Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 225 The Culprit (2)

Chapter 225 The Culprit (2)


A loud explosion occurred at the ground present a few hundred meters away from the auditorium.

After the smoke cleared, two figures were seen on a large crater formed due to the explosion. One was lying on the ground and another was standing a few meters away.

“W-why!? Why did you attack me so suddenly, Emilia!”

Emilia looked at the black-haired, brown-eyed man with an indifferent gaze and said, “every time you tried to tarnish my reputation, I let it go. But today, I won’t let you. You made the lives of thousands of students be at risk. This is unacceptable, Eric.”

“Huh!?” Eric said in shock. When did he do such a thing?

“No point playing dumb, Eric. It’s over now.” Emilia said with the same indifference.

Golden streaks of lightning crackled around her and she made a spear out of lightning in an instant.

Crackle! josei

The spear made a crackling sound and Emilia threw it towards Eric.

Eric could feel the power of the spear and a cold sweat trickled down his back. He immediately willed the wind elements around and escaped.

Colorful pair of wings extended out of Emilia’s back as she saw Eric escaping and chased after him.

Eric tried to escape from the academy and ran at full speed. But in the next instant, he hit a barrier and was halted.

Emilia closed in on him right at this moment and made a thunder hammer by willing the lightning elements around. She struck the hammer at Eric’s shoulder.

Eric’s shoulder broke and he fell down, causing a loud explosion.

Emilia raised her hand up in the air and the bright blue sky got covered with dense dark clouds. The atmosphere turned dark all of a sudden.


A loud rumbling was heard in the sky. Lightning crackled around the clouds, becoming the only source of light in this eerie dark atmosphere Emilia just created.

Eric looked above him and his body trembled in fear. Emilia who normally seemed like a gentle and kind lady was now looking like a divine who mustn’t be looked at.

Her colorful wings that normally seemed beautiful, now looked like colorful war flags. Her pure blue eyes that usually showed gentleness and warmth in them now shined brightly with a ruthless and domineering glint.

The staff had come out of the auditorium and as they looked at the scene in front of them, even they couldn’t help but feel a chill down their spine. Just imagining themselves to be in Eric’s position caused the muscles in their bladder to contract and relax, making them feel butterflies. Had they not been high rank beings, they would’ve pissed themselves already.

Eric took a deep breath and shouted on top of his lungs:



Emilia simply said a single word but that had so much power in it that Eric felt heavy in his throat and not being able to utter a single word. Not just him, the staff members were feeling the same, albeit a bit less pressure than Eric. There was only one person who didn’t feel this pressure, it was Sel.

Sel was standing on the rooftop of the main building and was looking at her madam. It was not everyday that she would get to see her in this form.

‘Madam sure is angry today. But, this is good. This makes me feel protected and safe. My decision to serve her wasn’t in vain.’ Sel thought to herself. Thinking of this brought a small smile on her face which usually had a neutral look on it.


Heavenly Court, Angel Continent.

Inside a sacred and holy, bright silver and gold palace.

A handsome blonde-haired, blue-eyed man appearing to be in his late 30s was looking at the people seated in front of him. Right at this moment, he looked in a certain direction.

‘Hmm? What happened to that girl? Why does she seem so angry today?’ The man wondered and kept looking in that direction.

A few moments later, he turned his gaze back to the people present in front of him.

‘Seems like I would need to clear some mess later. But, it’s fine. She had been relaxed for far too long. Exercising once in a while like this is good.’ The man thought and had a small smile appear on his face.


Emilia gave Eric one final look in the eye and lowered her raised hand, pointing it at him.



Lightning descended down on Eric’s body followed by hundreds of thousands of ice spears covered in reddish flames. The dark atmosphere got a red luster to it as it rained down flaming ice spears.

Eric tried to escape but felt himself locked in his place. How was he, an Emperor Rank, so powerless against another Emperor Rank? How was he so weak? Why was he not able to move? Many thoughts crossed Eric’s mind before everything around him turned dark and his consciousness collapsed.

Boom! Boom! Boom!


The flaming ice spears exploded one after another as they touched Eric’s body and lightning continuously striked down at his body. This didn’t last for long and was over within a few seconds.

Emilia made a lightning hammer once again and struck down to where Eric was.


An explosion, louder than ever before occurred and so much of earth was displaced that saying a crater was formed would be an understatement.

A big chunk of land was destroyed by Emilia and this caused a lot of smoke to arise. It took a few seconds for the smoke to disperse and in this while, the dark clouds slightly parted, giving way to a ray of sunshine to fall below.

After the smoke was gone, Emilia’s divine figure was visible. The ray of sunshine made her fluttering blonde and colorful wings shimmer. The winds caused her robes to flutter and the lightning hammer in her hand covered in blood made her appear merciless and murderous.

Emilia had a cold, indifferent and a stern look on her face as she looked down at the pile of what little flesh and blood of Eric that remained.

Today was the day when her patience broke. The day when enough was enough. Eric had committed a grave crime. He had brought risk upon the lives of the students by rigging the tournament. Not only that, the first victims were none other than her own and her friend’s students. This was unforgivable.

Emilia then turned her gaze towards the staff members and pointed her hammer towards them and said:

“Listen carefully. From now on, if anyone ever dares to do anything that may bring harm to the students, I won’t be polite. What you saw today is just the tip of the iceberg. The punishment next time won’t be light.”

Everyone shivered in fear and a cold sweat trickled down their back. Some even clenched their butt tightly as they heard Emilia.

Looking at her divine war god-like figure made them recall about the different Angel Kings. And as they recalled about it, realization dawned upon them. They all felt goosebumps and a chill down their spine as they looked at Emilia. It was her… the strongest Angel King…

War Angel Emilia!




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