Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 310 Cooking gone wild? No, it's cookingin the wild

Chapter 310 Cooking gone wild? No, it's cookingin the wild

Chapter 310 Cooking gone wild? No, it's cookingin the wild

Lith was still in the church, praying. He kept spouting random shameless things and was checking how long it would take for Emilia to send a response.

Not even half a minute passed since he started praying…

Zap! Zap!

Two bolts of lightning emerged out of the statue and shocked Lith, making his hair become a mess and him to feel a tingle all over his body.

Lith was surprised to get such a reaction and he chuckled in joy. His prayers weren't in vain and he did indeed get a reaction. Judging from how Emilia sent only two small bolts of lightning, Lith could figure out that she didn't want to hurt him and was also too embarrassed to ask him to stop.

Lith combed his hair with his hand and walked out of the church chuckling. He was happy getting such a reaction and he decided to come again to see how Emilia would react in future.

Lith went back to his room after his stroll and like everyday, Alexandra met him and the two slept together when it was night.

The next day.

Lith went again to the church and prayed, "oh lord, this devotee of thy has comprehend things no mortal is supposed to. Lord, I share this knowledge with you and hope thou puts me on the correct path."

"Lord, the thing thou devotee hath comprehend is as follows:

Cheese has holes.

So, more cheese equals more holes.

But, more holes equals less cheese and finally this gives thy devotee a proof that,

More cheese equals less cheese."

"Lord, thy devotee is confused… thy devotee is–"

Zap! Zap!

Lith got shocked by lightning again this time. He chuckled knowing how fast the response was this time. It wasn't even half a minute since he started.

Lith walked away after correcting his appearance and while on his way, he decided to test how fast Emilia would react when she was told other shameless things.


The next day.

Lith went back to the church and this time, he started spouting naughty things to Emilia without feeling ashamed or hesitating even the slightest.

Lith and Emilia were close and it was okay to say such things. But if they weren't such good friends, it was definitely not a good thing to do. Angels were pure beings and they disliked people who took part in derogatory things.

Emilia wasn't an exception to this. But, Lith and her relationship was good and Lith could easily pull off such pranks on her.


Principal's office, Abalax World Academy.

Emilia, who was sipping tea, suddenly stopped drinking it and frowned. She put down the teacup and a slight blush was visible on her face.

Sel noticed this and asked, "Madam, are you feeling hot?"

Though the possibility of such a thing happening was little to none, Sel had no other reason in her mind to think of that could make Emilia have such a blush and so she asked the first thing that came to her.

Emilia who was in her own world snapped out of it and realizing Sel's question, she cleared her throat and tried to put the blush away from her face.

"Ahem. Yes, slightly."

Emilia lied. Despite being an angel, she lied. Though she didn't like lying, the situation at hand was too embarrassing to speak out loud and since the lie wasn't something that was harmful, Emilia felt it was okay to do so.

Sel nodded and casted a few spells to make the room a bit cold.

"Ah, thanks Sel. But, you don't have to." Emilia felt a bit embarrassed to see Sel taking such good care of her.

Emilia got up from her seat and looking at Sel, she said, "uhh… I am gonna go out. I'll be back after a while."

"Where are you going, madam?" Sel asked. She didn't want Emilia to work more than needed and if there was anything that required her assistance, she would happily do so.

She was Emilia's subordinate, she felt no problem to do such a thing. In fact, it would make her happy to take some load off of her madam.

Emilia, she ran away in a hurry so that she could avoid Sel's questioning and while she was at it, her distanced voice echoed in Sel's ears, saying.

"...on a stroll. Will be back shortly."

Sel wondered what work could it be that made Emilia not finish her tea and go in a hurry. She checked Emilia's schedule and saw no such thing as needing to go out of her office. But well… since Emilia said it was work, then it was work and Sel didn't dwell on it much. She too had a lot of work and she got back into doing it.


Light Church, Shadow River Sect.

