Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 379 Sacred Cleansing Ceremony*

Chapter 379 Sacred Cleansing Ceremony*

Chapter 379 Sacred Cleansing Ceremony*

Luna was reciting verses and the others were listening silently to them.

After a while, Luna was done with it and looking at Lith, she said softly, "we'll begin the sacred cleansing ceremony."

Luna took out a small saucer from who knows where and took some water from the square pit into it. This water was the sacred water. It was imbued with the sacred verses Luna just chanted.

Luna held the saucer in her hands and she was about to drink it down but stopped. She looked at Lilith and noticed her shaking her head.

Luna nodded and got up. She moved towards Lith and squatted down.

Luna dipped her two fingers inside the sacred water and looking at Lith, she said calmly, "Your Highness, open your mouth."

Lith didn't question and opened it.

Luna moved her fingers from the water to above his mouth and soon the sacred water dripped down Luna's fingers and entered inside Lith's mouth.

Luna then dipped her fingers back into the water and looked down, only to find that Lith's shaft was semi-erect. She turned to look at Lilith who was beside Lith and seeked for help.

Lilith smiled and held Lith's shaft. She pulled his foreskin back and made it stand erect.

Lith was sitting without any pants and his lower body was naked. The same was the case with the other ladies.

Luna then placed her fingers above Lith's shaft and the water dripped on his urethra and entered inside him.

Luna then moved her hands down and made her two fingers enter inside Lith's butt once again.

After the water was in, she took her fingers out.

Lith was once again surprised by how weird this ceremony was. What even was happening? He wondered.

But his thoughts were soon broken when he was asked to get up by Luna.

Lith did as asked and got up. Luna was still squatting down and her face was close to Lith's shaft. She turned to look at him and smiled lightly.

Lith wondered what she was going to do next.

To Lith's surprise, Luna drank all of the water from the saucer. Her cheeks now looked puffed slightly and it was evident that she hadn't gulped the water down.

Luna then held Lith's shaft and made it enter inside her mouth. She ensured that everything was coated with sacred water and after doing that, she took it out of her mouth.

Luna then made Lilith take Lith's shaft in her mouth. Lilith did as asked. After that was done, Luna took Lith's shaft back in her mouth and coated it fully once again. She then made Lilith get up and made Lith's dick coated with sacred water enter inside her cunt.

Lith honestly had no idea what the fuck was happening and this was so damn weird!

The ceremonies held previously were some light hearted games and he thought that vampire ceremonies were just something that was fun. But who knew that it was going to end up like this? Lith was now a hundred percent sure that this was definitely made by some bored perverted idiot!

Also, Lith was told that this wedding was still very tame. This made him wonder, what would the ceremonies look like which were untamed? How wild could they even be?

Lith's thoughts were broken when Luna took his shaft once again in her mouth and this time made it enter Lilith's ass hole.

Lith's cock entered deep inside her and Luna made him take it out. She didn't let him pound Lilith's ass.

Luna went ahead and repeated the same things with the other ladies. The ladies were just as surprised as Lith, except for Lucy, who already knew about these things.

After everyone was done, Luna looked at Lilith. There was still some sacred water left in her mouth. Luna couldn't drink it as it wasn't meant for her.

Lilith pointed down towards her pussy and said to Luna, "drop a small amount of it to everyone present."

Luna nodded. She moved towards Lilith's pussy and latching onto her pussy, she made some of the sacred water enter inside it. She then moved towards Arya beside her and did the same. Then it was Emilia, then Alexandra, and then Lucy.

The sacred water was over from her mouth and she got back to sitting in her original place.

Luna once again started reciting the verses and the ceremonies began again.

While that was happening, Lilith sitting beside Lith moved closer to Lith's ears and said softly,

"This was very tame, you know? In the untamed vampire weddings, the priestess drinks the sacred water and keeps it inside her mouth. She then takes the groom's dick in her mouth and makes the water flow in. After that is done, she kisses the anus of the groom and makes the water flow in."

"Afterwards, she drinks the water herself. The priestess then pees the sacred water inside the groom's mouth and makes the groom drink it. The groom then pees the water into all three holes of his ladies and cleanses them."

"If by any chance the water is finished, the priestess scoops some more of it from the sacred pit and repeats the process."

Lith's body shivered slightly as he heard that. These damn vampires! Holy fuck! Were they okay in their heads!? What the fuck was up with their sense of morality or even rationality!?

Lith couldn't help but curse in his mind.

But then Lith realized, he was a vampire as well.

'Ah fuck! It seems I'll have to go through all of this. Now it makes me wonder what are the rest of the things that'll happen. Will they be something more lewd than this?'

Lilith smiled, noticing Lith's expressions. She could roughly tell what he was thinking.

She licked Lith's ear and brought him back to his senses. She then said softly, "Nothing much would happen from now and the ceremony would end in a quiet manner."josei

Lilith then got back to her place and sat silently, listening to the verses Luna said.

As for Lith, he highly doubted this. But he chose to remain silent and just let things flow.

A few more ceremonies and the marriage would finally end!

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