Vampire Summoner's Rebirth: Summoning The Vampire Queen At The Start

Chapter 520 Sources Of Income

Chapter 520 Sources Of Income


"I'm glad you like it." Eric smiled back at her.

"T-Thanks for being so nice with me…" Alberta sighed. "Even in my first day, I never thought… I-I would meet such nice friends. I-I was so nervous… T-There was nobody here with me when I got here…"

"No problem, we're party members now so we've gotta look for one another." I told her.

"Yeah, what he said!" Eric said. "We are also production-based talents, so we can share our materials and what we research."

"S-Sure! Sounds nice!" Alberta gotta happier by the second.

I guess those two are getting along pretty well. Eric already made a move, he's more shrewd than I imagined. Giving her such a gift was a good idea as well. It is obvious she's into golems and all of that. Having such a prototype for herself must be like a dream come true.

While those two lovebirds spoke, Eleanora, Saphira, and Hendrick analyzed their new little friends. As I've placed him inside my Spirit Realm. I am fairly capable of placing material items inside of there now. But they disappear as they get absorbed after a day, so I need to take it out once they're done inspecting and analyzing the creation.josei

"Impressive creation, my lord!" Hendrick said while praising me.

"A new spider fren!" Said Saphira, petting the spider while Blood and Ruby, the Vampiric Wolf and the Blood Baby Wyvern looked at the strange new "friend" from afar.

"Now that I think about it you never managed to get a Spider monster as a summon." Eleanora said. "And certainly, a golem has its benefits compared to the summons you can create, however, the materials required and everything else is too complex to mass produce them like summons. They also lack Skills and require energy to function constantly, unlike summons that can use their skills constantly without exhaustion."

"Indeed, it is quite fascinating!" Hendrick said. "In our previous lives we never truly employed much technology aside from space traveling things. Our master liked us to do all the army-related job anyways. But these golems that fuse this world's concepts and skills with our knowledge of the past might truly become our new strength… I believe I could begin making a few myself, if my lord allows me to do so."

"We'll need materials for that, I cannot simply just steal everything in that classroom. Even the other students will probably take materials moderately. So we'll still need to get more money and buy materials ourselves… however, seeing how expensive they usually are. It might not be so easy. Ultimately, I would prefer to go to a mountain and grind metals and stones myself. However, the nearest mountain is hundreds of kilometers from here. And I've heard most of these mountains are emptied from resources already…" I told the two through telepathy.

"Then from where do they get their resources?" Wondered Eleanora.

"I've heard this continent mostly profits off farming and food production. Medicinal herbs, fruits, vegetables, meats, and spices are made here in enormous quantities. Most of the central continent are fertile grasslands after all, perfect for the plantation of all sorts of plants in enormous quantities." I said to the two. "I remember we saw an enormous farm stretching for dozens of kilometers when we traveled across the skies in the airship."

"So, most of these materials…?" Asked Hendrick.

"I would assume two sources, or three. With one primary source being the dungeons. They produce materials and perhaps even rewards, as I've heard. Monster drops sometimes are also very useful. Spirit orbs can be refined into magic stones. And spirit stones can also be found inside dungeons, dropped by monsters, or mined directly from them. But their production is still limited. I would assume the rest comes straight from the Dwarven Continent. An immense continent imbued with the element of earth the most. Which makes their mountains regrow materials, as I've heard, they mine mountains incessantly for materials." I told the two.

"It's not as if this continent is completely empty, to the north there are large mountain ranges. But still, they're mostly normal metals. It is rare to find mountains with metals imbued with magic and spiritual essence here, as most of it was imbued into our vast grasslands through the creation of this world, I would assume." I said while analyzing everything.

"I would assume they also make magic metals and magic stones through alchemy! By extracting the energy and elements of magic or herbs and other materials that can be easily found inside of forests, and merging them with normal metals, magic metals and crystals can be created." Hendrick said.

This was actually an advanced form of Alchemy that emerged several different materials to create new, even more complex materials instead of bothering to find the ones we need through natural means… However, I doubt that's the case.

"I doubt they can do as much yet. They certainly know how to do it, but they cannot mass produce such methods yet." I said while thinking. "I guess we could try to invest into that ourselves, mass producing magic items that can't be naturally found in this continent as easily as the dwarven country, and sell them cheaper…"

"Oh, that's certainly a nice business opportunity!" Hendrick laughed evilly. "Leave that to me then, my lord! through these last years you've gathered an enormous quantity of materials from only your village. I'll use these herbs, spirit orbs, and monster materials to make some special Magic Materials, if you so allow me."

"Go ahead, but don't touch the important things. I'll give you authority to use my Inventory." I quickly willed it, as the Grimoire allowed Hendrick access to my inventory.

"Ooh, how convenient this is!" Hendrick seemed happy to oblige.

"But from what we've got, its clearly not enough. Of course, we have plenty of special materials I've harvested, mostly herbs and plants, thanks to Eric and Erika's abilities, but we'll still need to invest and buy more things ourselves."

But leaving that aside, we managed to get into the cafeteria with Eric and Alberta, greeting the rest of our friends.


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