Vampire Summoner's Rebirth: Summoning The Vampire Queen At The Start

Chapter 511 The Vampire Spirits

Chapter 511 The Vampire Spirits


Alberta and Elfriedden showed me their status, which they had written down in their notebooks. It was a rather impressive pair that had joined us. I am looking forward to use them- I mean, to rely on their abilities for our growth from now on.


[Name]: [Alberta Fierysmith]

[Race]: [Dwarf]

[Spirit Orb Realm]: [Rank 1 (Middle Stage)]

[Talent]: [Rune Blacksmith: ★★★]

[Health Points]: [C]

[Mana Points]: [A+]

[Strength]: [B]

[Agility]: [C]

[Vitality]: [B]

[Intelligence]: [A]

[Dexterity]: [S]

[Spirits (1/1)]: [Volcanic Smith Hammer (Rank 1 Middle Stage)]

[Skills]: [Mana Manipulation] [Fiery Hammer Techniques] [Fireball] [Fire Hammer] [Fire Shield] [Fire Magic] [Rune Creation] [Quick Repair] [Reinforce] [Sharpen] [Forging] [Smithing] [Smelting] [Metallurgy] [Godsmith Eyes] [Spirit Connection] [Smith Magic] [Crafting] [Alchemy] [Blacksmith's Forge] […]




[Name]: [Elfriedden Crystal]

[Race]: [Elf]

[Spirit Orb Realm]: [Rank 2 (Peak Stage)]

[Talent]: [Needle Master: ★★]

[Health Points]: [C+]

[Mana Points]: [A+]

[Strength]: [A+]

[Agility]: [A]

[Vitality]: [C+]

[Intelligence]: [B]

[Dexterity]: [S]

[Spirits (2/2)]: [Permafrost Crystal Needle (Rank 2 Peak Stage)] [Skadi's Thread (Rank 2 Peak Stage)]

[Skills]: [Mana Manipulation] [Needle Mastery] [Icicle Spears] [Freezing Touch] [Winter's Domain] [Ice Needle Techniques] [Ice Spirit Magic] [Sewing] [Rapid Repair] [Fabric Manipulation] [Thread Mastery] [Tailor Master's Eyes] [Fashionista] [Crafting] [Material Processing] [Sewing Magic] [Tailor's Atelier] […]


"Impressive stats. Alberta you have a lot of Skills despite being only Rank 1 Middle Stage, well done. You've worked hard since you were young, haven't you?" I asked her.

"Y-Yes!" She said while nodding. "I-I've been learning Forging since I was very little…"

"Hey, what about me? I've also studied and trained since I was very young!" Elfriedden said. "Give me some praise as well, will you? I was born as the seventh son of a family filled with talented people. It has been hard to reach where I am right now… But even then I lost to you, what a disgrace."

"That's why I don't praise you, you're always having a stick up your ass." I sighed.

"Come again?!" Elfriedden got angrier.

"C-Come on now, let's calm down…" Sighed Evelyn. "Elfriedden, be more mindful with your words, Blake, be more respectful, okay?"

"…Sure." I shrugged.

"Tch… Whatever." Elfriedden crossed his arms.

"Ugh, you guys are making the food taste bad." Sighed Chris.

"Yeah, relax for a bit okay? Blake, please?" Eric asked me. "You're not like this… usually. Well, most of the time."

"Yeah, yeah, I have it in mind. Sorry." I said. Elfriedden was simply a bit too annoying, but his strength and abilities were useful, I have to just bear with him.

"Good things come when you accept each other mistakes." Elizabeth said with shiny eyes, looking at Elfriedden's face. "Please be nicer, Elfriedden, we are all trying here to welcome you."

"…Right, so… sorry." Sighed Elfriedden. "I've had it hard, that's all."

"We've all had it hard, we understand." Said Chris.

"No, you're a commoner, you can't even understand it…" Sighed Elfriedden.

"Elfriedden! What did I told you just some seconds ago?" Elizabeth asked, she began tightly grabbing my arm until it began to hurt a bit. Does she wants me to say something?

"Yeah… I apologize." I sighed. "Now apologize back."

"Ugh… Okay, I apologize as well. I have to admit you're talented and strong." Elfriedden said.

"Likewise, your magic and abilities were top notch, also your tailor abilities as well." I said with a smile.

"Heh, you've finally seen through my talents! Good! That's right!" Elfriedden puffed his chest.

Surprisingly, he was also very easy to please. A few flowery words and he was already taking the bait. I guess he won't be as hard to deal with as I had originally believed.

"Now, how about you show me your status? I am sure Alberta is curious too." He said with a smile.

"Sure, here." I said with everyone else.

We quickly showed them all our status. The two felt shocked. But Elfriedden's face was the most notorious.

"Y-You have so many skills…" He looked at me in shock. "I see! So your elements are indeed Blood and Darkness, interesting… I've never seen Blood Arts nor Shadow Manipulation Skills before, that's interesting. But I remember you used other Abilities too… Wait, you have three Spirits? And they have names?!"

"Ah yeah, I guess I can summon here now. Guys, time to show up."


"Ahhh! Finally, I can come out now, Blake?" Sighed Eleanora in relief. "Oh, I am starving… Hey guys."

"Eleanora!" Chris said.

"Hey, come sit down with us!" Eric said.josei

"We were missing you." Erdrich said.

"Yeah, yeah, it's not the same without you around." Elizabeth smiled.

"You're finally back bestie!" Erika greeted her.

"Ahaha, I was bored being cramped in that spirit orb… Blake can I buy food with your money?" She wondered.

"Fine…" I gave her a Student Credit Card, which used money I charged in the bank previously.

However, there were two new spirits everyone hadn't seen before.

"By everything that is malicious and evil in this world! What a peculiar mix of characters!" Hendrick said, inspecting everybody. His mask made him look strange, but his way of speaking made it even more weird. "So these are your friends, my dearest lord?"

"Indeed, this is Hendrick. He's my second spirit, he's a… Plague Doctor, he can control toxins and fogs." I said. "And poisons, and stuff like that."

Hendrick quickly lowered his head before everybody.

"Hendrick at your service."

"W-What an interesting fellow…" Chris said.

"Wait, that spirit can talk too…?" Eric felt surprised.

"He indeed can…" Elizabeth said.

"Woow! I love your clothes!" Erika said.

"Heh! It seems my lord's future wife knows about fashion!" Laughed Hendrick. "Indeed! They're the classiest and fanciest of getups for Plague Doctors!"

"It is indeed quite an interesting getup." Said Elfriedden. "Not bad."

He had the [Fashionista] Skill for a reason, deep down, aside from the arrogant self, he was someone passionate about designing fashionist clothes and the like.

"And who's the little girl behind you?" Asked Erika.

"Yeah, is she shy?" Asked Elizabeth.

"Come on, Saphira, be a good girl and come greet everyone." I said, holding her little hand.

"N-Nice to meet you… I am Saphira…" She introduced herself.

"Oh my god she's so cute!" Elizabeth was melting.

"S-So cute indeed!" Alberta agreed.


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