Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 307 Alexandra's Backstory

Chapter 307 Alexandra's Backstory

Chapter 307 Alexandra's Backstory

Alexandra sobbed in Lith's embrace but somehow still managed to explain things to him.

Lith had her in his embrace and was patting her back to make her feel comfortable. The two were lying on a bean bag.josei

Alexandra was from the Constantine Clan, the one which was banished from the Vampire Continent. She was just twenty-one years old but the amount of suffering she went through was unimaginable.

The important members of the Constantine Clan were killed and the rest were banished, but they were never forgotten.

Long long ago, during the reign of the Vampire King, the Constantine Clan was a revered and growing power in the Vampire Continent. They were a Count Clan but they were soon going to become a Duke Clan and also the ones with the closest ties with the King.

But them becoming a Duke Clan threated the interests of the other nobles. It wasn't just the other Dukes who felt this but also many Viscounts and Barons as well.

The Constantine Clan had everything from resources to talented individuals. What it lacked was connections. It wasn't able to have it because the other nobles had blocked it for them. But they still had ties with the King and once anyone from their clan would ascend to Emperor Rank, the whole clan would be made a Duke.

It was about to happen soon and the Constantine Clan was on their way to become the world's most powerful military as it wasn't just one person who would ascend to the Emperor Rank but there were five to six individuals in this one single clan.

They would be the strongest clan under the Supreme Rank ones and it was only natural since they were a power savy clan.

But, everything became all but a pipe dream when the nobles banded together and using deception, deceit, and various schemes, they completely wiped the clan out. They didn't leave a single resource to them and they also ensured that no talented individual would be able to live.

The resources the clan had were the best of the best in the world. It helped in increasing the overall strength of the clan by a huge margin and this was something that made many nobles drool. They all wanted a piece of it and the Dukes took advantage of this and made all the nobles band and speak against the Constantine Clan.

The sapling had the chance to become a strong and sturdy tree that could withstand the pressures from the strong typhoons, floods, and all natural disasters while ensuring the protection of the ones under it.

But the sapling, the Constantine Clan, it was not given a chance to grow and was uprooted even before it could reach its full potential.

The members who were banished, even they weren't left alone.

The nobles sent assassins and sometimes went themselves to hunt the members of the Constantine Clan. It had been going on for ages and it was still continuing to this day. The reason was:

The noble clan which worked to overthrow the Constantine Clan was still there.

The one which planned everything were the former Duke Clan and now Count Clan, the Valentine Clan.

The Valentine Clan had survived the brunt of Lith's mother's wrath but they were grazed down to become a Baron from being Duke.

This Valentine Clan thought that Lilith was an assassin and she ended up killing their King not by herself but with the help of other Supreme Ranks of that time. It was simply not possible to kill a Supreme Rank by an individual without breaking into a fight fight.

Thus, the Valentine Clan thought Lilith was a single individual and if they went with an all out war with her, she would die and they could end up taking the throne.

Greed got the better of them and they once again banded the other nobles. This time they promised to give them a lot of resources and things and also brainwashed them with saying that a traitor had killed the King and was now on the throne.

The nobles being greedy beings, went along with the Valentine Clan's wishes and the nobles attacked Lilith.

The end result was obvious with the vampire nobles suffering a crushing defeat. All of the Duke Clans, except for the Valentine Clan were completely wiped out with no trace of them being left.

Them, along with many other nobles clans suffered the same thing. Only a few were left alive who were smart enough to not attack Lilith.

Those smart nobles were the current Duke Clans. The Vernaz Clan, The Dracula Clan, The Crimson Clan, The Adelstein Clan, and The Violet Clan.

The Valentine Clan was alive today till this day because they had even tricked Lilith by making every other Duke seem the culprit. They never took charge to kill Lilith as they thought of the future and they had a backup plan to put all the blame on others.

They were greedy but also very smart. Many nobles suffered because of this and the Valentine Clan, though suffered due to Lilith, it wasn't much. They were only demoted down to Viscounts and lived well.

After Lilith took the throne, the Count clans ensured that the Valentine Clan does not perform any stupid deed again and they kept them in check.

The Viscount Clan also learned from their past mistake and they became very loyal to the Queen and never did anything stupid again yet.

But, in fear of the Constantine Clan coming back and hurting them, they ensured that nobody stayed alive and always were on the lookout for the individuals from this clan.

Alexandra's parents had suffered a lot due to this and at one point, things became so problematic that they even had to hide their surname. They suffered day and night due to the Valentine Clan.

Finally, when Alexandra awakened her Magic Core, she took the academy test and passed.

Her parents were very happy but since Alexandra had topped the exam, the academy released this news and the Valentine Clan got wind of it.

They sent assassins again and Alexandra's parents tried their very best to send her to the academy and seek shelter from them. They did succeed in doing so but they paid a price.

Their lives.

Alexandra saw how her parents were killed and this trauma was always with her. She thus thought of herself being very useless, someone who couldn't even protect her own parents.

All of these emotions were buried deep in her heart and she was always aloof. She always strived to become stronger and killing the ones stronger than her became a source of pleasure for her and she strived more for this feeling, eventually ending up awakening sadistic tendencies.

She was protected well by the academy and the academy also apologized for their huge mistake. The ended up helping Alexandra by making sure that her parents reincarnate.

Alexandra was shown who her parents were around the time she was about to graduate and the academy asked her to become strong enough to protect her parents as well as herself. They also were the ones to recommend her into joining the Shadow River Sect and due to their mistake at the start, they also guaranteed her protection and her parent's until she became a King Rank.

Alexandra was thus living her life in Shadow River Sect without hiding her name and her parents were currently in some part of the world, living their lives like mortals.

Alexandra, all her life, she hadn't opened up to anyone and it was only today when she drank Lith's blood, she became attached to him and opened up, revealing all her deep and buried trauma.

Had the academy not helped her later, she would've already ended up killing herself. But thankfully they did and she was now alive and well.

Hearing all of her story, Lith's heart softened up. This girl in his arms had suffered so much and yet looked like there was no such thing that may have happened with her.

In the end, it was due to Lith's fault that she became attached to him and also was going to end her life.

Lith sighed hearing all of this. He was at fault for her being like this and since that was the case, he would take full responsibility of her.

Lith patted Alexandra's back and having her look at him, he said with a serious tone,

"Alexandra, am I your darling?"

Alexandra nodded her head. Wasn't it obvious?

Lith smiled hearing that. He then continued,

"Then, will you spend the rest of your life with me?"

"Darling…" Alexandra became teary eyed hearing that. Was that even a question? She would even die for him if he asked!

She nodded her head again as tears tripped down her face.

Lith wiped her tears off her face and putting her head back on his chest, he said patting her back and kissing her forehead,

"Silly, don't cry for things like this. You're a strong woman, aren't you?"

"Mhm…" Alexandra just hummed.

"Sleep for a bit. We'll talk again later." Lith knew she was exhausted and thus asked her to sleep.

"Goodnight, darling." Alexandra said and went to sleep.

Lith kissed her forehead again and said softly, "goodnight, dear."

After Alexandra went to sleep, a murderous glint appeared in his eyes and his expression became very serious. He stared into the empty space in front of him and muttered,

"Count Valentine…"

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