Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 613 You Should Take A Break, Nephew Lith.

Chapter 613 You Should Take A Break, Nephew Lith.

"Little cousin~"

Alea cheerfully hopped her way towards Lith and stopped after being in front of him.

She looked down at Lith and asked with a smile, "What are you doing?" josei

Lith, looking up at Alea, answered, "Working on political things." 

"Oh, interesting!" Alea seemed surprised, despite knowing Lith's main purpose here was to learn politics.

She squatted down and being on his level, asked with a bright smile, "Can I see?" 

Alea liked papers and Lith seemed to have a stack of them in his hands. It didn't matter what the content in it was, she wanted to see and study them too.

"Sure." Lith answered and gave her the stack.

Alea sat down cross-legged in front of Lith and went through the papers.

Lith stared at her, wondering if she knew about politics too or was just trying to get included in things he was doing.

It took Alea a few minutes but she went through everything Lith had accumulated in the past few days.

Putting down the stack of papers, she looked at him and said with a smile, "So little cousin is trying to understand why the upper echelon hates the lower one and what conflicts are happening?" 

Lith raised his eyebrows in surprise. Alea hit the bull's eye by asking such a question because that was indeed the core question to the data present on the papers Lith had gathered.

'Is she really an airhead?' Lith thought to himself.

Putting aside that thought, he replied, "That's right. Although I do know why they hate each other, I am trying to understand who hates who and to what degree things have escalated."

Lith put aside his thought of her being an airhead and talked about the main thing with Alea, assuming that she understood what he was saying.

"That's so easy to know. Why would you waste time roaming for it?" Alea asked with an innocent smile.

"How is it easy?" Lith asked, trying to understand what was going in this little elf's mind to say such a thing.

"Simple. Just ask mama!" Alea said with all smiles, as if it was a common thing that everyone knew.

"..." Lith didn't know what to say after hearing that. 

Although he felt her comment was stupid, but he didn't say it out loud as hurting the innocent Alea wasn't something he was willing to do.

But her comment made him ponder over it for a few seconds and he realized she may be right. His aunt was the Queen, she definitely might have an idea of it.

Lith nodded his head in response and said, "I'll ask her the next time I see her. Is there any other way to know more?" 

It was always good to have multiple sources from where information could be collected.

Although Lith asked that, he didn't keep his expectations high because of obvious reasons.

Alea nodded and clapped her hand. "Of course!" She pointed at herself and continued, "You can always ask big sis here."

"Do you know about the conflicts?" Lith asked calmly. It would've surprised him before, but now he was used to Alea completely exceeding his expectations. 

Alea nodded her head.

"What problem does the Blanc House have with the lesser nobles?" He asked a question which he was familiar with and knew the answer as well, trying to test Alea.

Alea smiled and answered, "The Blanc house got irritated and…"

Alea and Lith conversed together for the next few hours.

Lith didn't expect it, but Alea had knowledge of all the conflicts happening in the Elven Society. Ranging from the lowest of commoners to the high elves, she knew almost everything.

As Lith conversed more with her, he realized she already was well versed with the politics of her race. This was completely out of his expectations and shocked him, making Lith rethink who Alea was.

He was starting to doubt if Alea was truly an airhead or was just putting up an act.

But before the doubt could even form properly in his mind, Alea made noises like 'boom! 'baah!' 'woosh!' to mimic explosions and other things in her explanation.

She struggled to properly explain things even though she seemed to know about it.

Alea's explaining skills were bad. Very bad. Had she not been fluent in her speech, there would've been no difference between her and a child who just broke something and was now trying to give an explanation.

Despite sucking at explaining things properly, Lith understood everything, thanks to his great comprehension abilities.

It was a headache to talk to Alea, but her roaming around him and doing different gestures to explain things looked fun and made Lith smile.

Although Alea was older than him and Lucy both, her innocent and cute way of doing things just made Lith think of her as someone younger than him.

He didn't know why, but the more their talks continued and Alea did her cute little gestures like going around him in circles or making finger guns whenever she said something cool, it made him want to pamper her as she seemed just too adorable.

But despite having such an impression, Alea's words contained depth and she gave out important information regarding things which made Lith focus more on them.

The sun set and the moon with a silver-green hue on it appeared in the night sky of the Elven Continent.

Throughout the day, it was just Alea who spoke with Lith occasionally asking more questions.

It was a fruitful and productive conversation and ended only when Jasmine arrived and took Alea away.

Lith was now alone in the courtyard. He was going through the discussion that happened today and was making a mind map of a few important things.

A few hours passed without even him realizing.

Since he was a vampire and an immortal, the passage of time and the day and night cycle was totally different for him.

Lith was absorbed in his work and didn't stop until…

"You should take a break, nephew Lith." Agalea's gentle voice rang in his ears.

Lith turned around after hearing the voice, only to see Agalea, donning loose white robes, walk towards him while basking in the moonlight and appearing like someone from a fairytale.

All his life, Lith had been surrounded by beauties, but this didn't mean he became numb to things and was emotionless.

Lith flashed a small smile and looking Agalea in the eyes, said, "Aunt looks beautiful." 

Lith wasn't stingy with compliments and gave appreciation where it was due, like a true gentleman. It didn't matter if it seemed like he was hitting on his aunt because he was only stating what was the truth.

Agalea was taken aback and surprised after hearing such a statement. 

From the looks of it, Lith's eyes seemed pure and he didn't seem to have any trace of perversion in him when saying such a statement. 

This made Agalea suddenly have her old times flash in front of her eyes.

When she was young and adventuring outside, many would compliment her. But it was all superficial. People had ulterior motives in mind when saying those things.

But for the first time, Agalea heard a compliment from someone of the opposite sex and didn't find any hints of ulterior motives.

She couldn't help but smile in response.

As Agalea neared him, she complimented Lith back by calling him handsome.

She then asked after getting close to him, "How are you feeling in the Elven Continent? Any problems so far?" 

She was his aunt and was fulfilling her duty by checking up on him.

Lith got up and stretched a bit. "None so far. I am actually enjoying the ambience here. It's very warm and nice." 

Agalea chuckled hearing that. "For the first time I've seen a vampire enjoy the Elven atmosphere." 

Vampires loved darker environments and the Elven Continent was the complete opposite of it. They didn't like this place and usually stayed away.

Lith's case however was a bit different as he was a former human and enjoyed green landscapes. He appreciated nature and coming to this fantasy world, his appreciation only rose further.

But of course, he couldn't say this to his aunt. Instead, he smiled and replied, 

"There are always exceptions." 

Agalea chuckled. "Seems like so. Anyway, how are things going on?" 

Lith took out papers from his ring and handed it to Agalea.

"So far, what I've come across is..."

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