Vampire System- The Last Mystic Swordsman

Chapter 92 Myth Grade Treasure- Affection Necklace!

Chapter 92 Myth Grade Treasure- Affection Necklace!


[You have acquired a new mystic treasure: Affection Necklace!]

[This necklace contains the affection of a daughter of the river of time.]

[Bonded Owner: Cassandra Putin & Rex Vector!]

[Current Grade: Myth Grade!]

Rarity: Extremely Rare

Requirement: The love of the giver.

[Mystic Effects: Love Protection; Soul Protection; Absolute Protection!]

[Passive Mystic Effects: Soul Nurture.]

[Love Protection: When activated, a heart-shaped defense shield is erected around you that protects against physical attacks depending on the level of mystic energy that is offered.]

[Soul Protection: When activated, a heart-shaped defense shield is erected around you that protects against soul attacks depending on the level of mystic energy that is offered.]

[Absolute Protection: When activated, provides absolute protection against any level and type of attack for 10 seconds.]

[NOTE: The lowest level to activate absolute protection is the super mystic warrior realm. It can also be barely activated by you in the advanced grade, but you'll need to make a lot of sacrifices for it in blood.]

[Soul Nurture: When equipped, the Affection Necklace constantly nurtures your soul, increasing your resistance against ethereal and soul attacks.]

[Remark: A remake of Romeo and Juliet's love. Watch out for part 2!]


When Cassandra gave Rex the necklace, he simply thought that it was a show of her affection, he never expected the necklace to be a mystic treasure.

Once he left the cave, he did not wear the necklace immediately as he was focused on escaping far away. Having left hints that enabled Cassandra to track him the previous time, he became wiser this time and removed all traces.

This way, it took him longer but he was able to erase any traces that could be used to track him down. After doing this did he finally wear the necklace.

Once he wore it, he saw this system notification and he was shocked. Of his current repertoire, he had everything complete except a proper defensive mystic treasure, Cassandra's necklace effectively took care of this problem.

,m Besides, this was a myth-grade mystic treasure!

Only his Blood Tome, the Coffin of the Ancients, and Berserker were the myth-grade treasures that he had. And unlike those 3, he didn't have to upgrade the necklace, it started directly at the myth grade.

Having lived his whole life crushing on Cassandra without ever finding the courage to confess his love to her, today was Rex's best day.

With both of them having expressed their love for each other, he felt like a huge burden finally left his shoulders. He felt like a void that was originally in his heart was finally filled and this gave him the motivation to go ahead.

He felt vibrant, motivated, and full of energy like never before.

Of course, he felt heartache at leaving Cassandra behind again but Rex rationalized that this was for the better.

To make their wish of a happily ever after life successful, he felt more motivated than ever before to seek power the right way.josei

He would get strong, he would become the greatest vampire and mystic swordsman alive, he would get his revenge for his family, he would save Cassandra's family and he would marry her.

"This, I promise!"

Once Rex made his vow, he kissed the necklace before finally crossing the boundary that separated human territory from the territory of the beasts.

Cassandra woke up when the day was already bright with a throbbing headache. On seeing herself alone, she curled up as tears flowed down her eyes.

Despite all that she said the previous night, Rex still left. She already expected it since she understood Rex the most but she still felt bad.

The one thing that she hoped for was that Rex listened to her words, she hoped that the necklace would prevent him from going down the dark road.

She cried to her heart's content before finally standing up.

Once Cassandra stood up, she cleaned herself up before picking up all her gear. Rex being ready to take on all the main troubles did not give her the luxury to remain idle, she traveled through the river of time for a reason.

For Rex and for her family, she would work hard and help him in any way that she could so that together, they could finally get rid of the curse of the Holmes family. She could not wait for that day to come.

Like Rex, Cassandra no longer decided to stay in Obedin City. To accelerate her growth as much as possible, she needed to go out into the world where there were much more opportunities to stimulate her growth.

Once she was ready, Cassandra finally left the cave.

After spending 18 years in his comfort zone, Rex finally entered the wild.

Beyond the King Resistance Shelter was mostly forest and desolate lands. Huge forests and grasslands now served as the territory of the beasts.

In these forests and grasslands roamed dangerous mystic beasts, advanced mystic beasts were just the minority of the danger that mystic warriors traveling through these territories should worry about.

The Super mystic beasts and the basic mystic beasts were the real dangers. Yes, the basic mystic beasts were a real danger.

In a game of chess, the pawns were always more than the queen, king, knight, and the other special chess pieces. In this ecosystem that was ruled by mystic beasts, the same way was there more basic mystic beasts.

The real dangers in this uncharted territory were the hordes of basic mystic beasts. More mystic warriors died to these hordes than they died to higher-ranked mystic beasts, they were the real menace of the wild.

Having spent some time with Ben in the Hunter Union to learn of their ways, Rex did not expose himself immediately as he was able to stay out of the radar of the horde of beasts that dominated this wild land.

Through the map that he got; Rex mapped out his destination. After thinking long and hard, to get to the Duncan Shelter, Rex decided to take the unconventional route that cut through the Great Forest of Elias.

Before getting to the Great Forest though, Rex marked another point on his map, his first destination in his journey was the Temple of Blackfire.

The Temple of Blackfire was a cultist group of religious freaks spread over the earth who worshiped the Blackfire mystic ability. They believed that the Blackfire was the divine relic left by their Black god, so they worshiped it.

They may be crazy fanatics, but they had something that Rex needed, skills and abilities of the Blackfire mystic ability.

To be able to fight at his full potential, Rex needed to fully begin to use his 2nd mystic ability and the way to do that was through the Temple of the Blackfire.

Without adequate skills to practice with, Rex would not be able to improve fast with this mystic ability.

He wanted to master the Blackfire mystic ability before thinking about his new slot for a mystic ability after upgrading to the intermediate warrior realm a few weeks ago.

Rex estimated his journey to the Gundam Shelter to take around 1 month.

Once he was set, he started moving through this uncharted territory of beasts. This was Rex's first time but he felt like this was his one-thousandth time.

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