself. We walked through the large corridor, and quickly reached the large room where I had shaped stones into various types of furniture. There was a big stone table and bookshelves where I saved books I bought and documents I had saved for myself when we fought in that noble's house.

There was also a wide variety of monster corpses laying around, and food I had stored here in secret. The storage of my house wasn't so big, so I had been using this place to bring what I hunted. There were even Walking Mushrooms, as I've found ways to purify their venom and cook them into edible mushroom flesh, which is quite tasteless but fills the belly good enough.

We took out the three guinea pigs from Eleanora's shadows and put them over three different stone tables. They were still sleeping soundly. Which was ideal for the moment.

"Now, what shall we do?" Eleanora wondered while looking at the men with intrigue.

"Let's first try the two methods we know about how to convert a lowly human into a Lesser Vampire. Bite this scrawny guy's neck. He got the longest neck." I said

"Ugh… D-Do I have to…?" Eleanora seemed disgusted.

"Hm, then let's try the other method first, if it fails, you'll have to bite them." I sighed.

"Understood." Eleanora said, quickly taking a small knife and cutting her left wrist.

Blood quickly began to come out. It was a spiritual and essence-filled blood that she was able to generate despite being a Spirit. As it was one of her special abilities to manipulate her own blood, bleeding was a thing. It might be also a weakness, as it could cause her to bleed and receive more damage, but also with her fast regeneration, that wasn't that big of an issue.

Opening the scrawny guy's mouth, Eleanora filled his mouth with her blood, making him forcefully drink it. He quickly woke up, beginning to cough frenetically.

"Cough, cough! Akh! W-What the heck did you give to me?!" He cried in desperation. "EH? W-Where am I?!"josei

"How long would the transformation take?" I wondered, asking Eleanora while ignoring the man's questions.

"Oi! Answer me!!!"

"Presumably… A few seconds." Eleanora replied.

"Uugh…?! Aagh! M-my throat… it burns! Aaagghhh…!"

The man immediately began to agonize right after Eleanora said that. We had already tied him on the stone table using some ropes, but lacking limbs made it easy for him to not be able to run away anyways.

The symptoms of transformation began quickly, it seems. His throat started to get sore and also started to burn. His eyes became red, and he began to cry blood. His skin turned oddly pale. The beating of his heart became slower. And lastly, abnormally large fangs emerged instead of his canines, alongiside having sharp gargoyle-like ears.

"Hahh… AAGH…! W-What is happening to me… What is this… My head keeps spinning… And I am so thirsty… Give me water! I need something to drink!" He began to cry.

"Amazing! It worked!" I celebrated.

"Indeed! That's a relief, I won't have to bite their disgusting necks." Eleanora sighed.

"And now, convert the others." I ordered Eleanora.

"Very well!"

Eleanora swiftly did the same with the other two, as they woke up and converted into Vampiric beings. Perhaps this might be the first-time inhabitants of this world turn into Vampires. This might be the beginning of the Era of Blood.

"Feel honored, you three. You were given the privilege of surpassing your feeble and weak human bodies, and have been given the opportunity to turn into honorable and powerful Vampires! You are the first that will see the rise of the Blood Era!" I celebrated, as the three men looked at one another in horror.

"J-Just what nonsense are you fucking talking about, you damn kid?!"

"What sort of demonic ritual are you doing?!"

"H-How can a child be this strong to be able to do this…?!"

"So you're scared. I wouldn't blame you for that. But soon enough, you will realize how amazing is to become one of my kin… Here, drink!" I said, quickly cutting my own wrist and pouring my blood into their mouths. Eleanora's blood wont do after all, and animal blood would be too unappetizing.

"B-Blood?! Akh!"

"I-It's sweet…!"

"Sweet… SO SWEET!"

"Drink, dogs. You'll need as much energy as possible for what you'll have to go through…!"


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