Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 410 Near The Senzal Clan Main Area

Chapter 410 Near The Senzal Clan Main Area

Lith and his squad reached the Senzal Clan's territory. They had breached themselves into the big territory and were currently right outside the main area of the clan.

The main area spanned across a thousand kilometres from North to South and around five hundred kilometres from East to West. 

This main area was the place where the members of the clan lived and also the most important things and resources were present. There was a rumour in Redstone City that the Senzal Clan had a five hundred thousand years old Fusang tree planted near a Death elemental energy rich pond.

The vitality of the tree and the death element rich pond were the complete opposite of each other, but they were in harmony and complemented each other rather than getting corrupted.

This was a one of its kind treasure in the world and despite being common knowledge everywhere, it wasn't stolen from the Senzal Clan as they lived in the Neutral Continent.

Had anyone tried taking this treasure from the Senzal Clan, they could just file a complaint to the CNC and the CNC would need to work their ass off to investigate and find the culprit while also ensuring that the treasure was returned. If they failed to do so, their reputation would take a big hit and not only would they suffer, the masses would question the authorities of the other eight continents.

It was really easy to cause fire from a simple spark if it came to geopolitics. There were a lot of people who would ensure such chaos ensued properly.

The CNC always kept an eye out for this treasure so that such a messed up thing never occurred and as this world was very advanced in magic and technology both, there were simply a few high level spells present around the Senzal Clan territory and people weren't needed to keep an eye on it.

However, currently there were no eyes of the CNC in this region. The entire city was a conflict zone and the CNC would turn a blind eye to whatever would happen here, be it murder, robbery, homicide, or any other crime.

Lith and his squad who were right outside the main area thus didn't have to worry about the CNC, but the Senzal Clan itself who may have laid a lot of traps right here. Security was too tight outside the main area and Lith was well aware of it.

There was another thing Lith had to be on the lookout for…josei

'External threats.' Lith looked at the translucent yellow barrier in front of him and thought to himself.

The area in which he was in was a forest region and in front of them was a yellow barrier that did show the inside of the main area, but Lith knew it was just a trap and not the real image of the insides.

There was an array formation present and the spell could be slightly seen by Lith on the barrier itself.

But what worried Lith wasn't the security of the Senzal Clan, but the external threat.

'The clan has an extremely important treasure with itself. Though it's not something that would make people above King Rank kill each other or rush here to get it, but it was definitely of importance for people of Half King Rank and below.' Lith thought as he looked at the barrier with a serious gaze.

The people behind him were on standby and didn't act. They were waiting for Lith's commands and even Ralph was the same.

Though he was the one to make the plans and the others were going to act on it, he considered himself just the strategist and not the leader itself. The leader was Lith and it was well justified.

Lith had both the brawn and the brain and Ralph was one hundred percent sure that Lith's intellectual prowess far surpassed his own. Though Ralph never showed it that he felt like that, he definitely wasn't ignorant about it.

Ralph commended Lith for it and was internally really happy that he had someone like Lith as his friend. The strong worshipped the stronger and the stronger worshipped the strongest in this world.

Ralph was the same and being a demon, it was his innate nature to look up to someone strong. He considered Lith as a benchmark that he needed to achieve and maybe try crossing it. He knew it was easier thought than done but one can always dream and have a goal, even if it seemed impossible and imaginary.

The sky isn't the limit and the road to cultivation was something that had no end to it.

Having such deep thoughts in mind, Ralph waited silently in his place for Lith's commands.

As for Dennis, his thoughts were…

Dennis was looking at the barrier as well while standing but his mind was somewhere else as he sat on a tree and gazed in front of him.

'When will this war be over? I am kind of getting bored… I wanna have a nice bowl of donburi. Hmm, was it called donburi or was it something else? Maybe I don't want donburi but oyakodon with rice. Speaking of oyakodon…'

'...That Oyakodon doujin was so good… omo, will I ever get to experience an oyakodon? Should I maybe…'

…Dennis's thoughts were anything but serious.

The ten other disciples from the Shadow River Sect were quietly standing on different tree branches and were waiting for the further orders.

They had no opinion of Lith, Ralph, or Dennis and were neutral. They didn't see how Lith fought in the control room and what things he did and they also didn't see both Ralph and Dennis in action yet.

They were just wondering why the sect allotted them to these outsiders and were more curious about it than worried about what would happen to their sect in this war and how much losses there would be.

A while passed as Lith looked in front of him and then said softly to Ralph and Dennis without looking at them,

"This is a level 4 array and it's anything but good news for us." 

Ralph and Dennis both frowned as they heard that. 

A level 4 array was too much for them and it definitely seemed like suicide to even touch it, let alone thinking about breaking inside it.

There were many levels to array formations and a level 4 array meant that nobody below King Rank would be able to break it.

There definitely was a King Rank needed to break it and nobody in this entire war was of that level — not even the Sect Masters. 

Lith kept thinking about how he would go inside. He did have an artifact with him that would help him break inside, but that would create some flashy movements and it would alert the clan. He couldn't use it.

He also didn't have enough brute force or any stealth techniques to let him and his squad pass inside.

A few minutes passed as Lith kept thinking and then, having no other option, he simply took out a golden token from his ring and looked into it.

There was a black scorpion-like creature etched onto the token, with the only difference being that it had seven tails instead of a single one with a stinger.

'If it's flashy, then so be it. I refuse to get external help in this war. I am here for experience, I am aware of the predicaments that may occur. If this alerts the sect and they send strong people, then all I have to do is be stronger than those people and defeat them.'

'If I am not strong enough, I have to use different tactics to defeat those strong people and if that doesn't work either and they have the absolute advantage of power, I can always run and I do have the means to run away with these people with me.'

'Alright, I guess, it's really necessary to use this…'

Lith took a deep breath and got down from the tree. He looked back at the squad sitting and standing on the tree branches and said in a neutral tone, but with a serious gaze: 

"Brace yourselves."

Lith didn't say anything anymore and went towards the barrier.

He brought the token close to the barrier and...


A/N: 3/3 bonus chapter for Magic Castle sent by Mik_Ray. So sorry that it got delayed so much :(

I'll be back to uploading 2 chapters per day from tomorrow onwards.

It'll be consistent this time. 

Also, new month gonna start soon, get the goals lads:

1130/1250 GTs (+1 bonus)

756/1300 powerstones (+1 bonus)

We not gonna make it to powerstone goal this week either, kinda sad, but alright.

Have a good day all of you ;)

Oh yeah btw, I uploaded consistently for 2 months straight and webnovel rewarded me with coins. I don't have the use for it and so you can have it on my behalf.

Here's the code: 


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