Vampire Summoner's Rebirth: Summoning The Vampire Queen At The Start

Chapter 446 Creating An Yggdrasil Tree

Chapter 446 Creating An Yggdrasil Tree


"Huh? Wait a second why are you covering it all except a branch?" Eric asked.

"Those are going to be the roots, we need most of the mass to become the roots, this way the tree can have a big part to anchor itself. If you don't do that, when it grows, it'll lose balance and fall over your house." I said.

"Eh?! It will be that big?" He asked.

"What? No, it'll be very small compared to what these trees can grow, in fact I doubt I'll even be able to do much even with your help, but I hope it is sufficient wood." I sighed. "Well, we can mass produce more wood later."

"Ah, okay." Said Eric, feeling relieved the tree won't be any bigger than I estimated it would be.

"Alright then! How do we help?" Wondered Elizabeth. "Ah! Can I also get staff with this wood?"

"Sure, I think the staff Eric brought had some enchantment that didn't allowed others without a Nature-attribute spirits to use its powers, but if we make one from scratch, it should suffice." I said. "Eric, do you mind?"

"Not really… But I would prefer if you didn't directly sold the wood anywhere else…" He said.

"Ah, well, the entire village will notice the tree but I guess you can just say it is a normal tree." I said. "Just big."

"How big are we talking about!?" Eric grew a bit concerned.

"Not big at all, don't worry."

After that, I called the two of them to step into a magic circle I built using the Tier 2 No-Attribute Magic [Rune Inscription] which allows for the writing of runes over solid surfaces. The runes disappear after an hour, so we had to do this quickly.

"Such a big magic circle…" Said Elizabeth.

"Woah, is this how we'll grow a tree?" Asked Eric.

"More or less." I said. "Now infuse your Mana into the magic circle, I'll help as well. Eleanora you do the same."

"Very well!" Eleanora nodded, as the four of ous began to imbue our Mana into the magic circle.


The mana flowed like a stream of blue light, as I quickly commanded Eric and Elizabeth to infuse their Nature, Life, and Holy Light Element Ki into the magic circle as well, and they did so rather wonderfully.


The enormous flash of bright golden light covered the floor, as the runes activated, beginning to shift around and connect as if they were the pieces of a puzzle.


A small tremor happened right after that, as the branch popping from the floor slowly started to emerge. The large Magic Circle I created holds the Runes for several Spells that boost Plant Growth, most of the being Nature Attribute and Life Attribute, I needed Mana from those with high affinity to it for this to work properly though, my Mana, although vast, wouldn't do the trick.

Crack… CRACK!

The sound of wood cracking resonated across the backyard of Eric's house, although it was actually the wound of wood growing rapidly, an almost unique sound.

"It's growing!" I said, quickly stepping back with everyone else. I continuously used my [Agriculture] Skill at Level 1, using all of my MP into repeatedly infusing this Skill's power of enhancing plant growth into the tree.

And if everything comes together, then…!


A larger tremor happened, as enormous roots began to emerge from the ground, swirling around the backyard of Eric. Then, the branch spread out into the skies, growing large and thick, and becoming a beautiful tree with a long and thick trunk of almost thirteen meters tall.

"W-WOAH!" Eric fell into the floor.

"T-That's HUGE!" Elizabeth said.

"Not really, it is very small. I would say it is just a sprout. It is a pity this is all we can do for now." I sighed.

"How come something that's clearly almost thirteen meters small?!" Asked Eric.

"These trees can grow over a kilometer long, Eric." I sighed. "Nonetheless, this should suffice…"

Right after we grew the tree, from the distance, some people looked at Eric's house, and his uncle and aunt ran out of the house, looking at the enormous tree with beautiful green leaves behind their house.

"W-What is this?!" They cried.


At the end, not only we had to explain this to Eric's parents, but also to the chief of the village, who was shocked by what happened. We lied, of course, saying that it was all of us testing using Eric's magic. The tree is far away enough that the village doesn't mind having it, as it is too far from other houses to annoy people, but still, a thirty-meter-tall tree is nothing normal to see, so people would grow concerned naturally about what it was.josei

"Please don't do anything like this again, you're scaring the people." The chief supplicated us; he didn't seem as bossy as I imagined a chief would be. I guess he knew of my talents and my strength, and was being cautious of me- no, of us. Even Eric who was about to piss himself in fear was stronger than most people here already, strength in this world was very well valuated, depending how strong you are, people can even ignore rules as they please.

The chief was not stupid and knew of our help in the necromancer war and the demon war, which meant we naturally had a high status within the village, and our strength was no joke either, even when we were only children and nothing more to the eyes of most other people.

"Perhaps." I said, without even telling him if it might happen again or not.

The chief simply sighed as he waved his hand.

"You can go now…"

After that incident, I quickly took out an axe I borrowed from my father, which I reinforced using some steel alloys and alchemy to make it stronger and more durable to cut the incredibly hard wood of the Lesser Yggdrasil Tree we just grew.

"Hold on a second, Blake, did you grew this enormous tree just so you can cut it down?!" Asked Eric.

"Just a few branches will do, don't worry, they grow quick." I said. "Also perhaps it might begin giving apple-like fruits, whenever one drops, take it, they are amazing healing items."

"This is nuts…" Eric seemed to be filled with disbelief, still without being able to process everything that was going on.


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