Lith was still shamelessly praying to Emilia. He was currently telling her how he, a mortal, accidentally stumbled upon a scripture telling him that babies weren't something given to people by God. Instead, babies were made by them puny mortals themselves with a certain technique.

Lith then started telling Emilia shamelessly about how procreation was and it hadn't been ten seconds since he started speaking about it when space fluctuated right in front of him and a bright light flashed in front of his eyes.josei

A few seconds later, Lith's vision turned to normal and he saw himself in a forest, tied up to a tree. In front of him was a beautiful blonde-haired lady wearing an oversized white shirt, blue pants that were tight fitting and showed her thick thighs.

The lady's hair was tied in a ponytail and it was slightly messy. She currently had her brows knitted and was looking at Lith with her blue eyes through her round gold rim glasses.

The lady in front of Lith had a frustrated look on her face.

But Lith was calm and felt nothing about it. Instead, he smiled and said,

"Hi, Miss Emilia."

"Hi!? Hi!? Seriously!? How in the heavens are you so calm after doing all of that!?" Emilia said in frustration to Lith.

Lith kept his smile on and said, "I did what exactly?"

"You did– wait! No! Don't think you can make me spout those things!" Emilie became self-conscious mid way and stopped herself from saying anything shameless.

Lith chuckled, noticing her cute reaction. It had been a long time since he made the calm and collected Emila lose her cool.

Lith knew he was playing with fire by annoying Emilia but he wasn't worried at all.

"Hmm, by the way Miss Emilia, when I was in Redstone City, I found this amazing tea there. Do you wanna know about it?" Lith changed the topic like a professional.

"What tea?" Emilia didn't notice him changing topics either. Tea was her favourite thing to have as it helped her become mentally relaxed. A good warm cup of tea was something Emilia always craved.

"Well… there's this mountain called Duram Tea Peak and the tea leaves there are amazing. You should try the tea from there sometimes. It isn't very sweet and also the taste is…"

Lith started talking about tea to Emilia and when he noticed Emilia got absorbed into hearing what he was saying, Lith slowly removed the rope he was tied with.

He continued explaining to her about tea and then went on to explain about various other foods that he found in Redstone City.

Emilia was too tired from work and when Lith talked about food to her, her interest piqued and she somehow put everything that happened to the back of her mind and focused on the current thing.

After a few minutes of explaining, Lith said to Emilia, "alright, now that you are here, how about we make some food together?"

Hearing that, Emilia nodded and said, "okay."

"Alright then. We'll make food in the wild today. Foods that require the most minimal ingredients and utensils, but taste just as good as food cooked in the kitchen present at home." Lith said with a smile.

Emilia nodded. She was interested to see how it would turn out.

Lith swirled his index finger in the air and the ground in front of him cleared up and a lot of round rocks positioned themselves in a circle around the cleared ground.

Lith then dug a small hole in the middle and added firewood to it and started a fire. He then put two sticks at the sides and one on top of it. He attached a pot that had a wire and a hook to it to the stick in the middle and made the pot hover over the fire.

"Our pot is ready. Let's make a stew." Lith said to Emilia with a smile.

Emilia nodded. She knew how to make stew. They had done it previously. It was very simple. Just add oil to the pan and when it's hot, add onions and saute them for a while.

After onions turn slightly translucent, add meat of choice and let it cook a bit. Once the oil from the meat fat is released, add more vegetables and let them cook. Add spices of choice and after they all get a slight char on them, add water and cover the pot with a lid.

Very easy and simple.

Emilia went ahead and chopped the vegetables and Lith went to cook the meat.

Emilia added the vegetables to the pot and cooked them for a while. After the vegetables got a char, she added water and closed the lid.

A while later, Lith opened the pot and the smell of freshly made stew permeated through the nose of Lith and Emilia, making both of them drool slightly.

But, instead of serving the stew, Lith first took some out on a saucer and asked Emilia to come over. He put the saucer close to Emilia's mouth and said with a smile,

"Here, have some."

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