Vampire Summoner's Rebirth: Summoning The Vampire Queen At The Start

Chapter 557 Against The Red Orc Druid King

Chapter 557 Against The Red Orc Druid King


I gave commands to all my Summons as I charged into battle right away, aiming at the boss immediately. If he dies, the power of the rest of the Red Orcs will decrease greatly. However the problem is getting there. The moment I flew into the ceiling, I was greeted by over a hundred arrows coming from the army of Red Orcs below, alongside several fireballs, boulders and even icicle spears.

"[Blood Barrier]!"

I conjured a barrier made of Blood Ki condensed together, defending myself from the long-ranged attacks as I flew past through them. I glanced at the perpetrators while getting closer to the boss, there were over twenty Red Orc Shamans and Red Orc Archers in the distance.

"Eleanora, Hendrick, go kill them! Saphira, you stay with me, possess my body to keep yourself safe from the outside attacks." I told everyone.

"Very well!" Eleanora jumped into action, attacking the Archers.

"I shall!" Hendrick jumped into battle right away, beginning to poison the Shamans with tons of poisonous fog.

"Okay papa~!" Saphira melded into my body, as I felt her power flowing through me as well.

This was part of her Spectral Body Abilities, granting her the power to possess a foe… or an ally. The possessed body will receive part of her stats as a boost to their own but would lose their control and become controlled by her.

Of course, it was also possible for her to possess me but do nothing and leave the movements to me, becoming a big buff to my stats absolutely for free, while also protecting her from damage from the surroundings all while still allowing her to attack and use her spells and skills.

As a result of her possession, my body began to overflow with a Phantasmal Aura, and my eyes glowed with blue phantasmal flames, even a part of my hair turned white like her own hair.


As the Red Orc Druid King saw how I ignored the long ranged attacks from his subordinates, he quickly realized I was boldly aiming at him. I loaded my Mana and the Phantasmal Essence from Saphira into Gluttony, descending from the ceiling towards him, who was happily sitting over his throne.

"If you don't move from there, you'll die!" I laughed, rushing down like a falling lightning strike.


The entire throne made of bones was destroyed into pieces, as I found the Red Orc Druid King barely managing to evade as he stood right behind the throne, his Magic Aura quickly emerging from his body as several magic circles were conjured rapidly. An enormous draconic head emerged from one of them, unlashing a storm of flames.

"[Dragon Flare]!"


The dragon furiously unleashed its fire breath. However, I ignored it, merely rushing straight towards the flames and relying on my insane defensive boosts thanks to my Physique being enhanced through infusing Ki, Mana, and Demonic Energy into it.

My Demon Arm reacted to this as well, as it quickly shapeshifted to my orders, becoming a sharp bony claw with several eyes on it, each eye conjuring its powers, as a Magnetic Gravity Field was conjured around the Red Orc Druid King.


Demon Eye of Paralysis and Demon Eye of Gravity made for a deadly combination, although this guy was strong enough to resist their power greatly, even while I attempted to paralyze him and stop him in the middle of space, he resisted and somehow, while gritting his teeth, he unleashed a barrage of magic attacks.

Flames, Ice, Rocks, Shadows, Winds, and Lightning were unleashed against me consecutively. I intercepted them by unleashing attacks of my own against each magic spell using Gluttony, countless explosions happened all around my body, as I reached my target rapidly, quickly piercing his chest with Gluttony!

"[Heart Piercer]!"



The Red Orc Druid King roared in agony, as he suddenly pointed his hands at me while resisting the blow into his heart. Of course, a giant can take a hit into his heart and be just fine, bastard. He quickly conjured Darkness Magic, as countless chains made of shadows wrapped themselves around my body.josei

My body was momentarily restrained by his darkness, as he immediately began shooting several elemental attacks at once, my barriers broke each time due to the intensity of the fire and Sapphira was growing slightly desperate.



"Don't worry, let him do his thing, poor guy."



Suddenly, the Red Orc Druid King stopped midway through his insane amount of spell casting, as he vomited blood and fell to his knees, his mana began being drained from his body. The wound on his chest had yet to regenerate, and he felt a deadly curse rushing through his body.

"What's wrong? Feeling sickly? Need a hand?" I asked teasingly, the Red Orc Druid King looked at me in utter fury.

I merely used Gluttony's cursed wounds to inflict a cursed wound on his heart. He might still live after such a blow, but the curse will run faster as he uses more and more Mana, at this point he was pretty much killing himself.

"Y-Youuu…! Tricky… damn… rat!"

The Red Orc Druid King roared in fury and frustration, as I mercilessly unleashed several Spear Mastery Techniques at one against him, demolishing him.

[Exploding Spear Attacks]!


A barrage of exploding spear attacks reached his body, blowing his flesh and bones into pieces bit by bit, his body was very big after all.

[Lightning Spear]!


My spear was covered on red lightning, a single blow into his stomach sent electricity running through his gigantic five-meter-tall body, frying his insides.

And… [Multi-Thrust Double Attack]!


And for a finishing move, a powerful, devastating double attack with multiple thrust attacks. It was only two blows, but it felt as if they were dozens with each of the two attacks. The Red Orc Druid King was devastated, over half his body shredded into pieces, he fell half-dead into the floor, splattering blood and flesh.


But he had yet to die…

"G-Guuhh… F-Finish me…" He asked miserably.

"What? Then how can my pet level up? Ruby, your turn." I called Ruby out, as he jumped into action, biting, and burning the Red Orc Druid King from the remaining of his HP.


The Red Orc Druid King cried and agonized, but ultimately, he died gruesomely.


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