Vampire Summoner's Rebirth: Summoning The Vampire Queen At The Start

Chapter 536 Slaying A Powerful Demon In The Shadows

Chapter 536 Slaying A Powerful Demon In The Shadows


My Grimoire quickly showed me the results.

[You've slain [Aberrant Beelzefly (C+ Rank)] x1!]

[EXP has been multiplied thanks to [Hard Worker]!]

[You earned 550000 EXP!]josei

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

[Your Level has increased from Level 12 to Level 14!]

[All your Stats have increased.]

[You gained Stat Points and Skill Points.]

"Phew, that was some good warmup! Been a while since we crushed some bugs worth killing this badly!" Eleanora said triumphantly, stepping over the Beelzefly's head. "Isn't this monster a pretty good set of materials as well, master?"

"It is, for now, let's store it inside of my Grimoire."

My Spirits quickly grabbed the items as my Grimoire appeared before them, thanks to the ability to be able to "lend" my Grimoire to my Spirits like I did before with Hendrick, it was easy to teleport it there.

The Beelzefly's corpse was brimming with essence I could use later, or that I could feed on my Demonic Arm so it can grow stronger and give me the… properties of a Beelzefly, I guess. Aside from that, the cultists bodies were rich in essence as well, especially those Spirit Orbs.

"Eleanora, Hendrick, quickly infect the Spirit Orbs of the Cultist, I'll devour them right away. Also give me the Beelzefly's Demon Core as well."

"Very well~!" Eleanora happily obeyed.

"Oh, a feast, is it?" Hendrick wondered.

"Indeed. Do it quick." I ordered.

Hendrick and Eleanora quickly got to work, in just five minutes that I spent nodding while seeing Erika and her mother chat about anything they got their minds into, I was quickly give the Spirit Orbs and the Demon Core of the Beelzefly, which I quickly absorbed through my Demonic Arm, right before their noses.

They didn't really sensed anything thanks to the concealing skills I've acquired from Saphira through Spirit Link, helping me conceal my growing strength which usually shows as an aura. With that said, I gained a sizable amount of power and everything grew a bit more.

[Your [Spirit Orb Realm]: [Rank 2 (Upper Stage)] has risen to [Rank 2 (Peak Stage)]!]

[Your [Physique]: [Vampiric Blood Emperor Physique (Tier 4: Rank 3)] has risen to Tier 4 Rank 5!]

[Your [Psyche]: [Blood Soul Psyche (Tier 2: Rank 8)] has risen to Tier 3 Rank 1!]

[Your [Magic Circle]: [Abyssal Blood Circle (Tier 3: Rank 4)] has risen to Tier 3 Rank 6!]

[Your Spirits have grown stronger!]

[Your Physique has become stronger!]

[You Psyche is mutating! It has evolved into a [Vampiric Soul Psyche]!]

[You've gained more Runes within your Magic Circle; your magic has become stronger!]

[All your stats have increased!]

[Some Skills have leveled up!]

Good. Through the method of absorption, not only can I nurture my Spirit Orb, but thanks to the ability of my Demon Arm [Predation], or so I call it, I can also absorb magical and demonic power and directly imbue it into my body, soul, and magic circle thanks to my unique physique and psyche.

However, today gains had yet to end…

[The Holy Spirit of Light is pleased by your cleansing of evil.]

[The Holy Spirit of Darkness is amused by your ruthlessness!]

[The Holy Spirit of Fire wants to see you fight some more, but it is pleased by your spirit's fighting potential.]

[The Holy Spirit of Light, Holy Spirit of Darkness, and Holy Spirit of Fire have decided to give you a small reward.]

[You acquired the [Cunning Mind: Lv1] Title Skill!]

[You acquired the [Insect Slayer: Lv1] Title Skill!]

[You acquired the [Random Skill Point Potion (Unique Grade)] x5!]

[You acquired 250000 Gold]

Oh, I got some small rewards, I see. The Holy Spirits seem to have been pleased by what I did. I didn't do it waiting their rewards, but I suppose this makes up for losing the opportunity to learn anything from them.

Their souls and memories were destroyed when they were sacrificed by Beelzebub to summon the Beelzefly, and the demon's soul was already eaten, trapped within its Demon Core. These two new Title Skills and the new Items seem interesting, I'll check them in the meantime before I finish this chocolate cake slice.


[Cunning Mind: Lv1]

S k i l l P r o f i c i e n c y: 0/10000

A Title Skill awarded only to those with an often malefic, cunning mind that think several steps before others. Sometimes, they often are ruthless as well, executing their actions swiftly and flawlessly. Increases Thinking Speed by +50% with an additional +10% with each Skill Level. There's a 25% chance to gain a special insight while planning something, or in the middle of a battle.


[Insect Slayer: Lv1]

S k i l l P r o f i c i e n c y: 0/10000

A Title Skill awarded to those who have slain a large quantity of utterly aberrant insectoid monsters… or demons. Increases Damage dealt against Bug-type Monsters or Demons by +50%, with an additional 15% with each Skill Level. Additionally, Damage Taken from Bug-type Monsters or Demons is reduced by -20% with an additional -2% with each Skill Level.


[Random Skill Point Potion (Unique Grade)] x5

A Potion made from the extraction of Ability Essence, the power that those that develop Skill Points attain within their souls every time they Level Up. Once drank, a random amount of Skill Points between 10 to 30 will be granted to the user.


Ah, the Skills seem very interesting, but what I am finding the most interesting of this batch is the potions! I must drink them right away! I never thought I could acquire Skill Points by drinking potions. I also have to study them and see if I could ever replicate them… but I perhaps can't unless I attain some level of divine power.

This "Ability Essence" is completely new to me, a concept I had not heard before…

…But I am in the middle of something, so I'll have to wait.

Patience is a virtue.


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